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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. I'm just sitting here at 2k 'cause I've been upgrading nonstop I've Settled on Jagen as the Blue Spear for my cavalry team, and it's going great. it'll be a shame when I have to rarify him, which I will for his cavalry synergy, but rn he's incredible with Stahl, Cecilia, and Felicia, because Stahl's swap (and horse move in general) helps with formations and with Feli in the middle I can sustain Jagen and Stahl for a while. Feli also helps against mages, since my knights have low Res, and Cecilia handles archers as long as she can get the first shot in (hint: she can). The only trouble this team has is flyers in tight spaces, since my guys can't always get in position to protect my gals, who often can't oneshot flyers due to their high Res. Horse Mages are still a thorn in my side, but only if I can't rotate Feli out front to kill them. Otherwise, the high movement and great defenses, combined with only one non-meta unit having beastslayer, make this a very powerful team when given the space to run around. Also, once I finish Felicia's skills, I think she'll be able to handle F!Robin nicely. I actually passed the Robin fight (finally), using Camilla to tank the top and Niles to tank the bottom. Niles nearly died, but with a dancer I was able to rotate him back up and let Camilla cleave through the top mages with little difficulty. So now I've got 2* F!Robin, and while she's been hinted at being useful for the next Grand Hero Battle, I don't know if I'll be able to Rarify her in time for it. I'm nearly tapped out, and I haven't even gotten Jagen and Anna upgraded to 4* yet! If Robbie's still here when I get team 2 up to snuff, I may try it with them, just for the heck of it. As per the above, Collector Report: Dragons, Nohr, and Horse Synergy Conclusion: My Conquest of this game is as yet incomplete. Also, F!Corrin is actively avoiding me.
  2. So, as you all know, I've been scouring the game for Female Corrin. I haven't gotten her yet, but what I *have* gotten is Oboro to +2, as well as 4 star Fae, 4-star A!Tiki, and Felicia and Cecilia from daily battles. Feli is actually a really nice unit. just.....keep her away from any unit that attacks defense. or strong breezes. I wish I had room for a healer in my levelling squad for her, but I just don't. It's sad because as my magekiller she's the one guaranteed to take hits, but with breath of life she's the only one I can't heal. Anyway, The Squads(TM): Main arena team: Ephiram (aka Slightly better than Oboro, and I mean Slightly), Camilla (aka Buxom-Guided Missile), Niles (aka Mages apply here) and Robin (aka Archers apply here) current levelling squad: Oboro (see above)/Jagen (Old Man Buffs Horses), Stahl (The Red Man in Green), Felicia (0x2), Cecilia (Like Robin but with 10 defense) strategy: bait the mages. bait the archers. send my melee units in and oneshot everything else. until I can accomplish steps 1 and 2, retreat like it's going out of style. Maybe use the positional buffs. sometimes.
  3. we’ve all seen truth coming out of her well to shame mankind; now it’s time for consequences coming out of its storm drain really let you have it this time you pieces of shit
  4. some finale/next season thoughts
  5. Once you get past the early game and get a set of weapons and frames you like, warframe is just....so good. You can just put together a random set of stuff that you haven't used before or in a while, and go out and slice through a horde with it. 


    also, third forma onto Harpak. I am committed.

  6. oh this is nothing. in awakening you could make an entire army out of nothing but marth and marth expies. I actually don't get it either there wasn't even a shared verse until awakening what gives
  7. Limbo has a rework and it's incredible like this guy is like 100% my next wf.

    1. 5hift


      Matrixframe confirmed.

    2. doombotmecha


      though I know you hate jojo, I'm as psyched for the memes as anyone else


      like really how much more perfect can a time-stop ability be? none more perfect. 


  8. I. Hate. Cavaliers. If you're on a horse fu


    ai cavaliers (esp. mages) have a massive range advantage, so they can pick and choose their targets freely. once one gets in range of your group, you're essentially guaranteed to lose whatever unit is weak to them. 

  9. Alright, here's my friend code: 7546-109-235 also, I just got Adult Tiki, so that's nice. she's great vs. knights but awful vs. mages. I've been using her as a red frontliner and a second Robin in the Tower. I'm also now exclusively rolling blue stones for F!Corrin. also, don't forget: 1.5x exp this weekend!
  10. man Adult-Tiki does nothing to mages

  11. that's the third match I've lost to accidentally tapping a character and making them wait. 


    what the hell?! why is that even a thing?!

  12. the worst thing about FE heroes is knowing that if there wasn't stamina, you'd be done already.

    1. Maelstrom


      Nah. I'd say it's the limited orbs and low drop rates.

