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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Akipuff

  1. So, I was playing Pokémon Volt White 2 a few weeks ago. It's a hack of BW 2, if you don't know. With harder difficulty and more pokémon. Serperior is even grass + dragon. lol So, sometimes I'm like "Uhh... Where do I go next?" or "What do I do next?", so I kinda want to know if someone can help me? I could try screensharing in a Skype call for the person who will help me with it.
  2. Akipuff


    *Uses a magnifying glass to read the 2nd part* Uhhhh...
  3. Akipuff


    *Smacks with a paper fan*
  4. Akipuff


    ... What does my baby learn at level 56? o.o
  5. Akipuff


    Nevah! I never became a guru for YGO, so I doubt anything similar will happen with Pokémon. lol
  6. Akipuff


    I never saw anyone mention it, so...
  7. Akipuff


    Level 1 Magikarp is still OP-er than you.
  8. Akipuff


    It was super effective! Akipuff fainted! Wild meanie gets 999.999.999 exp and 999.999 pokémoney (yustealmahmoneyandexp)
  9. Akipuff


    Wild meanie appeared! D: *Throws rock* :3 Thanks
  10. Akipuff


    I can pm you a link to the sim I'm staff on, if you wanna duel. I don't like getting on Dev since they bully me for not doing competitive.
  11. Akipuff


    Black Rose x Stardust! <3 I never saw you on Dev. I was AkizaIzinski98 there. You may see people talking about me there, I got some salty haters.
  12. Akipuff


    Thanks And yep. RoseAngel and Akipuff. I also played on 3 other sims, and I'm staff on one.
  13. Akipuff


    Thanks! :3 I just wish we could have more than 1 of the starters, and could decide on genders. ;-; Femaler Serperior and Meganium. <3 Wrong section?! D: I never saw an introduction one. ;-; And I was kinda confused. I was scrolling on the forum and was like "... Uhhh... I see no intro sub-forum... I guess I'll just post here?" because I got in this section from another thread. :x
  14. Akipuff


    Hello, I'm new here~ I just got my browser to NOT cancel or fail the download (... I think my antivirus hates Reborn. *Kills antivirus*) So, yeah, hello~ :3
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