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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Melinda

  1. Oh! I see, everyone in the thread I found said it was at the back of the gym! Found it, thanks Edit: Also, there's some kind of conflicting information regarding the Team Aqua and Team Magma storylines: My understanding thus far: Team Aqua nets you a Carvanha, and a Ponyta, plus you can catch a Murkrow. Team Magma scores you a Houndour and a Buizel. Both give you a waterstone, and you can catch a Houndour in the Magma lair anyway, even without joining Team Magma. Does this all sound right? I'm trying to figure out which gang to sign on with, and if I can join Team Aqua, and still catch a Houndour on the way...
  2. Where's this hidden door in the third gym? I've turned all the columns pink, I've turned all the columns blue. Still no sign of this mysterious hidden door. (However, in searching the forum for an answer I did stumble across a phenomenal amount of spoilers...) Is there some sort of weird prereq? Do I have to summon the ghost of his dead wife first? Smack some sense into his bratty daughter?
  3. Ah! That helps, thanks I'll give it another go after class EDIT: Oh. Turns out that first apartment had three doors, not two. Found the alleyway! Thanks
  4. I'm in Jasper Ward, and I'm very, very stuck. I can't seem to go anywhere except the police station, the poke centre, and two apartment buildings. I'm pretty sure there must be more to it, since I've only one found of the five missing cops (I've found him, but I cannot reach him, which is causing me all sorts of stress...) Does anyone know what I'm missing? I assume I've walked past an opportunity to get an HM that cuts down the tendrils as well as the trees? Or mabe I finally get rocksmash? Either way, I can't move forward as is. Does anyone have any ideas?
  5. Oh drat. Well, that will teach me about skim reading amd assumptions. I won't bother with the sentret now I don't think. Not sure a Castform is worth the effort (although I might stick around a little longer looking for a second shiny Meowth...) Thanks for the offer. If I'm still stuck in a few days I may take you up on it, but I think I'm on the right track with my Buttetfree (we got halfway there at one point!). Just need to grind a few more level to get it into the 20s and train some backup.
  6. Really? But the dad said it transformed. Did I make a massive assumption? But I can't think of anything else that transforms... What do you get from that trade then?
  7. Hey guys, Just discovered I can get a Ditto by trading some spoiled brat a Furret. Awesome, go back to that little plot of grass in the Opal ward where I know for sure I KO'd a Sentret at the start of the game. I checked the guide on here, set my computer to daytime and have now run over 40 battles in that little plot of land. Not a single Sentret (however, 2 Ekans, about 5 Meowth, 7-8 Patrat, 5 or so Pidgey, and a whole lot of Rattata (plus one Pineco and a lvl5 Spearow when I got bored of walking in circles). For reference, I'm taking a break from beating my head against Tangrowth to grind a few levels, thought a Ditto might help (god knows nothing else has). Am I stuck unable to catch a Sentret until I complete the event or possibly just unable to now that I've actually talked to the little Ditto owning girl? Or is it just bad luck with the RNG? Do I keep walking in circles in this little plot of land or should I just give up on my dreams of Tangrowth vs Tangrowth action? (Not seeking advice on Tangrowth defeat YET. Still sure I can just bruteforce a solution if I keep trying the same thing over and over again...) Thanks EDIT: And... I just fainted a shiny Meowth. In some ways, that answers the question. I don't know if I can leave now...
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