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6 Fledgling

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  1. Hey this is really nice even if it is incomplete! That lucario especially looks awesome! As for the whole motivation thing, I haven't really posted a lot of art here but I have been creating a lot of art and motivation has been something that has wildly fluctuated for me the past. I think the thing about having motivation/inspiration/whatever to do art is that it hardly ever comes to you naturally, oooor at least for me anyway. Often times I have to make myself be motivated to draw something by just sitting down and starting some warm up sketches that will hopefully lead me to drawing something more complete. Back in 2016 I made it my New Year's Resolution to draw every single day, even if it was only just sketch, with the thought in mind that if I can make sketching every day a habit for me then I won't have to wait for motivation/inspiration to strike me in order to create art. Admittedly that doesn't always work for creating competed pieces and sometimes I just end up drawing a few quick sketches before I stop drawing for the day. That's okay too though because at least I drew something and I'm just a little better as an artist for it. So I think the main thing about finding motivation for art isn't so much about waiting to be in a drawing mood but instead is to make drawing a priority (it doesn't even have to be a big priority just something on your list of things to do that day), make drawing a habit and eventually it will lead to you creating more and more artwork for yourself and everyone else to enjoy! That got a bit long but I hope it helps! And while I'm here I'll share one of my own incomplete pieces from 2016 of Heather and Shelly interrupting a gang fight and then redrawing I did of it just today!
  2. Ah, this game seems really interesting! I really want the fire kitty as my starter~ Also, if you still need help with sprites and visuals I could do so! Game art is something I'm getting a degree for anyway~
  3. Things have gotten kinda quiet on this thread but I still thought I should post this here. I love these kids so much and if the game would allow me I’d adopt them all!
  4. Hello~ I heard we can dump Reborn fanart here! So here's a thing!
  5. Katz

    Hi, I'm a Cat

    Haha~ It's nice to meet you! I'm glad we have so much in common! I'll definitely check those places out!
  6. Katz

    Hi, I'm a Cat

    Well, if you want to see something right away, its not exactly Reborn but it is Pokemon, my profile picture is something I drew myself~ Maybe I'll post something in the fanart thread next week though when I have a break from school!
  7. Katz

    Hi, I'm a Cat

    Hello everyone! Haha, wow I totally forgot that character existed! When I was picking my name I was thinking more of Tales of Symphonia katz~ And yes, there is no better way to a friendship with someone than through our mutual hatred of Fern. I'll try my best not to die since I'm rather fond of living and all. I saw that fanart topic awhile back ago but there's probably new stuff on there now so I'll definitely check it out!
  8. Just kidding! I'm just a broke college student who loves Pokemon! (and also kitties) You can call me Katz~ I've been playing Pokemon Reborn for over a year now I believe (starting with Episode 10 I think) and have been stalking the forums for a few months now before finally deciding to join. I am absolutely in love with this game and have been trying to get a couple of my friends to play as well! I need someone to talk to about this game after all! That's partly the reason I finally made an account here. A little about myself: I'm a college student trying to get a degree in Game Art and Animation. Most of my classes focus on 3D modeling and such but I much prefer doing concept art/digital painting and pixel art. I'm hoping one day I can just get paid to draw pretty things! (every artists' dream~) I've been a fan of Pokemon since I was about 4 or 5 years old (gosh that is a really long time) starting with the Original Series. As for the games, I started with Red Version when I was ~6 years old, although I don't really remember it much. Pokemon Crystal, on the other hand, I remember much better and it was my favorite game as a kid! Anyway, I've played at least one version of the games from each generation, including most spin offs. Speaking of spin offs, Mystery Dungeon (at least Rescue Team and Explorers) is my favorite by far! Aside from Pokemon and art some of my other hobbies would include playing/learning to play musical instruments (I've been playing the flute for years and am currently teaching myself to play the ocarina and guitar), reading, and accumulating as many pets as I can comfortably fit in my home~ I think that's enough about me for now! I'm so happy to finally be here and I can't wait to meet everyone!
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