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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. I got berserker yesterday! now all I need to do is forma the HECK outta all my melee weapons and I'll have achieved the WF melee dream.


    so far I've forma'd my Ack and Brunt. They're so awesome now! I wish I had final harbinger.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. doombotmecha


      yeah, it's not *that* great but it has a strong riven disp, and this one wipes out one its weaknesses, while adding enough damage to make the weapon crit-viable.


      I'd get the ignis, but with the Harpak and Hirudo, I'm out of weapon slots, and until my vasto prime part sells, I'm out of plat unless I can rustle up another rare that isn't for valkyr prime. Also, I need to get the rest of the dual-stat elementals...


      I have a sweet burston skin. is the prime still available?

    3. 5hift


      Yep the prime is still available, but you can probably buy a set for real cheap.


      Hirudo is fuckin sweet, I'd definitely forma it and get all those crazy mods on.

    4. doombotmecha


      oh yeah, I'm setting up to trade for Brutal Tide on friday and once I have both it'll be so cool.

      I've actually got a fair bit of prime farming ahead of me, seeing as the only Prime archwing is going to be the next one vaulted. I'm figuring that I'll level the normal burston while farming B. Prime, Venka P, Oda P, and possibly Volt, if only for the swag bragging rights. 


      Man, I hope they prime another archwing with the next PA...

  2. hey if y'all like Warframe, fan concepts, or battles against unfathomable enemies, I made a thing over on the warframe forums:


    1. 5hift


      Where's that Hunhow guy?

      I wanna deck him in the shnoz.

  3. it's no big deal. the post is still relevant, and megathreads are fairly dusty as a general rule. they really needed the UBs to alter their enviroments. Like, the forest Xurkitree was in should have been arcing with electricity. I feel you on the re-acheiving, I want to do a steel run but I have a shiny skarmory in this run and I don't have Bank
  4. as someone who's best knowledge of FE comes from watching a Conquest let's play, is FE: Heroes going to be fun in its own right? or is most of the fun nostalgia?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Honestly, most games usually start off easier. It's got some decent difficulty to it, especially if you don't bring the right type of units. ((which can be a bit rough if you don't train them up or just don't pull any.)) the higher diffculties just add levels , but they get more skills etc and use them. Enemies are actually pretty good at using Drawback and shove effectively I noticed. espcially drawback, on maps designed for ranged units. One of the early ones there's a a mage and a archer with a Peg Knight and she has drawback, they will attack your melee units and then pull them back from the ledge so you can't retaliate with a ranged unit of your own.

    3. 5hift


      Yeah I guess that makes sense.


      I look forward to seeing what events they'll have for the game.

    4. doombotmecha


      thanks guys, I guess i'll at least try it out. I'm *vaguely* familliar with turn-based strategy, so the difficulty should be average, and it seems like a fun way to spend 5 min on Marta or something.

  5. I've been gathering spirit for a while and then I got lucky with an obliterate from a pack!


    then I went to try it in a game, didn't draw it, and lost to F*cking meltdown.

  6. tfw you make a thread but the forums eated it

  7. Duelyst is a fast-paced hybrid of turn-based strategy and tcg gameplay, wherein your "hero" (aka General) is actually a unit on the board, like the king in chess, except infinitely more useful. Each faction has a default general, and an alternate one that can be unlocked with a different hero power, or "bloodborn spell" as duelyst calls it. A general can use their BBS for 1 mana from the 3rd turn, and then every other turn after that. the first player starts with 2 cores, and the second player starts with three and better access to the "mana spring" tiles, which grant an additional core for that turn. generals have 2 attack and counterattack when hit, so 2 health is the new 1 health. minions can be summoned adjacent to any unit you control, and spells can be cast as their text dictates. There are also "equipment" cards, that last until your general gets damaged three times. There are six factions: Lyonar: Lions, Paladins, Provoke (like taunt except in every adjacent square), healing, self-buffs. Priest+Paladin, but no shadow, debuffs, or stealing. General Options: Argeon Highmane: BBS: give +2 attack to a nearby minion Zir'an Sunforge: BBS: Heal a friendly minion for 2 Songhai: Ninjas, Spell synergy, ranged minions, backstab (bonus damage+no counterattack if you attack "from behind"). The unholy lovechild of burn mage and miracle rogue. General Options: Kaelos Xaan: BBS: teleport a minion 2 spaces Reva Eventide: BBS: summon a 1/1 with ranged Vetruvian: Sand, Dervishes, Equipment, blast (hitting everything in a line) Being Bad. Pre-Gadgetzan priest+weapon rogue, with no stealing except MC and all of the developer hate General Options: Zirix Starstrider: summon a 2/2 in a random nearby space Scioness Sajj: Your general deals double damage to minions this turn Magmar: Green dinos, dinos that get bigger, dinos that can come back when killed, and sometimes card draw/burn. shaman x druid, with hints of warlock. General Options: Vaath the Immortal: gain +1 general attack Starhorn the Seeker: both players draw a card Abyssian: the "evil" faction. Two archetypes: Swarm and Creep. swarm generates tons of 1/1s and then uses cards that trigger when other things die, creep spreads squares of creep across the board and then auto-wins the lategame. Kinda like warlock, but not really like any hearthstone class. General Options: Lilith Blightchaser: BBS: summon two 1/1 wraithlings in random nearby spaces Cassyva Soulreaver: BBS: deal 1 damage to a minion. if it dies, turn the space under it into shadow creep Vanar: Nords, wolves, ice, ice spirit ("vespyr") synergy, walls, positional bonuses, nobody having fun ever. the control archtype. lacks an in-faction wincon. Faie Bloodwing: BBS: deal 2 damage to the enemy general and any enemies in the same column as them Kara Winterblade: BBS: any minion you summon this turn gains +1/+1. used to be "minions in your hand get +1/+1, but got nerfed. ;-;. Overall, it's a fun game, but very stimulating, due to the bright colors and strategic depth. My favorite archetypes are Shadow Creep Cassyva, Midrange Vaath, and Mech Starhorn. "mech" is a neutral tribe where 5 of the seven mechs have an opening gambit that reads "mechaz0r progress +20%". summon five and you summon mechaz0r, which is ranged, immune to spells, and hits everything nearby it when it attacks. It's a little like exodia that way. so yeah, now that I've drowned you in information, what do y'all think? My old acc was died to an email acc that got deleted, so now I'm amiableMorticianRE
  8. yeah you should be fine, I'm going to be using my run that I started under ep 3.1
  9. "You are now Jade Harley. The year is 1888, and you’ve just gotten done essentially forcing a mother to turn her baby into a zombie despite her desire not to. Yup, that’s how you’re going to take over the world now that you’ve rejected your own humanity and became an incredibly powerful furry you mean vampire." -Jojostuck

