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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. Man, playing Alarak in HotS vs. bots is so fun. they just walk right into everything you do, it's amazing. 


    ...if only humans were so gullible.

  2. So, here's my arena team for this week: -L28 Cain (+speed -res heck yeah) with Brave Sword (soon to be Silver), Escutcheon, WoM, and Threaten Attack -L27 Gunter (neutral) with Silver Axe, Armored Blow (probably gonna change it if I can to something offensive), and Hone Cavalry -L30 Ursula (GHB) with Blarblade, New Moon (soon to be Moonbow), Death Blow, and Threaten Res. I really want to get Desperation on her, but I don't have the orbs to chase Shanna and Bunilla at the same time -L33 Jagen (idk) with Silver Lance, Fury 1, and Fortify Cavalry It's actually found pretty good success, Ursula destroys literally everything, and with threaten attack+Fortify Cavalry Cain and Gunter make decent tanks. However, archers can seriously hurt me, when they gang up with melee units. I tend to get caught out with the rest of my team (esp. Ursula) out of position, because I can't stick her in range of archers like i can with Robin. on the other hand, she OHKOs a ton of stuff. some arena maps are a pain in the butt, though, because it's so hard to keep formation on them. Cavalry movement is incredible, though, it's won me a lot of matches because I can pick enemies off before their allies can reinforce them. Cain's been a godsend, fast, tanky, essentially Draug on a horse. I actually quad sometimes with Hone Cavalry. He's also tanky as hell with threaten attack. EDIT: shame he keeps dying...I need to work on sending him into less than three melees. RE: the voting gauntlet: Being on Team Minerva is fun. She's badass and fully clothed and we won't lose until the final round!
  3. Well Subs gained some fame from those videos of a japanese player beating the GHBs with 3* units. He was a regular in all of those. Frankly I associate him more with his japanese voice than his english one, just because of those videos.
  4. Camilla over Hinoka Cordelia over Cherche Minerva over Palla Subaki over Beruka Round 2: Minerva over Subaki Camilla/Cordelia is hard to predict. Does Camilla Utterly Trounce Cordelia? In that case, she'll roll minerva in round 3. Does camilla win a close victory? Minerva might still win. Same with Cordelia.
  5. I got a 5* sheena today. with that and my new Gwendolyn and Effie, I figure it's time to start work on Team Armored Voltron
  6. So, HotS just released a beta version of its new client, along with a new business model/loot system ala Overwatch, I ended up trying it again and this time around I really liked it. Heroes I've tried (so far) were Muradin (the free hero you get if you choose "warrior" at the start), Dehaka (zerg gank tank, almost like Rek'sai), Auriel (literal guardian angel), and Thrall (I mostly just used his lightning bolt). Has anyone else here tried the beta? Does anyone else play the game regularly?
  7. less alternative facts, more alliterative facts: 

    Any Expert Will Attest That Anteaters Eat Ants with Aplomb

  8. @Fabled Asian yeah she will be, along with Kagero
  9. I finally got to MR14 in Warframe. I have also forma'd my Harpak for a fifth time, in order to fit on my new Riven Mod. It's crit stats are now 20% and 5.0x, so it hits for 4k or more on headshots! I love this thing so much!

  10. Two kinds of subreddits.


    FEH subreddit: hey it's the FIRst of april, so everybody's flair is Fir! Except people with event flairs, since they can't change back.


    Warframe subreddit: This is now the Destiny subreddit, and the banner is a looping gif of club penguin penguins with Gjallarhorns.

    (all the threads were CP-themed, too, the entire sub's gone mental)

    1. 5hift



  11. uh, guys.... in the princes vs. princesses gauntlet, it was all the princes on one side and all the princesses on the other. so it's gonna be wyvern on wyvern and peg on peg. so it's gonna break down like this -Camilla vs. Minerva is the new Lucina v. Sharena -Cherche vs. Camilla is the new Eirika vs. Lucina -Cherche vs. Beruka is the new Eirika vs. Elise -Subaki's matchup with Cordelia/Hinoka will be the new Alphonse vs. Chrom -Hinoka v. Cordelia will be the new Ephraim vs. Chrom -Cordelia v. Camilla will be the new Ephraim vs. Lucina second round result on the peg/princes side changes, everything else is the same calling it now. TL;DR round 1 winners Camilla, Cherche, Hinoka, Cordelia round 2 Camilla, Cordelia round 3 Camilla
  12. "oh hey heroes of the storm is getting a progression revamp in line with overwatch, I might give it a second look, lemme check the forums for some metagame discuss---"

    SALT SALT SALT SALT "add this hero" "add that voice pack" like dear god where do I go to actually talk about the game?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. doombotmecha


      ik this is a bit late but I missed this commentar and it's awesome.


      HotS was never meant to be a competitive game, the matches are just too scripted. Also a lot of tactical gameplay options that are in mobas aren't in HotS, specifically to make the game more newbie-accessible. The flip side of this is that it took me up until today to actually find good advice on game flow and team composition, b/c I keep getting "oh there's no meta".


