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Posts posted by doombotmecha

  1. Trinity Tank is probably gonna be the meta build. Worked for kled...maybe an alt build with titanic hydra and iceborn gauntlet

    I'm loving the ghoul mechanics, as well as the long-cooldown, high-value maiden of the mists

  2. I have only ever beaten like pokemon gen 3, 4, and 6. oh yeah, and technically Starbound (though I cheated)

    THAT'S IT.

    420+hours in skyrim, barely even got to New Vegas, Gen V quit on me, can't even play Dark Souls or Fallout 4, Terraria 200 hours and I'm like 4 bosses away and I never want to touch that game again.

    disgaea's been mentioned already

    and of course, I haven't finished any pokemon fangames since desolation, and it's gotten an update since then.

  3. why must you do this to me?

    I can get cynda in the main game, but to have to chose between the status egg and POWER STARAPTOR is...painful, to say the least.

    I'll go starly since someone here said togepi already

    also because I don't want metro rng to wreck me.

    edit: cross-posted this in request-a-mon

  4. so I picked up PU last night and played it a bit. it seems...really, really easy, compared to the reborn line, almost as easy as vanilla. The professor gives you a choice of 3 appearances, I took the boy and named him "Mort". In the lab, there was a simple "personality test" to see which one you got. I got a grass/steel type starter (name: orynx, nickname: Oryx, ability: battle armor) and started with a type advantage, but I got para-haxed by my rival's static (what) and lost the fight. the game didn't let me forget it until after the first gym, where it forgot and my rival was still salty from "losing" the first fight. The intro cutscene and music cuts are kinda sloppy but whatever. with a leech seed at level 7, once I stopped being underleveled I was able to stall several trainers out just fine. picked up a bird, dark blue with light blue on its belly, name of Birbie (nick: Birb, ability: ANALYTIC WHAT). Normal/Flying, as you might expect. A few simple fights and I had arrived at the next town

    Kevlar town was pretty much the basic sandgem/vermillion/second town. I came, I saw, I participated in the mandatory pokemon center tutorial, you know, basic stuff. The next route was next to no challenge with my birb and oryx--only the sporadic mankey stood a chance, needing to beat down my birb before analytic gust killed it. I heard about some poison/water mons from a fisherman, maybe I can catch some...darn. to get them i'd need a rod and for the rod I need a badge.

    Later, in a cave, I caught two new mons-- a steel/rock type (barewl) with rock head, and a ground type (grozard) with arena trap. they seem similar to aron and digglett. there's also the obligatory bat mon, this time pure poison with levitate. I took a liking to the steel/rock type and named it THE ROCK. That was completely necessary.

    In the first gym city, I find that the gym leader is presently at home, but that I could go there and--



    ok sorry just whyyyyyyyy

    so I go to her house, she flips out about the same way I would until she realizes I'm here to challenge her. she goes up to her adoring fan and chews him the heck out. Imo he should be exiled. She runs a normal gym, which between Oryx and THE ROCK is next to no challenge. Sure her normal derps have yawn, but even when I switch I'm racking up leech seed damage.

    by this point it is painfully obvious that this game uses the same effects for moves as reborn, but on 3d sprites so it looks...not good.

    The whole town keeps dropping hints about a rival battle after the gym, so I heal before exiting, but no fight. I go to the 'mon center, properly heal, and then leave the town--

    ah. there you are.

    Rival Theo wants to battle!

    barewl (steel/rock) gets taken down by a combination attack from all three of my main mons, and his starter, the electric/water Eletux, fails to static-hax Oryx and gets vine-whipped to death.

    hooray? I hardly felt like I worked for that at all...

    meanwhile, julia is always a rush...

    edit: oh shoot, this probably should be in "fangame expose". sorry!

  5. I never said origin Giratina was bad. i was just saying a pokemon that has to have its special held item in order to be good at all. Giratina is a good pokemon in its origin form,but without its orb, its crippling and cant really do much besides wall stuff, which is boring for such an interesting concept for a pokemon. The orb does chain it down for without it, giratina is kinda useless.

    how? it's incredibly bulky, with a decent defensive typing that grants 2 immunities and dragon's host of resistances.

