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Avatar of Grima

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Avatar of Grima

  1. Err, I would be so bold to say Maw of Malmortius OP, if it wasn't for Maw the Ekko probably would have killed you
  2. I was actually thinking that the bustier reminded me of Rouge the Bat, or Morrigan from Darkstalkers
  3. I applaud you random who went Thresh ADC in a normal and managed not to have more than 10 deaths
  4. Oh goody, another Ultimate skin I probably will never use :/
  5. Congrats, you are now high tier skrub lord
  6. Fern as champion? That's some Red and Blue shit right there
  7. just you wait till the rework, then she'll probably just as busted
  8. As stated before remove Kricketune and level like crazy. The clown that does the shard challenge in the circus is a great place to get cash exp and shards for various circus things. You can always beat her by having a mon with Flash Fire, it really does bite into her, Houndoom is personally one of my faves to use against her, but ultimately it's your call
  9. When will you play Overwatch with me? (Or league for that matter?)
  10. Yay Jan doesn't suck as bad anymore. Good Job
  11. Got off work early... stood outside of the building for half an hour because there was an ammonia leak... lovely

  12. tfw you can win a game because the enemy team isn't paying attention to the objective

  13. :/ welp the build is fine.. the cs though......... andddddd my CS sucked
  14. Pro tip. Railings hurt if you knee them

  15. Yeah, the museum of everyone who has ever kicked Ezreal's ass
  16. I think i got Ice punch from a tutor in 7th street for Dusclops, it was either there or Agate
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