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    a farm
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    steel types, physics, goats, homestuck, warframe, RWBY, FFXIV, fire emblem to an extent, modding, oh yeah and some animes, esp. anything with giant robots. Please read The Last Girl Scout

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  1. Just got dunked on by fern in adventuring woods, immediately after dunking on Noel. Noel I thought would be easier considering how much grinding I did, but most of that went to Larvesta anyway lol. I was a little surprised when they called me out for burning the field, so I guess I'll use Sludge Wave next time.

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    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      >Trapinch: during the shenanigans at Spinel Town, a whole house winds up being Teleported to the nearby woods. The Hiker living in it will then trade you one snappy boi in exchange for your mothim.


      >Larvesta: Pure, dumb luck- it's one of the possibilities for the Mystery Egg.


      Don't mess with them chinchillas, man. They apparently get viciousness to take on deities! (I've actually soloed Black Kyurem and blew through most of Ghetsis' BW2 team with one on my first run of the game, no King's Rock necessary)


      Edit: Accelgor'd

    3. Clutterfunky


      dang I gotta get me that Larvesta, is it random or is it based on your game and a set factor? also totally forgot about the hiker, but then that brings me to the next- where the heck do you find a burmy lmao

    4. Clutterfunky


      also woah wait what? what do you mean "if you don't save the officers"? are you telling me there's something you could have done to save the one that fell down the fissure?

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