      Hearthstone is just too rng-heavy and strategy-light for a competitive game. I mean, people talk about getting mana screwed in other games, but in HS a good chunk of a lot of meta decks is "this card will probably do something good for me, and the other guy probably doesn't have a counter to it". 


      The only HS face that I care about is Trump, but I don't even play the game any more. The massive time investment to even get a good budget deck, let alone a meta deck or god forbid, a control deck, is just silly. I could play hearthstone and maybe have fun in six months, or I could load up warframe and have fun right now. I just watch Trump's matches and live vicariously through him. 


      I went and watched a bit of grubby's stream, he seems great. I also watched a bit of MF Pallytime (Utube) to get an overview of how a few heroes feel in combat.


      I also feel like competitive OW is the same way, despite how popular it is. There REALLY should have been more of a wait between the game launching and esports being a thing on it IMO. Just a few more months before we get to "everyone plays what the pros do despite not having the skills to make it work"


      also (this is getting kinda ranty, isn't it), the subreddit (for Hots) was really terribly managed. imo all the hearthstone 2.0 discussion should have had its own flair so I could blacklist it, stuff was taking up most of the front page.


      At least League could separate out its forums, so you had a mix of memes and gameplay concerns. blizzard has 3 subforums, one for competitive, one for bug reports, and a "general discussion" aka salt mining.


      I'm really saddened by what's happened to SC2. It seems like its scene has dwindled down to a few hyperpros, and then.....nobody else. I want to like the game (i love the setting+characters) but there's so much to learn to even get to a vaguely competent skill level that I just....no way.




    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      @doombotmecha I'm going to tell you now Control is actually straight up aren't viable in Hearthstone anymore. Like it's... not possible to play it without just losing due to the fact that Aggro and Midrange decks are too powerful and impossible for it to control down. Jade decks just have infinite value at least Jade Druid does for sure as they just get free scaling minions with cards and Jade Idol, making it impossible to control them down and further, Pirate Aggro is the most disgusting thing in the universe.


      more or less gaining a free 1/1 with charge as it is played from your deck onto the board jsut for playing a pirate is BANANAS. Aggro already has an advantage in Hearthstone due to the fact that you CHOOSE your targets with your minions attacks. As this is the case Aggro already has an edge. They have more tools then ever now to generate free value while control doesn't really get much to help them survive. And, if they tech to beat aggro, they will have a lot of dead cards into the Jade match-up. Basically... control is nigh impossible to pull off these days due to the overwhelming disgusting power of these archetypes.


      For SC2, ye RTS is stupid difficult. The main thing though is it never caught on in South Korea. So, while a lot of the pros are from there, very little of the viewer base is. As a result the scene has jsust been dying and it's cause that game has a learning cliff of which your expected to climb. Worse is with the Brood Wars remaster coming out most are jumping back to Starcraft 1. ((and that's weird as heck to say. A game's predecessor is probably going to kill it's comp scene completely.)) but ye, to learn SC2 or... really a lot of RTS you nearly have to dedicate your entire life to it they are just that hard to master and learn.

    4. doombotmecha


      yeah, I've heard of the horrors of Pirate Warrior. They're literally releasing a card in the new set with the effect "eat a pirate". It didn't help that all the taunt cards bliz releases are either niche, locked to warrior, or trash.


      People HOWLED after whispers of the old gods, about "C'thun this" and "Yogg that" but frankly that was the healthiest the game's been in a while, and might be for a while yet. we had a reprieve from secret paladin at last. I remember getting bodied by that deck at rank 20, if the pally curves out then there's just nothing you can do.....


      HS just generally has a lot of wonky balance descisions. Purify is literal actual trash, whereas Flamewalker just made mage broken for like 90% of tavern brawls.


      what I've heard about high-level starcraft 2 is that one early attack generally decides the game, and brood war wasn't like that as much. Like, you either scout the whatever-whatever timing attack, or it kills your worker line and you lose.


  13. I got an effie last night! she was 4 stars but that's fine I still love her
  14. (massive YGO newbie, only played duel links so far) favorites are Tyrant Dragon (looks sweet, neat effect) and Lord British Space Fighter (sooo many effects, also machine)....oh yeah and Sergeant Electro least favorite cards are....hmmm....probably Sphere Kuriboh, because you can activate it's effect from the hand, and really nothing else works that way.
  15. two sets of pulls on blue, green, and one red stone. results: 5* Event Chrom, 4* Freddy, 4* Laslow, 3* Wendy, 3* Fir, probably someone else too Yay +3 speed! Also I TOTALLY predicted that I'd get Chrom. Pity chance is an inside job, WAKE UP AMERICA! /s Event chrom is pretty good, less atk and def but neither is shoddy by any means, better speed, still awful res. His skills are A: +2 Atk and +2 Defense and C: Axe Experience: if Chrom survives, all axe Users get Double EXP. Actually kind of counterproductive, given how much sp you need to farm these days. I really, really want Camilla, Both because she's a Nohr Character and because there's no unit like her presently. Someone on the Subreddit datamined a new Voting Gauntlet: Wyverns vs. Pegasi! ....yeah Camilla's gonna take the whole thing, calling it now. Minerva will lose to her in the second round due to other anti-3dsers picking their favorite pegasus knight, round 2 pegasus will be Ephraim vs. Chrom all over again, basically same gauntlet, different day. @Hukuna Look I am NOT giving myself another green weakness. not after my last team, Ephraim/Robin/Camilla, Hector Wrecked me. frankly I just don't feel like TA is worth it. I already have enough positional nightmares..... RE: subbing Ephraim: it's been working pretty well. rn I'm levelling Subaki with Marth, Cherche, and Gordin, so I can give Ephraim Quick Riposte. Should let me bait most units and wail on 'em, basically Hector in a better color w/ slightly lower stats because infantry. Lastly, I've been doing the paralouges, and they're actually pretty tough on-level! pretty much all my units ended up low, barring my professional arena team on the lunatic rounds. Dancer OP. (Also my Hard Team was Sword Chrom, LAD Minerva, Ursula, and -res +def Kagero, so they weren't exactly the toughest things in the world the only bad thing is that there's this Lunatic Armor quest, and my highest-level armor is Sheena at 24.
  16. yep. just as I predicted. Spring Chrom, first pull.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doombotmecha


