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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Gustavlund

  1. Gustavlund

    Lucky egg

    Ok, ty. Edit: Wow, I had enough shards to buy them all.
  2. Gustavlund

    Lucky egg

    So, if I buy all the pokemon in episode 14 and then go and talks to him in episode 15 I will get both exp share and lucky egg?
  3. Gustavlund

    Lucky egg

    Does anyone know how to fnd the lucky egg?
  4. Gustavlund

    Flame orb

    Hi, I am having a huge problem atm. Curretly on my team I am using a guts luxray and it is holding a toxic orb, the problem however is that after each battle it is after each battle my luxray will lose all of his hp from the poison, I already knows how to fix this and it is done with a flame orb. So if anyone can tell me where I can get a flame orb. (if it is even in the game.)
  5. ok thx, I am in episode 14 atm, looking forward to my lucario
  6. Gustavlund

    Riolu event

    Hi, can someone tell me how to trigger the lucario event at ametrine mountain, it would really help a lot.
  7. Hi, I am trying to figure out how to complete the quest in byxbysion where you have to push 10000 rock, but after I've pushed down that rock into the hole I don't know how to progress can anyone please help me with this? Edit: - wow I am stupid I just had to push the rock further.
  8. Gustavlund


    In episode 15 I can't make the bulbasaur event on azurine island work, has it been changed?
  9. wow that is nice, now I just need to breed the growlithe I have on my team. (luckily it's female)
  10. The "mystery egg" is the one you get from the woman talking abou the day care being weird right? If that is the case, then I need to find another fighting type for my team...
  11. Does anyone know where I can find my favorite pokemon shroomish?
  12. Ok, I just have one more question, where do I get delphox?
  13. Hello, I just downloaded the 15th episode and I wanted to play on the save file where i have completed episode 14 so I went into my files to change the names and then my "real" save file disappeared, I have tried to find it but it is nowhere and is most likely deleted for some reason. I really don't want to play through all of the episodes again (the closest I am a that is 2 badges) so can someone please link their save file so I can play this fantastic game w/o having to play 10-15 hours just to get to the new stuff, it would be really nice.
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