  6. Alright, time to find out who my faves are! I'm also using the site that the OP mentioned.

    10. Mawilemawile.gif

    Mawile edges in over Excadrill due to a rad Mega design trumping the mole's incredible power. I was so glad when this thing became viable.

    9. Azumarillazumarill.gif

    The water rabbit has never let me down. whether it's in gen 3 with Thick Fat, or gen 6 with Play Rough and Huge Power, this early evolver has done everything I ever asked of it

    8. Absolabsol.gif

    So cool! So Edgy! Love this guy!

    7. Wailordwailord.gif

    Honestly I just like this mon because its so big. Like, I could probably win by just dropping my mon on your mon. Also its pretty bulky and water spout hurts.

    6. Dialgadialga.gif

    The Pokemon Lord of Time himself. The list is just a formality. He is already here. Also the first legend I caught.

    5. Blazikenblaziken.gif

    Hoenn Fried Chicken. This is my favorite starter, with speed and strength in equal amounts, He tears through any fangame I put him in, and he looks great to boot. Did you know that in developement, Blaze and Latias were originally the same pokemon?

    4. Giratinagiratina.gif

    Pokemon Cthulhu. I love its design, and Gira was the first legendary I caught fair and square--with patience, luck, status, and plenty of timer balls. I felt damn smart when I first found distortion lake.

    3. Luxrayluxray.gif

    oh hey, the first non-uber in 3 mons! Luxray was my original go-to guy in diamond, and thus my first favorite mon in general. just look at that mane!

    2. Deoxysdeoxys-speed.gif

    I'm gonna echo Viridescent on this one. an alien, shapechanging virus mon is one of the coolest things I can think of.

    1. Metagrossmetagross.gif

    Combining Mecha Supercomputer Pokemon. don't those words, together, just sound like the raddest goddamn thing ever? Metagross embodies everything that makes steel great, making up for lackluster speed with competent bulk and a powerful attack stat. It's smarter than you, tougher than you, stronger than you, and it knows it!

  7. kinda reminds of how Bro (later Dirk) was thought of in the Homestuck community as a Kamina reference, but in fact Hussie had no idea what TTGL was.

    also, combat medic, what killed FT for me was probably how illogical the fight scenes got after a bit. like, here's this massively threatening rival! oh no, what's team hero gonna do? oh natsu yelled that he isn't gonna lose its ok now.

  8. Yeah I play on EUW. called Mentally Delayed

    In other news please destroy Ezreal, disgusting champion.

    I...used to play this game, but a combination of weird computer issues, a consistent lack of time, and my former Main (Yorick) not getting anything for the last 4 years caused me to stop. Still like talking about it, though.

    yeah Ezreal needs to go or @ least his ap ratios that guy breaks items the way garen BREAKS THEIR RANKS

  9. hey, thanks for all the replies!

    ended up unlocking bellona since I'd wanted her when I first played the game back in, like, summer 2015...man, it's been a while. also some other reasons as listed above.

    Athena will definently be my next buy because 1)I was a support main in league 2) she feels really nice to play as (shen ult, dashes and a nice, wide cc) 3) reasons listed above and 4) Ymir is one ugly sonofagun, and Athena is not. Like seriously, he isn't even wearing pants!

    but until I get a bit higher level I don't think that a support god is going to be as useful in conquest matches as a half-damage character who can carry harder. That's mostly my league experience--you can have fun as a support, but you cannot carry a game by yourself. That may be different in smite, however, due to the fact that Hard CC actually exists in this game.

    but then, so does fenrir. sigh...

  10. ok so rn im torn between athena and bellona for "first char im gonna buy". leaning towards athena b/c i can actually get good results out of it, but bel's weapon system is so cool. I love the heavy stun spread on guardians, rather than a league tank with like 1 or 2 single-target hard ccs with like 20 secs cd. I also love the secondary meters for every god, and how bellona can cast her spells while moving, and how the delays inherent in a god's kit don't make me feel like I'm counterplaying myself (unlike, say, sion) but instead everything flows together really nicely.

