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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ironbound

  1. I showed up once. That ought to leave me in the clear for the next three or so months. Uh Nick, because wynaut.
  2. 6/10 I am not sure what type of Eeveelution that's supposed to be. Something about the face and those seemingly out-of-place crystals is ??? but otherwise I suppose it's okay.
  3. SURPRISE VIRI IS A SURPRISE I don't even think I know anyone here Uh Hmm Azery?
  4. I knew you'd put in either that or wormadam. I hope you trip on an ice cube and get covered in boo-boos, you weenie.
  5. Short answer: Yes, it's fairly vital Long answer: There's three quintessential things that make a fakemon game: the Fakemon themselves, the plot, and the game mechanics. For the moment, I will concern myself only with the fakemon aspect. The Mons have to fulfil the following criteria: 1. Their designs must be wholesome: To feel and act like natural Pokémon, they must be designed so that they look like them. Their designs must be neither too crude not too overdesigned. Many fakemon games go awry here because the fundamental reason behind the appeal of Pokémon as a franchise is the appearance of the mons: how cute, cool or intriguing they are, and how they look to the eye. That is what makes the casual observer sit up and take notice about your project; the majority of them pick a fakemon game (and there are many of them, so you have a lot of competition to contend with) based on how the Mons look and feel like, what vibes they give off and how that appeals to them. A crude or overstuffed design is counterintuitive to that objective. Graphics are therefore very important, as are the names that you give to them. 2. They must be balanced: This is another common mistake that many fakemon games run into: making every Mon awesome and powerful won't cut it (The "If everything is broken, then nothing is" logic doesn't translate well in practice) and neither will making every Mon weak or bland. A game where you can overlevel one Pokémon (your starter, or some dragon type or something) and sweep through everything is terribly boring. No natural Pokémon game is full of blaziken and garchomps; the bibarels and butterflies are equally essential. A well balanced roster is such that every Mon has some viable role to play at every stage in the game. Diversity should be encouraged and no idea or concept (however much you may like it) should be overpowered. Artificially restricting level caps is not a quick-fix solution to an OP roster either, as it only makes it frustrating to break through. 3. There must be a good vibe to them: It's fairly standard to make things based on established themes. Some things are hard to change, like the essential route 1 rodent, bird and bug. But in general, fakemon can unleash creativity like no other avenue in Pokémon. You can and should do more than just take an animal base, slap a different colour and an elemental affiliation onto it and call it a Pokémon. But that again depends on what kind of theme you have going: if your world is a naturalistic one, having animal-based Mons is fine. If you're going for the bizarre, then you can have more abstract themes (much like what Ultrabeasts do.) So there you have it, in a nutshell. I speak with the experience of having worked on a fangame project with our own fakemon. Graphics and appearances are an essential part of making a game that people will be interested in; not the only important thing, certainly, but undoubtedly one of them. If you're not skilled at making your own designs, I would suggest to you to enlist the help of an artist, or take on a creative partner in some form. I'd advocate against compromise on design or statistical quality, though, and advise caution as you proceed.
  6. BIBS You know I was referring to Rhyperior! You're just salty because I swept all your asses in the tour. With the same TR Rhyperior team.
  7. Late, but wishing you a happy birthday, Sheep. Have a great year ahead.
  8. Cheers, mate. Have a great year ahead.
  9. Happy birthday, ICSW; wishing you a great year ahead!
  10. >azery >auth well, he smells enough to warrant being a mod, anyway... (in all seriousness, congratulations to both of you, and wishing you all the best)
  11. Happy birthday, Jeri. Wishing you a great year ahead.
  12. General Info: Known as: Viri (short for Viridescent, my erstwhile moniker), IronboundAge: 19y 9m as of dateGender: MaleBirthday: October 3Location: Southern India Height: 180 cmHair Color: Jet BlackEye Color: Dark BrownLives with: An extended joint family on ancestral propertyPets: Two dogs, a Labrador Retriever and a Doberman Pinscher Relationship status: Not InterestedFavourite Food: Nothing beats south Indian cuisineFavourite Drink: Coffee, roast, ground, filtered and blackFavourite Color: Most natural or sober shades, such as charcoal grey, sky blue, earth tones, etc. Preference to shades of dark green, hence the original name 'Viridescent'Favourite kind of Music: Classical Carnatic instrumental, Hindustani instrumental and ragas, Western classical chamber/orchestral music, and Opera, as long as it's in a language I don't understand Band: From my listed tastes in music, does it look like any band plays Schubert or Hariprasad Chaurasia or Ustad Bismillah Khan? Synthesised sounds also generally turn me off; I prefer organic instruments from the pre-electronic era.Favourite Album: This again, doesn't apply, but I do like Vivaldi's four seasons if that counts.Favourite Song: The human voice in song doesn't appeal much to me, unless it's a devotional Raga (in which case the chant of the human voice is an essential element) or unless it's Opera in a language I don't know (thus I can appreciate the pure sound without having a meaning superimposed on me) I can list a favourite piece or two, though; Bismillah Khan's rendition of the Raag Bhairavi on the Shehnai is my personal favourite. Others include Grieg's Hall of the Mountain King, most of Mozart, much of the likes of Hariprasad Chaurasia and Shiv Kumar Sharma, and so on. Some of Hans Zimmer's works, especially the orchestral pieces in Interstellar, are also great.Favourite Game: Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing in a gaming community; I play barely anything. I can safely say I liked PMD Sky, though.Favourite Genre of Game: Usually, things that involve more analytics and less action appeal to me. Turn-based strategy like competitive Pokemon, for example. Or chess.Favourite Hobbies: I enjoy music, art (I myself paint and sketch), gardening, swimming, going on long walks in the open, and reading almost everything. I particularly like works of philosophy, ancient mythology, economics and polity, and general nonfiction. I also enjoy debating and some writing.Favourite Movies: Not much of a movie buff; there's been a few good ones here and there that I liked, but I find most films to be formulaic. No favourites in particular.Favourite Shows: Again, can't say, not having watched much of anything. TV usually meant either news or some kind of documentary to me. I suppose I like David Attenborough's narratives. Community questions: So, who are you?: I'm a student of economics and financial management, pursuing education with a view to join government (not politics). I don't know how I ended up here in the community, but I've been here, on and off, for a couple of years or more. I'm also one of the resident punsters. How did you end up here? I don't really know. I used to be part of the Smogon community back in 2012-13, after a while I suppose I drifted out of there and ended up migrating here. Shofu's play of the game was probably what showed this game and community to me; I'm not as ancient as some of the others who post in this thread. These days, though, I'm not very active. I haven't touched Reborn: The Game in years, and mostly stick around on Discord.Anything you're responsible for? I was never a moderator or controller of any event in this community. However, I did bung in an article here and there, and I did also establish an art thread and a philosophy thread for their respective discussions. Though both have been gathering dust for a while now, I am glad that they could and did have a great run. If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be? I could dig up my original introductory post from years ago, but this one should do, no? What can I talk to you about? Anything and everything under the sun, and beyond too, if you like. (Though my knowledge of games, animes and memes is generally poor.) Closing statements? The only other relevant statement I can add here is that I like Steel type Pokemon.
