Hey guys,
Just discovered I can get a Ditto by trading some spoiled brat a Furret. Awesome, go back to that little plot of grass in the Opal ward where I know for sure I KO'd a Sentret at the start of the game.
I checked the guide on here, set my computer to daytime and have now run over 40 battles in that little plot of land. Not a single Sentret (however, 2 Ekans, about 5 Meowth, 7-8 Patrat, 5 or so Pidgey, and a whole lot of Rattata (plus one Pineco and a lvl5 Spearow when I got bored of walking in circles).
For reference, I'm taking a break from beating my head against Tangrowth to grind a few levels, thought a Ditto might help (god knows nothing else has). Am I stuck unable to catch a Sentret until I complete the event or possibly just unable to now that I've actually talked to the little Ditto owning girl? Or is it just bad luck with the RNG?
Do I keep walking in circles in this little plot of land or should I just give up on my dreams of Tangrowth vs Tangrowth action?
(Not seeking advice on Tangrowth defeat YET. Still sure I can just bruteforce a solution if I keep trying the same thing over and over again...)
EDIT: And... I just fainted a shiny Meowth. In some ways, that answers the question. I don't know if I can leave now...