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    a farm
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    steel types, physics, goats, homestuck, warframe, RWBY, FFXIV, fire emblem to an extent, modding, oh yeah and some animes, esp. anything with giant robots. Please read The Last Girl Scout

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  2. kind of a nitpick I have about rejuvenation is it can be difficult to tell when you actually get something. For instance, A-Milotic starts as a Feebas you get in chapter two, and evolves using an item you get in a chapter 7 area, BUT to get it you need to hand over an item you get in chapter 9. I know the pokemon franchise is famous for having you explore old areas, but for a game that's become so large and so interconnected, it makes reading the docs feel like an actual research projects

  3. Actually realizing 10 months later that what killed Infinite Fusion for me wasn't the typings, but the fact that I needed to grind out 160 total victories in the (boring as hell) trainer house in order to get Porygon-Z to finish my team. So since I've stalled out, here's my final team just pre-victory road, for posterity:

    Gyarados/Dugtrio (Water/Ground, Intimidate)

    Zapdos (Electric/Flying, Pressure)

    Gengar/Porygon-2(Ghost Normal, Levitate)

    Beedrill/Primeape (Bug/Fighting, honestly I don't even remember)

    Scyther/Machoke (Bug/Fighting, Technician)




  4. Hey, it's fine! I'm only just getting around to beating Titania, so I guess I'm a little late myself lol. I ended up going max hp/def, because it was intended to curse solaris's garchomp and beat him that way, and it served as a fine tank for the time that I used it. I stopped using it after Radomus, I think, since Tspikes weren't as big a priority anymore. That said, I'm on the verge of another big push, and once I beat glass factory I should be able to get the Mawilite, and Trick Room is one of its best synergies, so...perhaps cofagrigus is once again in my future!
  5. Infinite Fusion pretends to set up clear rules, but the game has roughly half the cast with primary/secondary types inverted for no apparent reason, like the Geodude and Onix lines being Ground/Rock instead of R/G, and Scyther being apparently Flying/Bug. It's really annoying, since I was trying to build a Bug/Fighting Scizor/Machamp Fusion, which I can't invert because Primary/Secondary status influences stats which is super annoying because like.....you aren't gonna mix physical and special mons anyways outside of a few rare cases, and even then the typing is often unworkable with the stat-optimal arrangement. I love the idea of fusing my mons but sometimes this game makes it sooo frustrating.


    Oh well, Steel/Fighting isn't a half-bad typing either...Stab technician Bullet Punch should be just as fun as it was on Scizor.

  6. Infinite Fusion isn't a particularly hard game, but it does make you think.

  7. This will be though; like fully half of my top 50 favorite pokemon are form gens 3 and 4 hahaha. 1: Magneton 2: Skarmory 3: Metagross 4: Giratina (Dialga is a VERY close second) 5: Volcarona 6: Mega Mawile (hey, it was introduced in 6! If I can't pick that, then I guess Volcanion) 7: Celesteela 8: Corviknight I have a type and that type is steel lmao
  8. is tumblr down for anyone else? It hasn't been loading for me since late yesterday

  9. This will be my first time attending one of these events. I'm quite excited!
  10. I'm having a lot of fun with Duels of Runeterra lately. I swore never to play league again, so this is a nice way to play with all the characters I knew and enjoyed, without putting myself through hell again.

  11. really tired of being busy all day. spent 2.5 hours mowing a lawn because my uncle tried to turn it into a friggin forest. Keep in mind, this sucker is like bog standard brick ranch suburb size, it just takes that long to mow now.

  12. rewatching Symphogear, I'm realizing that a lot of the animation isn't all that great...but I'll keep going because I enjoy the characters and their relationships, which is a little odd to say about a music-powered magical girl anime where the outfits are all themed around mecha.

  13. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is out on mobile for like $3, so since I loved the netflix series so much I'm finally trying the franchise for the first time! Gonna play more in the morning, but for now I really enjoy the music/voice acting.

  14. Back to the fairy tale, back to the show~

    Finally picking up this game again, gonna try and get through the final three gym leaders and finally be caught up for once in this game's history.

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