      I actually got 4* Freddy and 3* Wendy, too!

      I also got 3* Fir, so I can inherit Speed +3 onto Corrin, which I'm happy about.


      Man, these paralouge battles are actually pretty tough with an on-level team!

    3. doombotmecha


      Oh yeah, and a new Voting Gauntlet has been datamined: Wyverns vs. Pegasi!

      My Heart says "Minerva" but something else says "Camilla"


      Also Camilla's probably gonna take it.

    4. Cepheus


      I pulled Spring camilla ... but I wanted Lucina :(

  17. tfw you maybe might just ace this calc test

    1. Dreamy


      Ephraim doesn't take tests he can't pass.

    2. doombotmecha


      Thank you so much!

  18. I do, since I have Tharja, but positioning her can be tricky given that I can't bait with her at all. I also have Olivia, but I'd need 7 more levels and a ruby sword before she'll be any use in combat, and I already mostly use her to dance people around.
  19. well, that's just the thing. With +3 speed, very little doubles her, and despite the high attack on axes, barring Anna, Camilla, and Hawkeye, they all have bad speed and Res, so they actually take significant damage from F!Corrin. also it's either her or Ephraim as the only physically defensive members to my team
  20. See, thing is, I'm running a blade-mage team. I have TA robin but he has no buffs, and I blew all my SI fodder for 'em. I've actually swapped back to Ephraim, my old arena lead, since he can handle falchions easier. I'm gonna inherit Quick Riposte (frankly I'd use Wary Fighter if he could inherit it) onto him, as well as (possibly) Fortify Defense, so that Tharja can get the full suite of buffs. I might even give him Rally Speed to better aid her, but I'm not sure. For an A skill, I am REALLY against TA, especially since with the more blue-heavy meta greens are the new anti-meta. Sure Tharja can deal with most of it, but what's a tank worth if he can't take a hit from another physical unit? If I ever pull Hector, I might even give the Restoration Lord Distant Counter, especially as nobody uses the physically defensive red mages. The only red fight I'd lose is Y!Tiki, and that's if I attack first, thus nullifying QR. And you know Ephraim; he doesn't pick fights he can't win! 5* female corrin with speed +3 and SB already Kos all swords, so does TA/renewal but like, do I really want green axes to screw me harder than they already do? Eventually, I'm gonna give her Reciprocal Aid, and stick Ruby Sword, Renewal, and Fury 3 on Olivia, so that F!Corrin can use her health to heal. I'll also be able to give my low health to Anna, so she can go on a rampage with Desperation, Fury, and Vengeance. Tharja, for her part, has Darting Blow, Threaten Speed, and she's gonna get desperation, so she can be the ultimate speed queen and ORKO everything. That, or CC+Vantage for Red Mage Takumi.
  21. Actually, +3 speed lets her double a lot of of stuff, given her middle-of-the-road speed tier+dark breath, and avoid getting doubled by even more stuff. plus, it has no downside, and makes her tankier against both physical and magical threats at the same time. Swordbreaker is pretty much exclusively for Lucina. you...do know that Renewal is a B skill? I might also do QR but I feel killing lucina is important. hmmm.....
  22. I keep trying to make F!Corrin work but she's so damn squishy. even vs. physical hits I feel like she can only outlast one foe per fight. She's godawful for baiting and mages eat her alive. I need +3 speed and swordbreaker on her, stat!
  23. Sanaki? She's pretty good. Leo's on a horse, but he's so goddamn slow....frankly you're better off putting a blade tome+moonbow on him
  24. If anyone's seen a good Ephraim icon that they've seen, please let me know. I've taken a liking to him.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I'm not that much of a fan of Manaketes. Btw, I usually pair up characters of the same class, even if their boosts aren't that good.

    3. Hect


      Ah, well, fair enough. Not like you can use Myrrh for that long, anyway. I got to oppurtunity to use her as a Sniper on a randomized run, so getting an A support between the two was fairly easy.





      And yeah, Lute is perfection.

    4. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      She's quite good.

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