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About Narckarth

  • Birthday 07/20/1998

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    I don't know
  • Interests
    Video Games, Shows and the thinking are generally what I use to entertain myself most of the time.

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  1. Someone should make a post-apoc series were shiny Pokemon have become a currency, 3DS are like wallets and the most sought after items in the world are chargers.

  2. Blade Kitten- bad game Castle Crashers- more effort than its worth Mirror's Edge- did not enjoy at all Sonic Adventure 2- broken game No Time To Explain- bad game Elements: Soul of Fire- far more effort than its worth Forced- terrible game Strife- old cryptic games are the worst. I get it you had to make the game last. MAZES ARE NOT THE WAY TO DO IT! Bioshock Infinite- The last bit of the game is bit to difficult for me, my friends tell me I've basically finished it though so I can't really be bothered to put in the effort. Half-Life 2: Episode 2- That last bit with the Striders is stupid just awful It isn't fun at all and I just can't be bothered to struggle through it. I ended up looking up the ending. Risk of Rain- I found this game really really boring
  3. I would hardly say Darmanitan is chained down by its zen mode ability. Normal Darmanitan is a monster. If it were the other way around you would have a point. There aren't many Pokemon that could be considered "chained down" out side of the really obvious ones. But I would say that Shedninja is held back (although not by much) because of its gimmick. the fact that is can only able to survive two hits (and to do that requires sacrificing its item slot) really hurts Shedninja. Its ability is next to useless as well, except in very rare and particular circumstances. The poor thing is completely worthless.
  4. I could see this getting implemented as a post game challenge. It would probably work similar to the Battle Subway/Battle Maison/ Battle Tower/ World tournament etc... But if it was to be put in as a main story point that you have to go through before the elite 4 that would be awesome. They could liter the game with a few one off trainers who are a bit more memorable than your average fishers and hikers who you could meet again and verse in the tournament.
  5. I think people are being a bit to hasty saying that the trials will replace gyms. Looking at the trailer I think the trials will be tasks that aren't battling followed by a fight with a Totem Pokemon which I don't think will merit a gym battle. I think that there will still be gyms and the e4 and the champion alongside the trials.
  6. If grass beats water on the logic that the grass soaks up the water to gain strength, shouldn't ice also be super effective on water?

    1. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      I threw an ice cube into the pool once. It didn't end well for the ice.

    2. Zumi



      freeze-dry exists for a reason

    3. Amanojaku


      Water requires a lot of energy to change its temperature, so it resists both Fire and Ice

  7. Braixen: you know exactly why. Haunter: The more traditional ghost with the disembodied hands beats a purple spot any day. Magneton: It might just be three Magnemites but it sure as hell beats out the ufo looking wannabee clown. I know that red dot in the centre is an eye but I couldn't care less it looks like the thing has been making out with Ronald McDonald. Pansear, Panpour and Pansage: I just don't like the design for the Simis they always seemed off to me. Dragonair: what happened to you? You used to be graceful now you look more like an overweight Geko who is to stupid to understand how dangerous your cholesterol levels actually are. Dusclops :I don't even know why it just is.
  8. I don't know what those weird cow hoof things it's got attached to it arms are but they could not by any means be considered fists. a Pyroar named Leonine.
  9. Mega Ninetales Type: Fire/Psychic Abillity: Drought Hp:110 Atk:76 Def:100 Sp.Atk:100 Sp.Def:130 Speed:100
  10. aw, they would make an awesome pokemon as well!
  11. That's a trick question. They all loved their new hats so much that they gave up their old lives and moved to north east South Africa to become hat enthusiasts. Unfortunately for them their plane was hijacked by an insane serial teddy bear maker named Alex who become desperate to see his long lost daughter Jasmine. She moved to Berlin after a horrible car accident that claimed the life of her mother. The car accident was a multi car collision that was caused by a distracted trucker named Jo who was irritated at his local super market for no longer selling his favourite brand of soap, soft and smooth. The company that created soft and smooth had to discontinue creation of the product after it caused serious skin mutation for a couple who lived somewhere in North America. The exact location is unknown even to the couple's families. the grandmother of one of the men believes it would have had to have been somewhere in the Southern USA or Mexico due to the man's chronic fear of ice. In Terms of story which do you prefer the Pokemon games, anime or manga?
  12. Because there isn't one and they are friggin adorable. look at this thing!
  13. Pokemon based on other pokemon *cough* Pikachu clones *cough*
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