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Gentleman's Hat

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  • Alias
    A Gentleman's Hat
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    Arsene Lupin's head

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  1. Greetings friend to the Reborn forum community! I am the hat of gentlemen and I welcome you to this fine world of Pokemon. I can understand your feelings of company but I hope that you find everything to your liking and have a splendid day!
  2. For me it's basically when I played Dark Souls for the first time. A whole lot of "oh god no" in just about everywhere you go. But there are quite a few that made me shout it out loud in more than one occasion. Such as this: And this: And let's not forget this:
  3. What would be a good starter for a new Reborn run?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream
    3. Sutoratosu


      Well, I'd suggest Empoleon. The Steel Typing comes in handy for resisting a crap ton of stuff, plus you're immune to poison and have a counter to both fire and ground built right in thanks to water... and empoleon can get coverage for fighting via Drill Peck, so...

    4. BlueMoonIceCream
  4. There is no straight line between hard and unfair, friend. To make something 'harder' there would have to be a disadvantage to the player, therefore it is always unfair. Of course it's perceptive of how one would see anything being unfair. But I can argue that in any game other than Pokemon that receiving more damage in hard mode is unfair. An item worth more than it should: unfair. A boss with an even bigger health: unfair. You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.
  5. 61 Normally there would be a conversation in these the last time I was here.
  6. Greetings friend! I am a hat of a gentleman and this fancy apparel welcomes you to the forums. A class themed team sounds very creative indeed! No doubt you must be skilled in such a art. Perhaps you can show a fellow trainer the tips and tricks to it. With that said, have a splendid day!
  7. I want to be able to go in public and shout "ZA WARUDO" to see if anyone would freeze

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      HEE!!! I would, but mostly cause I'd be confused... then I'd probably just play along. HEE HEE HEE!

  8. I was taken back by this one but it actually fitted really well! Plus the image is really amusing.
  9. 2012, correct? Imagine she instead shouted: "YOU'RE WELCOME" and ran out without explanation. Now THAT would be amusing.
  10. I had witnessed an event similar to that! It was at a school cafeteria and these two guys got into a fight for a reason that no one knew. One of them took off his shirt as an act of intimidation but once they started he was instantly pulled into a choke hold and was knocked out. What made it really bizarre was the shirtless man woke up a few minutes later and saw the other one was gone. He began storming around the room climbing onto tables (with food trays still on them) and proceeded to punch out the ceiling lights and a television. As soon as he stormed off before the teachers could stop him, everyone immediately began to clap and cheer.
  11. Yes, I honestly had no idea it really existed. Oh silly me.
  12. Name: Obscure Type: Dark Category: Status Power: ---- PP: 6 Every types' weakness and resistance are reversed. (I had one about reversing stat changes but then I learned it already existed XP)
  13. I have now been don by a gentleman thief. I have now turn to a life of crime...

  14. Greetings friend! I have also made a return to the site although not as long as you. I wish you the best of luck and have a gentlemanly day! Me neither
  15. 3:54 here and I'm currently downloading the latest episode for a new run!
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