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    steel types, physics, goats, homestuck, warframe, RWBY, FFXIV, fire emblem to an extent, modding, oh yeah and some animes, esp. anything with giant robots. Please read The Last Girl Scout

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  1. we, as americans, have failed. we have failed ourselves, our country, and our world.

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    2. HughJ


      No policies have changed. The campaigns of either candidate were at best insecure at and worst wholly contradictory in their policy decisions.

      Tonight the American people decided to vote for who they best felt would lead the country. This defeatist attitude is disgusting and the very fuel Trump ran on in his campaign.

    3. Bearadactyl


      The policies have not changed yet. And, with a Republican majority, they will.

      Tonight, the American people have fucked up; and they've fucked up hard. At the end of the day, we've failed so many people who are currently scared if not only for their livelihood but for their lives themselves.

      Until things can be overturned in 2018, we have lost. There is no getting around it. I don't see a happy ending to this, and if I'm wrong, I honestly hope I am.

    4. HughJ


      Yeah, I hope you are too bud

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