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5 Fledgling

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  • Alias
    Naoto Shirogane
  • Gender
  • Location
    Johto, Kalos, Orre, Inaba, Tatsumi Port Island.
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Anime, all BBC shows, music, etc

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  1. Exactly. I know this, but it does not help that I see holiday stuff and that his birthday is 25th of January, so a month after Christmas, when he and his aunt were going to visit me. I feel a bit better today. I know aftershocks will happen for the rest of my life. I have pics of him. They help some and so do the poems he wrote me. I can eventually tell everyone who wishes to know more about his likes and personality.
  2. If you get a PM from me, I appreciate the listening ear. I wish so much to hear his voice. I may get a spirit box. I haven't been without him until his death from the day I met him, which leaves a hole. We talked audibly for sixteen hours every single day on Skype. Even holidays. Her name is Noki. I feel her purrs and calm somewhat. I have issues functioning if she is not in my line of sight or I am not home for a long period of time. My friends and roommates, who technically own her, have commented I bonded with her instantly and she sleeps on my feet or against my leg if I am awake. I miss my Fiance to a point where I feel isolated from society as a whole. You understand the pain level. Its like a part of me died with him. I'm so bad off that even the VICAR, aka head of the Church of England, openly prayed for me at his funeral. His aunt emailed me an audio recording of it.
  3. I try hard, its just so mentally draining and I wish I could have gone to his funeral. I know I will keep my promises to him until I die. I appreciate your words so much. I swear he hugs me sometimes. I know I will love him alone until I die. I am not being dark or pessimistic. I am being honest. Nobody can even come close to how kind he was. I have a feeling my health won't last as my family history has a ton of issues littered in it and I have disabilities and a heart condition. If I PM you anytime, I hope that is okay. You have made me smile. Thank you.
  4. Good morning, afternoon, evening, whatever fits the time where you are, readers. My name is Naoto on here, and I am finally able to say what has happened in the year I have been offline. Most of it is decent... One thing is the worst ever pain I wish upon NOBODY in the entire world... The good: I am finally in a safe and stable home environment. I have access to Wi-Fi, two amazing roommates, and 2 loving cats, one of whom is attached to me like a Remoraid to a Mantine. The bad: ..... My loving, caring, gentleman, precious Fiance and Soulmate.... passed away on my birthday this year.... June 18th.... Everything is a trigger, I hurt to a point I feel dead inside and I feel totally and utterly alone.... I wish this pain on not one being alive... I can't bare this pain some days so sleep until like 6 pm for me... Therapy does NOTHING, and I've tried several different therapists. None have helped at all. I was unable to attend his funeral in the UK because the people who were going to buy my ticket had a family emergency. I was with him over 16 years.... over half my life.... I'm lost..... I need advice.... Please.... I feel worthless. None of the friends I have understand and think I obsess over him if I mention him at all.... I am super close to his aunt, but she is retired and I don't want to be too clingy to her.... What do I do? Thanks for any advice or encouragement...
  5. My fiance and soulmate passed away on my birthday this year.... Ive also been moving. Hence not being on... Ame-sama.. I miss you..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      I really have no words other than my condolences. I hope the pleasures of life turn in your favor sooner rather than later. And welcome back. And yeah, I do no d of remember you seeing that username.

    3. OpalWardMusicFan


      I remember both of you! I appreciate the warm welcome. He wanted to come here but passed away before he could get a new computer.. Is Ame-sama alright? My email wont receive new emails.

    4. Alistair


      If you mean Amethyst, you can always PM her here or on discord, she'll probably reply

  6. I now have all 3 of Kurosawa Dia's URs on different EN/WW accounts! <3

  7. Ame-sama is one of the nicest people I have ever met. <3 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      Maybe not any pseudolegendaries but at give us the magikarp

    3. OpalWardMusicFan


      Guys be nice. I enjoy talking to her a lot

    4. Alistair


      I wasn't being (too) sarcastic. I know firsthand that Ame is a very nice and open person. I'm glad there are people like her around. It helps during tough times.

