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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BVRD

  1. I am currently trying to make a fangame on RMXP, in the style of the old Gen2 games. I really want to try to implement the old stat experience system instead of the modern EV. A quick fix would be, that every stat can gain 252 EV at once but i want to try it proper. I dont know where to start, so help would be appreciated.
  2. alright, exams are done; EP15 here i come!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tomy


      Good one.

    3. Sharu


      Same.. Exams over for me. Daily checking if its released or not

  3. for me it was Watchog. Hypnosis and Super Fang brought me the victory against Pulse-Tangrowth and Cradily.
  4. Nya, nice to meet somebody, who watches YGOTAS. Now tell me, do you want a hug? btw my favorite episode is Crowd Atlas
  5. So what will appear at the point, where Ghastly was? Will the spectral battle be deleted?
  6. I would be glad, if i can help you learning Dota. Its very hard for beginners to learn.
  7. Hi guys, you can call me BVRD or simply bird (it´s my nickname in Dota2). I signed in the forum a couple of months ago but i was kinda too shy to introduce myself or to post something. But now i think its time to say hello. I am 17 years old and i am about to finish my exams. I would describe myself as a pretty energic guy, who likes to joke around. My favorite types are steel and ground. To fit that, my favorite Pokemon is Excadrill. I have finished ep14 2 month ago and since then i am grinding up my rotation-team. I am looking forward to discuss with you guys about the great game Pokemon Reborn is. Have a nice evening!
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