    2. Combat


      Or getting the same hero twice in a row.

  13. I'm now exclusively rolling blues for F! corrin. No luck yet, just Odin, Odin, Jagen, and 5* Ephiram. btw, Shareena is better at 5 stars.
  14. basically, there's 4 "tables" of heroes to summon common, rare, legendary, and legendary-focus the legendary-focus table has the same odds to be chosen as the legendary table, but there's only 4 or 5 characters on it, so each character has a slightly larger chance to be chosen over any other 5-star considering I haven't gotten either yet, the odds are still pretty low. @Fabled Asian I'll probably level them both and then rarify selena to 4* later on. speed-down is super, super useful.
  15. they don't. that's the real gotcha. you need to "use" your slightly better luck before the event ends, which once you run out of low-cost missions, getting to a high 5* chance before the reset is going to require spending money. Erikia is the only focus I want, I'm without a good red. On that note, which do y'all think is better: 3-star selena, or 4-star laslow?
  16. My best anti-mages so far have been Camilla and Niles, moreso Niles because his special works off of enemy res, but camilla because she onerounds everything anyway, and I can generally flying-cheese myself into range without being hit. If you can pick up a cavalier, that'd also help.
  17. Fcorrin had better come back with the next banner she is the only non-cartoony dragon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      F-Corrin does really well and is one of my new favorites now, especially since I raised her up to 4*.

    3. doombotmecha


      ok, YY, those are some pretty sick dragons. man, what happened?


      Maelstrom, yeah, the debuffs on her attack are incredible. she makes an excellent chokepoint tank because of it, especially vs. armored enemies since it hits Res. just keep her away from the abitrary list of units with Dragonslayer.

    4. YinYang9705


      nothing really, it just depends on the species each playable dragon is.

  18. pro tip for levelling healers: train 2 squads, and have the healer in both. keeps the rest of the team from getting ahead. also, joy of joys, my last pull (probably my last for the banner) pulled a 4-star robin and 2 4-star camillas. I....I think I have a waifu now. anyways, Robin neatly answers Camilla's weakness, and Camilla's mobility really helps on tight maps. My full second squad is 4-star Oboro, 4-star Camilla (the one with better attack), 4-star Robin and 3-star Olivia. Dance is sooooo good, if only it gave exp so I didn't have to bend over backwards to keep Oli on-level. The squad as a whole does the best on really terrible terrain, using Robin to bait out and eliminate archers and Camilla to deal with enemy mages and fliers so Oboro and Olivia can clean up. Obs and Robin mean that Armor isn't a problem, and regular infantry can't deal with Oboro+Olivia+Robin's damage output. I've started doing a little arena, but I've only gone against beginner opponents, who tend to use the default team, although one time I faced a team with a robin. I don't really have any questions. I don't like Takumi as a character, so I'm fine with not having him, and while I didn't get a focus 5-star this time around I might get something next time. until then, all I have to ask is---who do y'all think is next? edit: Fabled and Ceph I am jealous of your female!corrins. also I'm mildly irritated because I ran into a guy at uni who said he didn't use his 5-star elise because "supports are useless"
  19. remember how I was saying yesterday that I really wanted Camilla+a good mage?


    I got TWO Camillas, and a Robin! Like Holy Shit!


    I also got another three-star flier (I'm beginning to understand this "Est Archetype") and a 3-star Olivia, which I'm presently grinding up alongside Oboro, Robin, and Camilla A so she can learn Dance. She's kind of a load now, but she's not completely  defenseless thanks to Oboro's def rally, and later she'll let me Robin twice in a turn! 


    I can now verify that Camilla is, indeed, freaking broken. Brave Axe lets her oneshot almost anything. Also, Robin is great for baiting out archers, since he has advantage against them.

    1. Combat


      Lucky, all I got wee five three star units...

    2. doombotmecha


      I've had six 4-stars in three pulls I love my luck

  20. hey so I'll make this brief 'cause user error got the last post deleted: my only 4-stars are Sheena, Niles, and Oboro. Oboro isn't on-level, though, but once I get her there she'll be on the A-team. my only healer is 3* lissa, but I'll probably rarify her soon anyway. she's still good early. The Squad right now is Sheena, The Spear fighter you get in the prologue, Lissa, and Niles. It's bad in open fights or vs. ninjas, but it defends chokepoints like you wouldn't believe. I also use Alphonse if for some reason I need a sword fighter. The one character I really want to get before the event ends is Camilla, since she's broken and also hot. It'd be incredible to get female corrin, though, since she's my favorite of the dragons, and also i need a good mage. I don't have my code yet, but seeing as my army is terrible, I don't think it'll be that much help until I pull a 5* or something. I also need to rarify Lissa and the starters so she can get endgame stats and so they can get their good stuff. Frankly they're the only <3 star units in the whole damn army.
  21. good news on the FEH front:


    I got a better mage. I don't remember his name, but his title was "the twisted mind" three stars, but he actually gains stats when he levels.


    my only other good pull was this 4-star lance girl


    bad news: apparently all of your starting characters are at two stars. That's just lovely.