  10. dota 2 this is it. you do nothing but update every other day and I am sick. of. it. good freaking bye.

    1. Arkhi


      Enter League, where updates are less frequent and the community is toxic.

    2. DemICE


      i might as well be a steel type now, seeing as i shrug even the most toxic stuff with a laugh and counter with a supereffective bonemerang

    3. doombotmecha


      like, at least in league I can cs without a phd.


      but then my top id draven and in postgame chat he claims to be a tyler1 smurf. also he tried to solo baron repeatedly.

  11. Josuke has a power that no other joestar has--


    he's a well-adjusted, friendly guy.

  12. thank you so much for sharing this! I loved the XY shofu/pokeaim Nuzrace, I'll def check this out
  13. flip flappers, or as I like to call it:

    ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! the anime

  14. from duelyst's Rise of the Bloodborn expansion, Grandmaster Variax card text:


    "your bloodborn spell costs 3 and is now AWESOME"

  15. man, playing Insurgence after Reborn is so weird. There's a gastly on the first route. a gastly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lilleen


      Haha, I like both Insurgence and Reborn. They're good games, not perfect obviously, but I enjoy them nonetheless! ^^

    3. Dypatome


      Oh, there's definitely a large gap in difficulties. Us going to Insurgence makes it seem almost like a piece of cake, but them coming here would see it as pure hell.

    4. doombotmecha


      to its credit, insurgence does make pretty hard bossfights. that chlorophyll sleep powder ivysaur is a hard stop if you didn't stall out the sun. Also,  the mon variety makes the game fun in its own way, sorta like playing skyrim with an OP build--it's fun to play god once in a while.


      what I'd really love is some game or format where we could pull together all the new stuff from other fangames...I'd love to mess with Insurgence's New Moon weather, Mega Delta Charizard, Magnezone, and the Blackout or Dark Crystal Cavern all in one format.

  16. I like some of the classics, like TTGL, FMA: Brotherhood, and Cowboy Bebop. I favor action-heavy anime, but long-running shonen series like One Piece and Naruto are so slow-paced that it doesn't feel right at all. Like, each fight in one piece is essentially its own sub-arc.
  17. I have only one greivance here---imo Desolation's intro is at least twice as good as rejuvenation's. why? Because it's less than half as long. I ended up spoilering this because it's mostly just salt. In terms of mood, I don't mind Desolation being edgy. In a game about choices, I feel like the choices need to have weight for the rep mechanic to work. I personally like it better than Rejuvenation's anime-ish style, with signature moves and the bad guys summoning legendaries and never knowing what's going on, but that's just my taste. Imo Deso's single worst quality is the wild-encounter scaling. by the time you're strong enough to face the wild encounters and grind on them, you're strong enough to roll over the whole area.
  18. hmmmm........if there was ever a time to soft-reset your heart out, it's that cage with the ditto. related: the "summary before boxing" screen from S/M would be hella helpful in reborn
  19. Where do they store their loot: Black Boxes Black Foxes live in a run-down house: Shack Foxes Unexplained Kindom Hearts crossover: Black Roxas
  20. smite is imo the best of the Mobas. LoL can be nice and I love the character design, but the community is **** and riot keeps making weird balance descisions like First Blood Tower with Smite, I can just hop on an arena match and have a good time. God rentals are also great for just messing around with someone for a day or two, which is the main thing I do. my mains are as follows: Assassin: Arachne (absurb duel/chase potential, punches people to death) and Nemesis (great for taking tanks down a notch, also quite mobile), Kali (I wish I was good with her, but I'm just not) Warrior: Bellona (just love her VO and stance-swapping Guardian: Athena (love the taunt and ult; my Main of Mains), I don't have Gaia or Fafnir yet but they're my next favorites Mage: Kukulkan (massive damage, especially on Joust), Janus (wayyy too much damage for his utility) ADC: Medusa (killer ult, I love the targeting on her poison spray) I mostly play arena and joust, mayyybe clash if I'm playing with friends. my favorite combo is apollo with athena and a high-damage mage in Joust. between me and the mage, we can get somebody pretty low, and then from there apollo can finish them off. afterwards, I go in on him with my ult and we can generally either escape of pick up another kill, because by that time my cooldowns are often back up so I can cc again.
  21. Common features between all the reborn kids:


    insane difficulty

    convoluted story 

    weak early mons 

    a killer soundtrack

    your ride in gets *ed

  22. bidoof learns headbutt @ 13 in gen 7 so I thought I was ok but it learns it at 17 in g6 and i need it for trees whyyy

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