  13. Why'd you need to make a thread to state the obvious?
  14. Friendship is fundamentally a concept of trust. There are people you can trust with a job. There are people you can trust with a request. There are people you can trust with a favour for another. There are people you can trust with your possessions and titles. There are people you can trust with the possessions and titles of others. There are people you can trust with your life. There are people you can trust with the lives of others. There are people you can trust with a legacy. Trust at any level, if founded, is not eroded by time or diluted by distance. There are people you cannot trust. Some of these people may be people whose company you like, or who may depend on you, or whom you care about. But if you do not trust them to any degree, they are not friends to that extent, if at all. It is futile to lose mental peace over them.
  15. 11am GMT is 4:30 pm my time. That's preferable, tbh.
  16. A wild Viri appeared! . . . . The wild Viri fled! Micky?
  17. Practically all the Gen7 starters' final formes are weird. Primarina makes no anatomical or biological sense. It may be okay to glance at but once you start looking at it properly it just falls apart: what are those huge hands and narrow arms? What is its back and tail? Looks like it either has a broken spine or no spine at all, it's just a tubular rear body that abruptly ends in fish-fins. How does it even move? The thing ought to be in a wheelchair. And those random spikes/fins don't make sense either. Not to mention that the transition from Popplio was weird. Incineroar is just lazy. The name is lazy (pyroar much???) and the design is also lazy. Maybe it would've been creative if we didn't have an overabundance of humanoid fighter-style fire type starters already, to the point where it's boring to have yet another thing like that (since Charizard and Typhlosion, we've not had a fire starter that is actually just a non-humanoid animal.) Suddenly going from quadrupedal to bipedal doesn't work in general, much less the sudden transition from oversize house cat to a wrestler. And even then, Incineroar has odd proportions; the arms tapen down into too narrow wrists, which suddenly continue into huge, sausage-like fingers. Likewise the whole fire-belt thing is too over the top. The simple elegance that older Pokemon had is not present today in the overly detailed designs of recent Pokemon. The same goes for Decidueye. The idea is creative, and the ghost typing though bizarre is acceptable given what it's based on, but the design itself is really weird, particularly the wings. Trying to combine them with a bow and arrow from its bowtie is just too weird; it should be strangling itself every time it tried to fire an arrow/quill. Then we have how the wings themselves work; they can apparently fold up into a cape when resting, but they also have feathers at the wrist that act like fingers??? If you think about how the wing is actually constructed, and how they fold up, it makes you ask questions that have no intelligent explanation. That, and the fact that the transition from Dartrix makes very little sense (from a fussy, rich spoiled brat into Robin Hood???) make this the weirdest of the bunch. The Gen7 starters are not exactly excellent in competitive battle either; they're each somewhat of a letdown. Primarina hits hard but it is too physically frail and slow to do anything better than run a choice set and spam Hydro Pump/Moonblast, and lacks things like Wish or Calm Mind (which it ought to have gotten) that would let it be a bulky water. Incineroar is disappointingly slow, as well, especially given how fast its previous stage was, and lacks the good moves that it ought to get (Sucker Punch? Knock Off?) Maybe Tutors will help it out in the games to come, but it's still neither as strong nor as fast as it'd have liked to be. Decidueye is just confusingly sad. Why is it slow? Why is it specially bulky and mixed? Why isn't it like the new Sceptile, which is what its design idea inspired? So many questions. Ultimately, I'll say the Pokémon have had good ideas behind them, but fail to live up to that conception both in design and in usage.
  18. If you want me to be able to participate at all, it has to be 9 am GMT on Saturday; that translates to 2:30 PM on Saturday afternoon, which I might be able to manage. Any of the other times listed will be some ungodly hour in the night/early morning here.
  19. 4 and its multiples. Specifically 16 and its multiples. I like symmetry and order. I believe the number 4 conforms to those characteristics: it is the first composite number, and the first perfect square (not counting 1). It is square, solid, even and geometrically and symmetrically wholesome, a composite 'building block'. 16 is a even better, the first perfect square of a perfect square.
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