  22. does anyone know a good Fire Emblem: Awakening let's play?


    I'm looking to use it as something of a difficulty guide for what to expect from Conquest later on, without spoiling Conq for myself.

    1. Wolfox


      between Awakening and Conquest there's no compairing difficulty in my expirience, my advice is to simply expect everything

  23. alright, so I finally have FE heroes.


    first pulls--


    Sheena: tanky as shit, not fast but I forgive her. 4 stars.


    Niles: the one guy I actually know. 4 stars, rank: bisexual disaster.


    Lissa: I have seen two episodes of an Awakening lp and you were in them, so four for you, healer girl. also the only healer. probably isn't paid enough. 4 stars.


    Raigh: my only mage. idk what else about him. 4 stars. i think.


    Est: ???? she flies tho. 3 stars.


    Est II: ???????? another flier, also three stars. probably a traitor in disguise.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. doombotmecha


      yeah Hutch he's like the only mage I've got so far, as soon as I can get another I'm ditching him

      Sheena also seems to have a slow level-stat rate. Is that just par for the course for fire emblem "big guys?" iirc that's the archetype's "shtick", which is kinda sad given that the armored slow-and-steady advance is kinda fun to work around for me.


      The ests are, like, raigh's polar opposite though. despite both being three stars, they deal incredible damage, and using the same healer on all my squads means that Lissa is high-level-enough to heal any damage they take, meaning that as long as they don't get downed in one turn, I can make them more or less invincible. On the other hand, they're so squishy that they can only engage foes one-at-time.


      I've decided to name them est. (established) and EST (eastern standard time).


      also, i'm figuring that the most efficient way to summon is 20 orbs at a time, so I'll pull when I get another twenty.

    3. doombotmecha


      oh right, I forgot to ask: there's no way to "increase" the number of stars on a character, is there? given that random loot drops are the name of the game, I wouldn't think so, Female Corrin is listed on the wiki as only being available at 3-4* while having an ability that unlocks at five.

    4. AuthorReborn


      Allies->Advanced Growth->Unlock Potential to imcrease your units' next star. You need lots of badges from the training tower, hero feathers from the arena, and the unit must be at level 20+. 

  24. angst is back on warframe. I mean, body count is almost entirely outclassed by drifting contact, but w/e.

  25. Mastery Rank 11! should be 14 for my riven on sunday. zero-recoil Harpak, here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doombotmecha


      yeah, I'm in pretty deep. I main valkyr, and my favorite weapons are cool melees like Ripkas, Broken-War, and Ack and Brunt, as well as launchers like Torid and Zarr.


      so, this riven mod gets me +151% crit multiplier, +107% cold, and -106% recoil. thing is: what I want to do with the weapon, now, is make a crit build. with fully-ranked Vital Sense and this riven, the harpak hits like 3.64 critical multiplier with a 37.5% crit chance at max Point Strike. Also, like, 90% of this weapon's inaccuracy is recoil, so I'm hoping I can get a perfectly accurate weapon--barring travel time, of course.

    3. Alextron


      As for me, I have progressed far in the game too (rank 18 btw). I main Loki and use Hek, Dread and Dragon Nikana most of the time.


      With Rivens though, I haven't got much luck getting good ones yet..

      Also, I cannot play as of last year because right now I don't have a good Computer to play. Though I'm checking the site all the time to keep up with things.


      By the way, my alias is Alextron16.

    4. doombotmecha


      gah, that sucks.

      I actually have all the weapons you mention, although I haven't touched D. Nikana in a while (really need to, that iajitsu(?) stance is so cool) and I only use dread for stealth missions.


      harpak, is, like, my first actual gun in a while. It's actually pretty funny. I was taking cover and aiming down sights and if felt nostalgic. the only other guns I aim with are Twin grats and vasto.


      I'm figuring my "true" mr is somewhere around 14, since I've just been sitting around at 10 for a while now. As far as Rivens, all I have is this and a -zoom one for Rubico. I don't even use sniper rifles.


      It's great to meet you! My ign is amiableMortician612. 

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