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Ironbound last won the day on December 10 2016
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110 BenefactorAbout Ironbound
- Birthday 10/03/1997
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You win this one.
Hey what's up
I come back from the dead, solely to nominate azery for all three.
It's been updated.
Ironbound started following Reignited'Light
UPDATE ON MODERATION AND OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION In the wake of recent activity, a decision was made to update the manner in which the PokéNations 3 event is administered and organised, and to publish the same in the form of a public service announcement, with a view to render transparent the workings of the event's administration and enable it to be more open to scrutiny and compliance. The following guidelines and general information are to be noted. - LINK TO GENERAL INFORMATION THREAD NOTE ON GUIDELINES TO PARTICIPANT BEHAVIOUR NOTE ON MODERATION AND PENALTY LIST OF COMMITTEE AND STAFF MEMBERS Best wishes! ~
Well, that's a wrap for the first week! Here's the outcomes: WEEK 1 RESULTS SUN VALKYRIES v/s ECLIPSE (3-2) Winner: Sun Valkyries in UU-BL1 Bazaro vs Kamina Epic C vs DMBY Yinyang vs Bibs DemICE vs Ody Ghost vs DMZ - ZION v/s POLARIS (3-2) Winner: Zion in RU-BL2 FraRPetO vs Personthing Pyrro vs Shinyrio Swampellow vs Anstane Wendel vs Chimchain mar_mar vs zanshouken - LIGHT GAZERS v/s ZODIAC (3-2) Winner: Light Gazers in NU-BL3 Skitty vs NDG Azery vs Bagel LordofCold vs DW Jman vs Scep Ros vs St0mpa - Stay tuned for the upcoming week's challenge! ~
Individual matchups are up! I hope you guys have a Burn Heal at hand, because things are gonna get red-hot! WEEK 1 PAIRINGS SUN VALKYRIES v/s ECLIPSE in UU-BL1 Bazaro vs Kamina Epic C vs DMBY Yinyang vs Bibs DemICE vs Ody Ghost vs DMZ SUBS: F1lthy, Xiri / Hycrox, Commander - ZION v/s POLARIS in RU-BL2 FraRPetO vs Personthing Pyrro vs Shinyrio Swampellow vs Anstane Wendel vs Chimchain mar_mar vs zanshouken SUBS: Sparky, CrimsonDragon / Blackpoi, Riku - LIGHT GAZERS v/s ZODIAC in NU-BL3 Skitty vs NDG Azery vs Bagel LordofCold vs DW Jman vs Scep Ros vs St0mpa SUBS: Alex, Joker / LeonVermillion, DiamondTiara - Remember to PM your opponents and schedule your matches with them within the week, and to post your replays in the discord server as mentioned. Have fun! -
PokéNations 3 WEEK 1: BL WARS Let the BL-oodbath begin, what? Welcome to the first week of the third season of this wonderful, chaotic, absolutely disgusting series that we all know and love! That said, enough chitchat and on with the show: RULES BL Wars is quite a straightforward challenge: every matchup will play using Pokémon from a particular competitive tier (as per the Smogon official tiering system), plus those from the BL (Bordeline) Tier immediately above it. For those not aware, the Borderline tiers contain Pokémon deemed too powerful for a given tier, but which do not garner sufficient usage to be listed in the tier beyond it; essentially, Borderline contains the banlist for each tier. But in this challenge, all such Pokemon are allowed in conjunction with those in the tier proper (as well as all Pokémon in lower tiers, which are admissible by default.) The tiers to be played are as follows: UUBL1: All Pokémon in the UnderUsed + Bordeline-1 tiers, as well as any from lower tiers RUBL2: All Pokémon in the RarelyUsed + Bordeline-2 tiers, as well as any from lower tiers NUBL3: All Pokémon in the NeverUsed + Bordeline-3 tiers, as well as any from lower tiers Standard Smogon clauses apply. In addition, the following general restrictions shall be applicable: Z-moves are not allowed this week. The move Aurora Veil is banned. Evasion-boosting items, abilities, moves and strategies are banned. Tier-Specific bans as follows: NUBL3: Malamar and Exploud are banned. RUBL2: All Mega evolutions are banned. UUBL1: Thundurus, Thundurus-Therian and Azumarill are banned. MATCHUPS (The part we've all been waiting for) I. UU've Gotta be Kidding! Will the Sun manage to shine through, or will it be darkened by an Eclipse? Find out this week on: SUN VALKYRIES v/s ECLIPSE in UU-BL1 II. RU Serious? An earth-shaking battle of the deserts and the seas! We have coming up: ZION v/s POLARIS in RU-BL2 III. Ain't NU Way! Titans and mystic forces clash in: LIGHT GAZERS v/s ZODIAC in NU-BL3 Stay tuned! MESSAGE TO NATION LEADERS: Matches will be 5v5 weekly on the Reborn Showdown Server. Please submit your rosters of FIVE participants and TWO substitute candidates for this challenge within the next 24 hours to your committee representatives. Once we have the rosters of all nations, individual pairings will be determined and the fun can begin! REMINDER: Post your Replays of your Showdown matches in the Nations Discord server: https://discord.gg/MjcGDzf Replays have to follow this format: Week No. Player A vs Player B Win/Loss Replay Link All the best! -
Each year, the pool grows larger and the list grows shorter; it has reached a point where I've largely been absent for the most part, and know nobody new. But that only heightens my appreciation for those few whom I do know and like. My appreciation for Reborn (the game, the creators and the community) notwithstanding, these days I spend more time individually or in small groups with the people I have known through Reborn, than amidst the community itself. But while I may have 'moved on' from here in most senses of the term, I feel that i owe the community some consideration for being the institution through which I met these friends of mine, and that consideration merits upholding this tradition of a yearly commemoration. Shoutouts to Bibs, Arkhi, Azery and now Hycrox, all such friends of mine, for keeping this alive. I never could manage sentimental speeches, nor do I think they're necessary given how well I know everyone on this list, and how well they know the regard I have for them. Many people on this list have been the best of friends for so long I can't even remember when and how we first met; others I have gotten to know more recently but have quickly become good friends too. Talking with each other frequently, and in many cases on an almost daily basis, has become a fact of life; familiarity and trust of that kind is invaluable. Given that I find any more words to be both paltry and unneeded, enough of the heavy stuff, what? I'll contend myself with a mention and a joke apiece: (thanks, Hycrox, for forcing me to strikethrough everything) Lastly, since it's inevitable that I'd have inadvertently omitted a mention to someone or the other, let me say that you're all appreciated and that I'm grateful to have gotten to know you.
>keep drama to a minimum he says >Avalon represent at the bottom Well played, spine, well played.
- 21 replies
"..." is actually a placeholder for Infernape88, he's so OP he needs two slots.
List of new members: [to be updated as applicable] Members: @Monochrome_Complex @Winter ...
We shouldn't let Godot out unsupervised.
Played it on PC; it's a great game in design, story, narration, art as well as music. There's a lot to do and many hidden secrets to unearth; it occupied me for a full 80 hours on my first run, including all the free DLC content. There's yet another expansion coming up, so be sure to await it.