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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. I am going to pull as hard as I can for Camilla and I'm gonna get 30 barsts and a bartre don't ask me how I know I just DO. or I'm gonna get another chrom. that wouldn't be so bad.
  2. tfw you NEED to study but you have 0 motivation

  3. imo, cherche's best B skill is Drag Back, so she can retreat after nuking with Brave Axe. in other news, I got 3 five stars off my Battling Mike pulls, and I beat the lunatic mode for the first time! 5-stars were Minerva, Chrom and Marth, and for the lunatic mode I used Ephraim, Tharja, Olivia, and an INCREDIBLY janky camilla with emerald axe and lancebreaker 1. main strategy was to take olivia and tharja, go up left, smack mike down to 10, use dance+reposition to retreat, and then go from there.
  4. "racist=anti-white" a neo-nazi. on this forum. never thought i'd see the day. (for those who don't know, associating "racist" and "anti-white" is real and literal neo-nazi retoric) jfc, sure the game has bad animation, but it has nothing to do with your precious White Power.
  5. omfg my anti-virus updated and now it hates reddit for some reason

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. doombotmecha


      yeah, reddit culture is kinda terrible. only reason I'm there is 'cause it updates regularly compared to official forums.

    3. doombotmecha


      ok, it's not just reddit, it's also wikia and the official league boards. I will literally disable my antivirus if it means I get my damn computer back.

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Can't you 'tell' your antivirus that Reddit is a safe website?

  6. Regardless of whether or not I get Nier: Automata, the Soundtrack is nearly bringing me to tears here. Ohmygosh this is soooo good.

  7. Warframe has done a balance pass on some of its weakest and strongest weapons...the end times are upon us.

  8. My current SI-enhanced arena team: -F!Corrin with Dark Breath, her default special, Speed +3 (eventually), swordbreaker/Quick Riposte (currently seal res), and Hone atk -Tharja with RBlade, Reprisal, darting blow, something else (unfilled rn), and spur res (might change it to Fortify Defense) -Olivia with her default sword (gonna inherit Ruby Sword), as well as Knockback and Hone Speed (so as not to conflict with Corrin on Tharja) -Anna with only her 3 star special rn (tfw no sp), as well as Vantage 2 (might change to Desperation) and Fortify Res. She'll probably be my first five star. my impressions so far are that blade tomes with a dancer are really strong. Like, WOW. holy shit tharja leave some for the rest of us. the team's pretty squishy overall, but once olivia gets a ruby sword+renewal, and her + Anna get Fury, the team should be solid enough--everyone only needs to get hit enough to bait the enemies into annihilation range. My theory (borrowed from some1 else) with Fury Olivia is this: even once the fury meta dies in mid-april, Fury will be critical to help olivia survive the one hit she needs to in a fight, conserving health on the rest of my team. The idea is to put reciprocal aid on F!Corrin, and then use Olivia's regenerating health pool to stay healthy in fights. Idk though, I'm missing out on a movement assist for Corrin, where it's pretty critical as she's the main tank. Fury Anna is a no-brainer. her weapon gives Escape Route, her skills give her Vantage, you can't go wrong with Furious Anna. might swap her special for Reprisal, just so I can abuse her low health, and I'll probably make her assist a mobility one, 'cause she's both my berserker and my highest Res unit. Rn what really wastes this team is Kagero. Also 5* archers in general. I kinda want to put Daggerbreaker on Tharja, just for these jerks. I hope I never run into a vantage tacomeat.
  9. Has anyone tried Nier: Automata yet?


    Thinking of buying it, it looks like it could satisfy my rwby itch

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's made by Platinum. a.k.a the dudes that made Bayonetta and quite a lot of other character action games. Needless to say, it's real good.

    3. 5hift


      Is this the new Metal Gear Rising sequel? Raiden looks even girlier in this one.


      Lol jokes aside, this game actually looks pretty fun. 


      Heard the story is a total mindfuck as well.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ye, Nier's world apparently is. Note, it's meant to be played through quite a few times. ((the overall story is short but from what I've heard you supposed to not stop at a single playthrough.))

      I'll note it switches genres a bit, since there are segments that are bull hell shooters. ((like gradius or that type of thing.)) Why? I have no idea but it even carries into the main gameplay as you have something called a pod ((or a tiny robot)) that can jsut shoot at enemies while in the ground sections. It's actually rather interesting.

      and lol, 2B, waaaay cuter than Raiden though.

  10. Dark Knights, cool in other games but their art in Fates was siiiiick (will upload something soon, gotta go home first) My other favorite is Manaketes, Favorite is again the Fates manakete Corrin, mostly because they finally ditched the "really 7000 years old" cliche
  11. FE Fates, aka: somebody got bet a truckload of money that they couldn't make a game with only one song.

  12. Sheena, not sharena. Sheena's an armor Axe with an armor-specific buff and svallin shield, which negates "effective against" bonuses, so basically hammers don't do crap to her.
  13. I just found out my Camilla and Niles are +def -spd fml


    also my Ephraim is +hp -spd whyyyyyy


    Robin's +Atk -hp tho.

