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    Colony 9
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    Super smash bros.
    Xenoblade chronicles

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  1. Hooray, it's released. I can't wait to try it when the 1.1 version is released.
  2. dunsparce and the vanillite line. Dunsparce: so irrelevant and pointless Vanillite line: It's ice cream
  3. Will be able to get an eevee and/or a ditto in the next version?
  4. Can eevee still be obtainable as a jackpot starter and has the chances of receiving a jackpot starter changed between versions?
  5. Well, I decided to start a new save and I got a shiny ralts with a calm nature and trace as my starter
  6. All right, good to know. Guess I'll start my journey on the 20th. From what I've seen on youtube, the game looks great. Nice job.
  7. I want to try this fangame out and i noticed there is a patch and a noted version 2.1 in the bugs list, Is there a way to download version 2.1 or will i have to download version 2 and the patch?
  8. So i was looking around on the internet and I found this. You guys should give this a listen. I loved it. https://youtu.be/W_y3iPyV1eo
  9. Speaking of Cloud, one of my favorite things about him is that he wasn't leaked at all. I'll give him a try just for that alone.
  10. I personally would love to see a brand new moveset for ganon, though there are a few moves I would want him to keep, such as dair for example. Though at the same time, I would like to still have the heavy C.Falcon clone available. Maybe they can use Black Shadow from F-Zero for that position.
  11. I'm really feeling it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      Do you feel it, Mr.Krabs?

    3. Sutoratosu


      Op, Op, Op, Oppa Gangum Style!

    4. Yours Truly
  12. all right, 3 hours of free time. msg me on the reborn showdown server if you wanna do smash or something. after 5pm, i will not be looking for challengers
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