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BIGJRA last won the day on January 23 2024

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  • Birthday 06/11/1999

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    Big J Raw, Earser
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    Probably in the pool
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    Wasting hours of my life charting insignificant things on excel spreadsheets

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  1. Hi everyone, BIGJRA here. I'm excited to announce that I lied about that the walkthrough was not going to updated for V13.5... as I have completed the walkthrough through all of the game's current content! You can access the new version as usual on my site: https://bigjra.github.io/rejuvenation/. As I am just one guy playing through an utterly massive game there are bound to be things I missed, so I kindly ask that any mistakes you observe while playing and using the walkthrough are reported to me. I made a discord server earlier this year that you can join for more frequent updates and discussion - a link to it is on the site's banner. More details and a look inside the making of this walkthrough will be posted in the discord if you are curious. Cheers and enjoy!
  2. Most likely you're playing a 19.0.x release of Reborn - this new quest is only in the 19.5.x versions, currently in community test. You can find that version on the forums https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/forum/249-community-test/
  3. I can’t remotely promise *when* but eventually, yes!
  4. Thanks for the kind words and also the criticisms. I have kinda been aware of how this is the case for a little while now but am unsure of exactly what fixing it would entail (timewise I have a lot less now than back when I started). Some musings on the issues I've faced: 1. The biggest reason why navigation and puzzles are unclear is that I have been a bit more hesitant with pictures than I should be. The only way I know right now to get full map images is to splice together a bunch of RPG Maker Screenshots which sounds like a pain, but I've really come around to seeing how doing that would be infinitely more helpful than blocks of unclear text. 2. Another thing is that, in your criticisms and in some others I've seen, the postgame puzzle solutions suffer especially. Ame and team really hit their stride with massive maps and complicated puzzles during the postgame, while I was really just itching to reach a finished version of the massive guide while playing/writing the later parts of the postgame. 3. I can't really shake my biases as a player - I played E18 like 8 times before E19 came out so I have definitely moved away from the "first-time player" lens. I'm trying to take feedback on this one best as possible to account for this and really focus on pretending like I know nothing as a reader and seeing if I'm confused or not. I'm still proud of the work overall, but will try to slowly start accounting for these things when I have time and motivation to revise it. I do really appreciate feedback!
  5. She will take it back even if it’s evolved! It’s the trainer name that matters. The prize is NOT unique though and can be gotten through other means if you don’t feel like giving it back.
  6. I have finished up through Postgame!
  7. I think I come back to this later: ...head back to where Victoria was arguing with the guy earlier and talk to the trashcan to get a *PokeSnax*. Is it accessible right after beating Victoria? I'm guessing based on where I placed it that I thought you'd have to come back later. Thanks, I've added a paragraph on the rest of the rewards. Didn't initially since with early Amaura and getting one fossil (Jaw) from the cult, really no need to do more trades there, but might as well add it so people don't do more trades for naught. I think that should be in already? The line: Behind you'll find *TM09 Venoshock* as well as the *PULSE Readout 0*.
  8. I plan to right after I finish E18 content. Stay tuned!
  9. I love this idea overall! Not too broken and I guess a field centered around confusion and knowledge makes sense. Some guesses, not that any of these are balanced really: Substitute: Probably this is sorta broken but it could be amusing on top of your Slack Off change to do "A substitute has entered the battle! All Pokemon used Slack Off" and all get 25% for free. I guess that would make the user not lose any HP in net though so maybe that's too much. If Nature Power is going to going to be Instruct, maybe it should get a boost. Perhaps something like raising the targets highest stat by a stage? Heal Bell: Raises user/partner speed (to get to the next class w only 3 minutes or something lol) Trick Room: Maybe just to nerf trick room it would be funny to say "The teacher disapproved of pokemon's tricks" and have it go from 5 -> 3 turns or 8 -> 5 w amp rock? Idk Stomping Tantrum: Maybe always at 150 bp but you lose your turn afterwards Copycat: For cheating on a test you have a 50% chance of gaining Sp Atk and Sp Def and 50% chance of losing 50% HP for getting caught, lol Perfect for a normal gym like you said and it would be most fitting for a boosting/confusion centered Psychic team or maybe a Normal type team to punish Fighting move users. Either way Oranguru is a perfect ace!
  10. Lmao 6 years later The fossil rate has gone up in mining rocks so maybe you'll get better luck now! Plus most if not all fossil mons are now available in the wild in late game or postgame.
  11. Vitamins do not increase IV's in Reborn. Obviously to breed or not breed is a subjective question but there are concrete benefits ala Egg Moves and IV hunting if you like doing that.
  12. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  13. I don't know what you're talking about. You can literally get ALL of the Pokemon in the game in one file regardless of what Mystery Eggs you get, just later on. So there are no such Pokemon and it sounds like you're resetting your game for no reason? Also in the appendices I do list every password effect like monowater and each pokemon it forces. EDIT: Are you, like, playing E16? Because this would make sense (Cacnea and Marill are avail in the wild in e17 and e18 content) that way. If you haven't gotten E19 yet go do so! Thank you! Forgot about this but I will put it in when I get a chance.
  14. If y'all have specifics on which are unclear I can make the text clearer or add pics! I'm guessing you're talking about pre-itemfinder hidden items? Probably won't get to this right away but I should be able to add these at some point.
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