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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cymru

  1. My game has been updated to 19.5.6. What's new? I haven't found any posts talking about this update.
  2. No sabía que se había traducido el episodio 19. Ahora solo falta rezar para que alguien traduzca la nueva versión
  3. I don't think I understood it at first, you can't use them all at the same time, right?
  4. the current boost battle makes it difficult to recognize the characteristic being modified. Do you plan to reintroduce the e18?
  5. I join the request. It greatly enriches the experience to be able to play it in Spanish
  6. I'm really interested in the part about the shinies, the poison and the mt. Would it be possible to make them in a separate mod? It breaks other mods I use. PS: it only works in game, not in game z
  7. sorry for the delay, indeed, I have tested only the mod SWM - SetWeather and the clock does not appear on the screen, so I assume it will be an incompatibility with 18.4.1. Someone else who is playing with this version and this mod could tell if the clock appears on the screen?
  8. buuuff, a lot. The thing is, I haven't updated any mod. I have tried version 18.2 and 18.3 and the clock is on the screen. So maybe it's something from the new version. I don't remember which version I used the day before yesterday I put a capture that takes less time. Gracias!
  9. I don't know if this goes here exactly, I have a little problem: the clock has disappeared. I was there yesterday, and I don't remember touching anything. On another PC it was already happening to me. At least time keeps ticking
  10. Cymru

    Luxury Ball

    Thanks, it was the next thread I was going to search. I've been a bit clumsy, I searched the forum in general but I didn't notice the item guide haha edit: In the end it was not possible, after trying more than 50 times with Type: Null asleep and a single hairline of life Shiny came out and I had to capture it with another poke ball
  11. Cymru

    Luxury Ball

    At some point in the game I received a luxury ball, and I was wondering if they can be bought later and if it is a necessary item for a later mission. I'm on 7th street and I'd like to use it to capture Tipe: Null. Nor would I mind using quick ball (more doubts than with luxury ball), which I do not remember when I got it. Thank you edit: going over Fritz's GREAT GUIDE: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/32922-pokemon-reborn-walkthrough-episode-17-100-completion/ =========================
  12. Cymru

    Pokemon Shiny

    I have read that the ratio of shiny to reborn is about 1/100. I've found quite a few shinies, but now I'm out of town. I am in Tanzan Mountain and I have not met one for a long time. Outside the city, since maybe they are less affected by radiation or whatever, the shinies ratio is lower? If so, it's a brilliant idea. thanks
  13. Cymru

    Aqua Team

    Thanks for answering Then, you can not fish Barboach until the boss is gone? And for the hondour event do I need something else?
  14. Cymru

    Aqua Team

    I chose water team, I could not fish for barboach because the boss would not let me pass to the small pool. I thought that I would have to beat the team magma. After defeating his alley is empty but Hondour does not appear and I can not fish in the alley of aqua. I only have 3 medals yet, do I have to do something to skip the events? Thank you
  15. i'm playing a normal game, but i will make two changes: Cacnea for Seel Axew for Togepi The reason is that those who touched me can be obtained later Thank you Game.rxdata
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