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Avatar of Grima

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Avatar of Grima

  1. I give you congrats. J4 mid is off meta, but is super fun. You are now Reborn's friendly neighborhood Keane, now when are you going to play Graves mid?
  2. and it's still getting crushed, now it doesn't remove Fizz fish
  3. Agreed. However Zed getting the extra damage on subsequent Q's makes harassing in lane better. I will be a little sad when the R nerfs hit but oh well, if you are decent enough at landing his Shadow E, you should be able to benefit from the extra damage on the Q
  4. Aye it's swims birthday, have a good one m8
  5. [01:26:30] +Avatar of Grima: I took the Soleil one because I wanted to rhyme [01:26:34] ~IkaruKazuna: ooo i spy with my little eye, my favorite music guy [01:26:41] +Avatar of Grima: Ark? [01:26:43] ~IkaruKazuna: no HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. She's kind of both, however she should be fun when she finally comes out
  7. she is fairly poke oriented with her Q, but her ult is going to be the biggest and most difficult thing to master.
  8. You would think that.... League ranked is a wonderful thing. tfw new Veigar is kinda borked
  9. Agreed get Fates, but be ready to shell out a few more $ then you would anticipate for all 3 paths, and the dlc
  10. Wii U Wii U Wii U

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      RUNNNNNNN, oh wait, it's just a fire truck

    3. dead account

      dead account

      Nah, I think it's an ambulance.

    4. Skullkin


      someone called the wambulance?

  11. tfw you can't use champions that spam w... I cri
  12. Unpopular opinion me. Charizard. The first 3 gyms it faces are super effective to it's typing, honestly it only gets the one gym it's super effective against, and for Red/Blue it can't learn fly. However, I will agree that Meganium has the same issues gen 2, I just liked the challenge, but the problem with Charizard is that the game designers for Fire Red/ Leaf Green removed the challenge by giving Charmander Metal Claw. Oh well. Hate away
  13. :/ welp, it all goes kind of back to what I said... I built for the matchup.... why did this become such a hot button issue.......
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