    1. Wolfox


      I have no idea what my Lucina would be, but I think + attack or +speed and -def/res

    2. doombotmecha


      once you hit lvl 40 you can just search up a calculator on google

  14. First off, a PSA: Next week's bonus units are gonna be the focuses plus Azama, Fir, Ursula, and Anna. Also, the daily login orbs are back, and if you're on android, you get a free F!Corrin. not complaining abotu any of that. I'm still trying to get as close to a perfect score as I can with My Stahl/Cecilia/Jagen/Felicia Partial Horse Emblem team, though. My last two matches freaking incredible: aaand the second match Since then, I've been doing training tower to level up Team Horse Emblem, both for arena and to do the stratum quests...I don't think I'll be able to do the tenth-stratum horse-only quest, though, since I only have three horses and Ursula is still underleveled... I've got about 40 orbs saved up, but I'm not pulling on this banner, too many focuses that I just don't care about. Bring back Leo! PS: I just saw this really neat Setsuna build with +speed, Brave Bow+, Life and Death 3, Threaten Speed, desperation, Ardent Sacrifice, and Moonbow. It quads almost the entire game.
  15. The reasons that Ephraim has been tying with Chrom: Memelord with "Disgusting" and his wonderful special quotes. Most of the Awakening fanboys are voting for Lucina anyways (not that Awa is a bad game, per say, it's just that Lucina's a girl, and so......) frankly I'm surprised and kind of worried that Ephraim is doing so badly. did we really all blow our flags on Leo? Chrom v. Lucina in the finals will be sad.
  16.  failed my calc midterm. freaking 67, despite spending all weekend doing calc homework.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Oh, I see. Well, it depends on the grading scale. If it's 67 out of 200, then yes, you failed it. But looking at this, I'd say you passed, so congratulations :) 

    3. doombotmecha


      Well, I still don't really know, because there's no letter grade on the test.


      It's 67 out of 100, yeah, but word is (i still don't know for sure) that calc classes tend to get curved hard.

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Let's hope for the best!

  17. Erikia is trashing Elise, Chrom is dominating Alphonse, and Leo is fighting an pitched but losing battle against Ephraim. frankly unless all the losing armies come together around Ephraim Luci will win. @Inactivity Probably not, although we'll most certainly going to see them as bosses in PvE. The game has to go somwhere after level 40.
  18. Ephiram is winning, hard. I'm still pulling for Leo, though. I'll join Ephi after, though. he's the best bet for countering Luci.
  19. I finally pulled Female!Corrin!


    now, to save for the next banner.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Oh bother. That's not good for me. I have a 5* Elise, 3 x 4* Effies, and a 4* Nino already.

    3. Wolfox


      if effie is as good in heroes as she is in fates, you good

    4. doombotmecha


      Effie is killer. wary fighter+critically high stat totals+smite for extra movement.

  20. reinhardt buffs horses, so if you pull gunter and get cecilia from the daily mission today, you'd be off to a nice start. I've seen a team with them and Eldigan, Stahl has low res but he's a budget option. on a more personal note--I finally got female Corrin! Unfortunately, she's still only three stars, so I'll have to rarify her, as well as unlock Dark Breath. still! the thing I have been seeking so long is in my phone at last! I also got Cordelia (aka Flying Pyrrha) and Beruka, so +1 RWBY and +1 Nohr retainers. sweet! I took my current cavalry team (Jagen, Stahl, Cecilia, and Felicia) into the arena, and it was...alright. I kept losing people. nearly all of those units are squishy one way or another.
  21. gdi warframe just let lost sessions go, don't spend 3 years searching for them and lock me out of the game

  22. Oh hey if you're into Warframe they've got a new thing out--Grineer defectpr evacuation! 6 days to get as high a score you can, your high scores add up to a sum for your whole clan, get to an absurdly high number per person to unlock not only the Ignis Wraith BP, but to get an IW with a catalyst and a slot for your whole clan!

  23. yeah banshee P has the same stats as Nova P. I'm actually more interested in Ephonia prime and especially helios prime. free scans, without having to scan to pay for them! On another note, I finished Limbo. He's pretty cool, I can see why he's c-tier but at the same time he's pretty fun, especially with the Rubico I just picked up. I've been levelling him on Stofler, Lua, and just staying on the ledge above the map waves 6-9, since hardly any sniper ammo drops anyway and it keeps me safe from the grineer, while I still get most of the affinity from other tenno. The wierd thing to get used to is cataclysm being a ranged aoe, and not centered on Limbo. It was a revalation to find out I could cata the cryopod without actually being there. in yesterday's sortie, I got a Tigris Riven and unveiled it. 200 plat? I don't see why not. edit: finished levelling Atomos and Dual Zoren, traded steel charge for Gleaming Blight, so now I have baslok and dark dagger building. My other MR Fodder to work through include Stug, Skana (the speed on this thing is painful after B-War), Kessheg, Dark Sword/Dagger, Staticor, and Twin Rogga, although I really want to keep Rogga and Staticor for how strong they are, and how great staticor is gonna be with limbo's stasis. Lastly, I'm building a gammacor so I can build Heliocor later on.
  24. Well, I've been training and rarifying my units, everything's going pretty well but I still don't have F!Corrin D: I've upped Jagen and Felicia to 4 stars, and I realized something: Jagen has low Def, but really high res. He's great for running down enemy mages for that reason. My current levelling squad is Jagen, Chrom, Fae, and Felicia, all 4*. Chrom is a recent arrival, and he's probably going to end up as my first 5* upgrade, due to falchion. After that I might do either Camilla or Anna, idk which. The team is decent against most things but suffers vs. lance flyers and archers, purely due to the low Def on Jagen and Felicia. Feli does alright vs. flyers, and she can KO them sometimes. I hope I can get them back to 20-odd soon, so I can have Fortify Cavalry for Stahl and Cecilia.
  25. FE news: Who's on a horse now, losers?


    WF news: also I just got done levelling zhuge. I'll have to try it again later. I also have an infested dog now.

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