  11. Oh yeah, these are really good skins (Especially riftshaker janus that one is like my favorite atm) But a lot of skins you listed are exclusive/limited :[

    If you're wondering which he listed are buyable though, here is what is from the list:

    Digi-Ymir, Slaughterhouse Chaac, Classic Hades, Solstice Hel, Jandroid, Riftshaker Janus, Infiltrator Loki, Scarlet Coven Isis, and that's it from the list.

    All the others you have to get from chests/events, or you might not even be able to get it at all. However, as I mentioned in my above post, they recently made chests more even, so you should have a better chance in getting the "exclusive" skins in chests.

    ok so I looked all these up and wow they're all pretty cool. also basically all of hades's skins are really rad I had no idea.

    also I looked up the Hocus Pocus chest and god dangit the exclusive skins are all incredibly cool, with cyberpunk skins for athena and JPF Nemesis

    so I was wrong there.

    anyway smite is a great game and I look forward to playing more of it.

    also: the daily login rewards are incredible.

    P.S. why is georgia in the opening credits like I'm not mad it's my home state but...what the heck?

  12. I understand that GY and ymir are always free, this isn't my first time at this particular rodeo.

    for GY, I'm asking as someone playing AS him. I can't stop moving and I can't seem to early-cancel the ult in order to stun those around me, like the wiki says I can.

    also, some other smite thoughts:

    there are like 5 good skins

    aoe skills with mobility are hard to hit due to the travel time

    being a dragon is incredible

    as far as non-free gods go, Fafnir (Dragon), Belloma (different weapons), Athena (shen ult+taunt), and Kali (ARMS!) are all on my to-buy list.

  13. This thread got me to redownload smite, thanks.

    IGN is amiableMortician and I am LOVING the HECK out of belloma. (probably gonna try athena and fafnir too)

    I like the stance change system, the feeling of power, all that jazz. otherwise, I'm also learning Ymir and Guan Ti (is that how you spell it?) for when free weekend ends. fave role is probably Tank because I love the feeling of invulnerability.

    what cancels guan ti's ult (the horse?) I was want a nice stun but I can never get it.

    ughhhh humpf I feel the same way, I pour like 80 bucks into that game and my main hasn't been in the patch notes in 4 years

    (its Yorick)(no skins since release)(never forget)(also ekko was such a nice design and the community RUINED IT)(and zed exists...)

  14. steel, electric, ghost, and fire, tell me what you most desire...

    ok, hamfisted reference to a dead game aside, I love fire out of the starter types for being fast, strong, and usually has an advantage over the other 2 (typhlosion in silver/gold, Infernape in sinnoh)

    electric is my first favorite type, since preteen me loved luxray/jolteon/electavire with a burning passion. Lighting is also the element I use the most in video games when I can't get a metal mage of some sort.

    steel is my favorite type overall. All the designs are so cool (METAGROSS! AEGISLASH! SKARMORY! LUCARIO!), and they have generally great bulk and hefty attacking stats (*side-eyes wormadissapointment*).

    In addition, tech stuff in general is really cool to me, I love robots and cyborgs and AIs and I guarantee you that if a game lets me be a metal mage of any description (decker, technomancer, engineer) I am going to LOVE THE HELL out of it. Also dialga got me into time stuff soooo...

    ghost is my current second-favorite for being 3spooky5me

    also their dex entries are really effed up.

    and Giratina...Giratina is Hormajestic and Terriblawesome and Uncannybrutal and all those other things you call Nether Gods of Darkness that travel across dimensions

    sidenote: challenge(-ish?) run: use only the types you voted here.

  15. idk about myself exactly but here's two ideas that I think would be cool:

    -Mega gauntlet, looks the the Steel Plate gauntlets from Skyrim with the Stone on the back of the hand

    -Mega Cane, kinda long and thin like the Joker used in The Dark Knight, you activate it by lightly tossing it up through your hand, catching the lower section, then bringing the head to rest in your other palm

    -Mega Watch as some other people have said, but like the original Omnitrix from Ben 10 with the bulky appearance where I could select which mega to activate and then SLAM IT idk Ben 10 was my childhood

    also, some silly ones:

    -Mega Sketchers

    -Mega ring with the stone on the inside of your middle finger. every time you go mega you burn the silhouette of your middle finger into the back of the other guy's retinas

    -Mega Tie for Cheren (he keeps randomly activating it midfight)

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