  8. Very nice choices. I tend to try and avoid Legendaries too. OMFG Naruto! Nice choices! Here is another character I came up with a team for! Shiba Tatsuya (Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei) 1. Arceus (with ALL plates in his inventory), Tatsuya has the powers of Mahesvara aka Shiva of Indian Mythology. 2. Yveltal, Tatsuya is called The Destroyer, God of Destruction, and The Demon of Okinawa. Plus, he can REGENERATE, and basically never die. 3. Female Meowstic with Competitive Ability, Tatsuya can erase a bullet in the air after it was fired. With his HAND. 4. Luxray, as it can see through things and has immense power. 5. Mega Aerodactyl, because its VERY powerful and insanely fast. 6. Kommo-o, just watch the anime episode where he beats the living sh*t out of a tiger guy that had overwhelmed a very powerful Senpai of his. He basically nearly kills this guy in like... 3 or 4 hits. As stated before, I hate relying on Legendaries, but Tatsuya requires them.
  9. I thought that also until I watched a playthrough of FATE/Extella. How she fights in it cloaks her moves in fire, like Flame Wheel. I also had reserved psychic typing for Solgaleo. Thanks for replying!
  10. After episode 16 redownloads (my comp is being a butt, had to reinstall) I can show where I am. I am lost. May well need my game looked at.
  11. Hello, Ame-sama!! I missed you~! How have you been?

    1. Amethyst


      hi there! i've been mostly okay, aside from a few stray speedbumps, but ain't that life. how about you??

    2. OpalWardMusicFan


      Same. My life has not been easy my friend. I could do with talking to you offline or figuring out how to work Reborn on my mobile haha. I get cornered a lot and get mad. Glad you are well . ^^

  12. Okay, I am totally lost. I beat the ice chick. Now I need meds and the Mart is unreachable. NANIII? I am also grinding levels for the boss fight to protect the kids. That's all I remember. ><
  13. Hey all, if this belongs elsewhere, feel free to move it. So, a wild thought occurred to me today as I installed the Reborn update-- What Pokemon would non Pokemon related anime or video game characters have as a team? I decided to post a topic and see where it goes! I am using gifs but nobody else needs to. Lets begin with the character that started this little idea in the first place! Character: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Franchise: FATE Pokemon Team: 1. Roserade: 2. Volcarona: (Shiny) 3. Typhlosion: 4. Pyroar: (Male specifically) 5. Incineroar: 6. Solgaleo: Explanation: Why did I choose these Pokemon? Simple. Nero is called "The Flower of Rome" and is "The Empress of Roses". She values beauty, power, elegance, honesty, and kindness. She is also a bold, charismatic ruler who was beloved by her people in life. I will explain each choice by number. 1. Her affiliation with roses. 2. Her Noble Phantasm: Aestus Domus Aurea: Golden Theater of the Flamboyant aka Golden Theater of the Deranged. To summon it, she says in Fate/Extra: “Behold my glory... Hear the thunderous applause... Sit down and praise... My Golden Theater! Kingdom of Heaven and Hell... My heaven, reconstructed! This is where the limelight shines!” Shiny Volcarona is gold, in other words. 3. Typhlosion is straight up powerful, fast and a pure Fire-type. 4. Male Pyroar are regal and powerful. Plus, from behind, their manes look like flowers. 5. Incineroar is a showoff and would meld with her nicely. 6. She manifests as a Saber class. Steel. Solgaleo is regal, cute, and again, the mane is flower-esque from behind. Plus, Solgaleo would easily wreck armies so there's that too. Please remove the highlight effect behind Golden Theater of the Deranged up above please and thank you.
  14. Where would I post a forum game about anime/game characters and the teams of pokemon people think they would have?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      That sounds like it would go in either Pokemon Fan Club or the Wasteland. 

    2. OpalWardMusicFan


      Okay thanks! Will do Wasteland to be safe.

  15. I got a creepy call from what turned out to be an ESCORT SERVICE earlier, giving details of my friend's apartment, name, right down to her apartment number. They impersonated her case manager. I called her, asked about this, she called her case manager, then said she hadn't called me. They knew my name, my friend's name, etc. I know who did it, her "boyfriend". I told her this, and she defends him. What do I do?

    1. Alistair


      I'd say warn her very clearly about what you know, and keep an eye out for her, but don't act in her stead. If her bf is a toxic person, it's up to her to figure it out and sort things out with him.

      If you suspect the people who got her personal details are dangerous, gently but firmly advise her to call the police.

    2. OpalWardMusicFan


      Will do. I feel unsafe at home now tbh. Thanks.

    3. Alistair


      I hope you don't run into trouble... Stay safe Naoto.

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