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Avatar of Grima

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Avatar of Grima

  1. Favorited Reply is Ame is THE trash
  2. Somewhat disgusting, but hey it's okay. Here is what Rito gave me for being cold and needing to buy a hoodie
  3. Since I Rito gave me a meep, I will play meep farming simulator
  4. TFW you go and see the LCS live and have to leave just before TSM vs APX game two. TFW trying to give NRG hi fives and Quas doesn't even look interested. TFW you get to hi five GBM, then Santorin misses you and looks at you and mouths the words sorry. TFW you get to go on stage and throw out swag for Rito and get a bunch more free shit.
  5. A week later, I live once more

  6. To be honest, for praticality I'd go with a keychain or bracelet. However it would be cool if I could have a tome or headphones
  7. my lord, that's a huge shame. :c did you get hexdrinker because of the passive?
  8. At least you got 6. Now, as I'm mucking around looking at Surrender@20, I saw some interesting potential Fizz nerfs, passive nolonger will ignore unit collision and his e's cd potentially going up two seconds at all ranks. More potential Lucian nerfs to his attack speed and passive can no longer crit, and Syndra is getting what looks to be a buff on her ratios :|
  9. Zumi just had a note to self moment and it's hysterical

    1. Ironbound


      What? Why do things happen when I'm not there?

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      You are just not that magnetic. You must get more magnezones

    3. Ironbound


      Either that or the object in question is not attractive but rather repulsive.

  10. So tank Fizz is still strong, can't really say I'm surprised, but honestly I hope it goes away
  11. I'm fine with most of the updates, however some of the champs need a little nerf/ hot fix. I much prefer the mages over triple AD comps
  12. I didn't see a lot of nerfs to any of the new mage updates. Annie is gross right now, but unfortunately the balance team doesn't think she's that strong right now
  13. It would be extremely interesting, but I highly doubt it as it sits right now
  14. I don't know, looks pretty legit in the video. In other news Varus is also getting a dark star skin, 1350
  15. Frankly I could say I have Slow Start or Oblivious. However if I could have any ability I'd want Swift Swim, that'd help me out Lifeguarding so much
  16. It is time, to unleash my army of Honedge on Reborn. Tremble in fear as 300 sm0l swords

    1. Shamitako


      Plz. You should fear my 450 TINY UPSIDE-DOWN SQUIDS

    2. Juniper



    3. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      The sword army grows

  17. Ultimate skin for Thresh?????? League released a new teaser for Dark Star Thresh
  18. I'm confused and slightly scared at the same time
  19. Yeah, Maokai is a pain. Although his lack of a visage makes me sad, he would have been harder to beat with that because of the healing
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