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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by doombotmecha

  1. About the whole Victory Road thing, I'm pretty sure the "victory road" for this game is Vast Poni Canyon. There's a huge difficulty spike, the trainers are mostly veterans and black belts, and it's one of the few caves in the game, while being longer than both story-essential caves put together! Having a break between VPC and the League was nice imo and a novel idea. It was great to have a justification for why we had to go through cave hell to get where we were going.


    The postgame after the Looker questline is pretty lackluster, though. The battle royale and battle tower derive most of their difficulty from having an omniscient AI, and the only good grinding spot is Poni Gauntlet. I'm also kinda miffed about the new focus on getting to level 100. Like, back in the day, level 100 was for your absolute favorites, the very best of your partners. Now there's guides on "grind to l66. get two each of this and that shop, then buy two rare candies from the battle tree" and it makes the whole process seem a bit less special.


    Also, I know it's been this way for a while now, but I wish I could replay it, like I could Skyrim or Reborn. For a game with such a great story and so many ways to complete it, the game is pretty adamant about you not repeating it.


    SOS battles are immersive but pretty annoying, and they make it more of a pain to grind on wild pokemon beacause the battle can literally last forever.

  2. Reborn's difficulty is both why it pushes me away and why I keep coming back. Shelly in particular is an interesting fight to me because she uses pokemon that are, by the standards of most games, too weak to pose any threat, and then makes them terrifying.


    Also, it's possible to just get lucky here (or it was in e15). I've gotten my fire spam past illumise because it simply failed to use Rain Dance. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Tartar said:


     (Magnezone is trash btw. and you shouldn't use him.)


    whoa whoa what?


    Logged in just to ask: Why is Magnezone so bad? I've used it in a lot of mainline pokemon games and it's worked out great. Is it the speed plus the ground weakness?

  4. Nah. The starters are all so slow, and they don't get access to the Z-moves that made them unique. Like having them would be nice for mono-runs and whatnot because there's no fairy or ghost starters rn, but personally, I'd stick with Blaziken. Or, rather, I will stick with Blaziken, when I find the motivation to try this game again.


    Speaking of which, I don't think we're going to see Z-moves in reborn, like, ever. Massive, flashy animations, for a mechanic that most trainers don't have but that the player does, and that could make crucial fights much easier, is pretty opposite to the whole concept of reborn, imho. 


    EDIT: actually, it's possible that we could find them at the circus as a set; we have a Clown, a Wrestler, and an Archer of Improbable Skill.

  5. so, about a week ago, I would've voted 4, because it invented the physical/special split and that was so great for so many mons.


    but now that I've played sun and moon, I can't reccomend any other game over it. I love every character*, I love every line, everything feels so good and so clean, the game uses tropes insead of being ruled by them, the affection mechanic feels so anime--heck, the whole damn game feels like an anime, and a better one than most pokeani seasons, to boot! Hau and Gladion are excellent foils and rivals, with each having their own moment to shine. Honestly, I expected to dislike Hau because he was gonna just be dopy and cheerful all the time. but instead he's serious when he needs to be, and he even manages to get in a few good hits of his own--even on you, if you didn't bring a dark-type to the aether paradise. Even the memes are on point! I mean let's be honest here: Alolan Exeggutor is a forced encounter on an island specifically named for it, there's no way Gamefreak didn't specifically design that pokemon to be a meme. 


    frankly I could gush about this game for longer but...then I wouldn't be playing it! Like my god! I've never, ever loved a pokemon game this much. 

    personal favorite scenes: Lusamine's kids going :/D (no. bad emoji.) at Z-Move poses and Faba Gets Owned by Hau



    *except alolan dugtrio. f that. its old form was ugly, its new form is uglier, it doesn't deserve to be a steel type.

  6. So, following last night's bagon-fueled breakdown, I wanted to hear your incredible stories in the pursuit of rare pokemon.


    For those who go to bed at a reasonable hour:


    I spent like 4 or 5 hours last night at around 10 to 3 in the morning in that one spot on alola route 3. about two hours in, I found a bagon. It called another bagon. I killed the first bagon on purpose with Magnet Bomb, Bombed the the second one once and then thought, "hey, dragon resists electric, right? thundershock (from my Magnemite) will totally do less damage, right? It did not. I KO'd it. I lost my shit.


    For some reason, though, I just kept going, just kept on running around in the same patch of grass until like 3 in the morning when another one finally appeared. The second time went perfectly. I swapped from Wingull to Magnemite, I used magnet bomb, it hit him for exactly half, he burned me so I could knock him lower, I did, I paralyzed him, I caught the Bagon in one ball. I could have died happy right then.



  7. I loved diamond as a kid. like not even platinum with all the features, friggin diamond. I have wayyyy too many fond memories to rate this low. yeah sure the snow levels were slow but honestly I like snow much better than the ice puzzles we have in other games. while I didn't like a lot of mons in 4th gen, some I love too much to let go, especially empoleon, luxray, dialga, and lucario.


    the one thing I haven't seen anyone talking about, though, is Mythic Bloat.


    there were so many event-only pokemon that an event went unused! we went from 1 in gen one and two and two in gen 3 to a whopping six event-only mons! I honestly have no idea what happened, only that wee lad me was a sad, sad kid with no event mons.

  8. 1. this isn't exactly the forum for that, maybe make a thread on the main forum

    2. I'm waiting on the less-buggy version

    3. I'm gonna be starting from scratch because I've changed computers 4 times in the last 4 years

  9. I've actually seen buff/goons paladin be really strong. essentially if you can get rid of all their board wipes and then play a buffed dopplegangster or two you win. special mention to the cho>brann>dopple combo for 5 7/7s on turn eight

  10. Personally, I think it would be best if the final battle not have any field at all. No abusing the field, it's just your mons versus the Champion's (Assuming that will be the final battle) on an even and fair playing field.

    As for this field...hoo boy, Titania's looking quite scary. No weakness Scizor and...everything related to Aegislash. Also, fairy-types effectively gain immunity to Fire-types. Still, I don't think Adrienn will use this field simply because of the huge buffs Steel gets.

    nah, for the champion, the field changes every time the champion changes pokemon. FINAL EXAM TIME!!!

    yeah this field is gonna be insane. haze or other stat-NO moves are 100% necessary for Titania now. also ground types. chesnaught should be pretty strong too.

  11. yeah, there's this mechanic of marking camps and then backing to return the health you lost, before coming back to consume your marks. I get a feeling that him v. kindred jungle would be funny, as a life vs. death thing, with kindy becoming increasingly frustrated as Ivern keeps subverting mortality.

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