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Avatar of Grima

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Avatar of Grima

  1. well it's official, no one can like me till next year

    1. Zarc


      Happy birthday ! 

  2. Time to play Reborn and Rejuvenation at the same time. There goes my sanity

    1. Zargerth


      Who needs sanity anyway?

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      I found it for a time, but it's overrated 

  3. Since I disappeared for some time around June and had no idea this thread existed, I think it's a good idea to post here instead of making a new topic: Known as: Nas, NasDav, Grima, Sassdav (only on occasion when I decide to be a complete sarcastic ass) Age: 22 Birthday: 10th of February Location: Washington (state, no not the university) Height: 6 foot 4 inches, 1.9034 meters, 193 cm Hair color: Easiest to say black since it's darkened over the years Eye color: Blue (shades very from dark almost indigo to light steely grey) Lives with: Both parents Pets: Just my puppy Racie Relationship status: Single (and too dumb to find a date) Favorite Food: Pretty much anything Italian Favorite Drink: Iced Tea, and water Favorite Color: Red and Black Favorite Type of Music: Classic Rock, Metal, the occasional punk and hip hop Favorite Band: Imagine Dragons (great concerts if you ever go to one) Favorite Song: Bleeding Out Favorite Game: Hard to pick because I've played a bunch of great games imo, but at the moment Splatoon Favorite Genre: Racing Games Favorite Hobby: Bowling Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride (closely followed by Casablanca) Favorite Show: Forged in Fire Who am I? I really am not as active as I once was, due to me mainly forgetting my password to the site and other extenuating circumstances, but I'm just kind of the resident sleeper who comes in every so often to check stuff out then disappears again. Some would liken it to a ghost Why am I still here? Interestingly enough I actually joined the Showdown server before I joined up here due to having a Showdown account, I found Reborn kind of by accident when searching for something to do whilst I was homesick at university in Nebraska, haven't left since. Also because this game is great and I greatly enjoy Ame's work on it What can you talk to me about? Fire Emblem, I enjoy discussions about it, even if most of it I don't understand, and I'm here to lend an ear if you need help with depression... I suffer from it occasionally and I find that talking to someone about it helps out a lot. Closing Statements: I'm a bit of a hard person on myself and I tend to try to see the good in others before the bad, but I am prone to mistakes so please don't immediately blacklist me if I make a mistake, I'm only human after all.
  4. I feel after a 6 month plus absence I should reintroduce myself on the forums... but alas I am too lazy

  5. I appreciate the suggestions, but I don't think I'm going to change it atm.
  6. Happy Birthday, oh wait Merry Christmas

  7. What a hectic horrid day in Washington, hopefully this doesn't doom rail traffic in the area for the future

  8. 90+ degrees in the state with the least air conditioning is hell 

  9. I mean, events and shit also I do have a steady source of income so that helps as well
  10. Honestly, it's not much but I don't mind, finishing top 40k in arena helped my feather total out quite a bit. I used a lot of my duplicates to give SP for others, but when I have like 7 of a certain character I tend to send them home for feathers.
  11. I had enough feathers at one point, however grand badges are the biggest hindrance for me because RNG doesn't like to give me Azure ones. Sending duplicate heroes home gives you a ton of feathers
  12. I wish I could get into the great badge earning ones, because I'd love to promote my 4**** Robin, but I can't seem to roll Eirika. I've only rolled Julia so far :c
  13. Hahaha spend money on heroes, then spend money on the games that will be on Switch. Nintendo's ultimate plan has been discovered. Like how Pokemon Go was a primer for Sun&Moon
  14. Don't really see myself on the master list, but the way I wrote my FC out in my earlier post may have just been skipped over. My ID is 661-440-2541
  15. To be honest, 5* Caeda is okay at best, the Armorslayer+ helps her out a bit but not to the point where she outshines other fliers like Hinoka or Catria, another good option if you can get her is Cordelia. Bartre from what I've seen is pretty much a discount Hector, definitely worth using, Serra imo isn't the best healer either, stick with either Maria or Lissa, in my experience they seem to be the best. I have a few Ogma but I haven't used him at all so I have no opinion on him yet. Awakening Tiki is pretty good, just be careful, she can be a bit squishy
  16. I'd rather not get stoned for saying how many 5*'s I have
  17. @Cepheus yeah RNG kind of is a pain in the ass on that game My FC: 661-440-2541
  18. I'd do it on days I don't have work. So it will be off and on sadly
  19. welp back to the hole I was hiding in

  20. I have very little faith in that, but heck just about anything works in norms xD
  21. Funny thing about Rivens, they tend to get a wee bit overconfident and try to 1v9 at level 6, it tends not to go very well. Very nice job on the perfect game as ADC in 2k17
  22. I think they are going to need to tweak the ult just a tiny bit... the jump could be absolutely ridiculous with enough move speed.
  23. Let it be know that most if not all Italian that I know, is from over playing Assassin's Creed games.... Now, if onlonly there was more spanish....

  24. Enjoy Spain Ody! Buen Fortuna.
  25. look it be me irl 


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