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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. I used to hate grass because it had so many weaknesses (and because meganium and treeko were so awful) but since then I've discovered some grasses I like such as breloom, Torterra, Chesnaught, and Tsareena. Also, when I first started pokemon, my favorite type was electric. I later migrated to steel once I'd played the gen 3 games and seen scizor and metagross in action. also most electric types are kinda....bad. RIP Luxray, you'll always be OU in my heart. I'd liked poison for a while, but it wasn't until gen 6 when poison was Actually Good that I really considered using them on my team. And then, in gen 7, Alola-Muk happened. Gamefreak, you done good.
  2. Speedwagon gets drunk: Meadwagon

  3. Battle Tendency aka "3 primeval supermen face off against their only weakness--an asshole"

  4. I'm right with you, mate. Resetting for good stats makes the game feel like a slot machine. Also losing like 5 saves has left me pretty bored with the first 5 gyms


  7. ok I've actually gotta go I'll be on prolly some other time sorry for the new run -/_/- edit: apparently the person isn't coming to pick me up for another 30 min.
  8. my ID is Doombotmecha and frankly I would sell my soul for this thank you edit: oh no, online bugged. I'm gonna relog edit2: yeah this run is new
  9. ugh I heard the cyst cure is only temporary and I just NOOOOOO like it would look sweet on chroma and nidus but I do not want that shtuff anywhere in the same galaxy as my valkyr. The pet's sweet tho, once I get more free time and finish farming Valky P I'm gonna go finish Glast Gambit and farm nidus. I also want literally all of the new weapons, from the javlok (it's a spear that's a rocket launcher) to the Hirudo (finally a decent sparring weapon. doesn't look half bad either). aaaand now that index mods have come out again it's making me want to pick up the Penta again sidenote: the Zarr is now my favorite weapon ever.
  10. starbound with mods (esp. Frackin' Universe) is so much fun I could play this game for hours

    1. 5hift


      Agreed but more than anything I wish the game itself was better optimized.


      Runs like crap sometimes on my PC.

    2. doombotmecha


      yeah the ruin portal especially ruins my framerate

  11. avatar change because Let It Die is friggin ridiculous

    1. Combat


      Uncle Death is best Death.

    2. Okami


      Whoever thought that Death would be Finnish deserves a medal.

  12. Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
  13. Thanks for your replies, rn I'm just trying for HA and no single-digit IVs on my starter ...and failing horribly
  14. If I'm, say, soft-resetting for IVs/a hidden ability for an event pokemon, what kind of EV spreads should I expect? is it reasonable to assume that I could get a mon with mostly "good" (not perfect) IVs without SR'ing for three hours? what do "decent" IVs look like? and are single-digit offensive IVs a dealbreaker?
  15. 3? oof. I'm running a steel mono and I was planning to use the gen 6 bind mechanics as an inefficient-but-on-type solution, but now I'm not sure if I'm gonna have enough mons to sac to bind 6 times. I could just say it's steel/ghost and use cofagrigus, since that generally doesn't affect the early game, but bind was such an elegant solution! Also Mega thanks to king jr, I'd been looking all over for that guide!
  16. I'm trying to think of a strategy for solaris and I'd like to know how many healing items he has to get a rough estimate of how many revives I'll need to chip it down (I'm on a mono-steel so my options are limited, figuring Wrap Onix) Also, wasn't there a Horrendously Written Guide to Reborn? or did the site update eat that?
  17. ok, I was just confused for a while about whether klink appeared in the railnet (near daycare) proper or in a shadow, esp. since Suddenly Klinkang. thanks for the answers!
  18. basically title. the encounter chance is so low that I could farm for ages and not find it, so which is correct to farm?
  19. starting a new reborn run--should I try and use a real team, or should I subject myself to early steel mono hell  (and its sublevel Is Klink Even Here hell) for the sake of refreshing the game?

    1. BIGJRA


      Steel Mono is really fun -- there's always juuust enough available Pokemon that it never gets stale.

    2. Peanuts


      I agree with JRA, I'm doing a steel mono and it's been lots of fun so far

  20. conquest is good but it can get old fast with the repitition, as well as needing to evolve things so that you can have them later. my order is.....hmmmm..... I love 4's aesthetic and underground wifi thing I adore gen 7's story Gen 3 is excellent and where pokemon really hit its stride gen 5 (part two) has great mon variety but on the other hand gen 4 had awful mons gen 7 has a tiny dex and a terrible wifi gimmick gen 3 has a bare-bones story and, depending on which version of gen 3, either 1. ridiculous villains or 2. no difficulty. gen 5 is kinda the mario in all this. not too bad or too great in any way.
  21. Stein's Gate is a gift.

    1. BIGJRA


      agreed. I watched the last 12 episodes without stopping because it was so compelling. 

    2. Magus


      Sure is, I've been reading the light novel. It's funny because I found about it because of Neptuneia.

    3. doombotmecha


      the first time I watched it, it was in a high school anime club, with wifi quality analogous to the TV in the main crew's house. the constant buffering, going back to try and get it to load more, took a temporally loose anime and made it downright cyclical and trippy.


  22. Just got my first mythical in kind of ever. I'm just glad she's a steel-type.

    1. Wolfox
    2. doombotmecha


      yep. there's this QR code for her floating around.


    3. Wolfox


      I know, got mine the second I found it

  23. 3 fire, 3 grass, 1 water. Huh. I don't really like grass as a type, but grass starters are frequently much nicer than average. Fire is my favorite of the three types, and the fire-types in gens other than 6 are all pretty great. The only uncontested gen is 2, because back when I played Silver Typhlosion was leaps and bounds better than Meganium and could even go toe-to-toe with Feraligatr before it learned hydro pump.
  24. I have two pyraneese, one of whom doesn't like strangers and one of whom who likes to get the other into trouble and escape out into the town Rowdy: doesn't like strangers Type: Normal Ability: Intimidate (he's huge!) Crunch Roar Take Down Dig Daisy: Keeps getting out Normal/Dark Ability: Thick Fat Play Nice Phantom Force (for escaping) Agility (she's lethargic when she isn't making a break for it) Thief I have a few stages of goats, since I live on a goat farm: Baby Goats: Normal Ability: Gluttony/Cute Charm Bite (more like Nibble) Play Nice Tackle Hyper Voice (MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) Adult, Yealing Does: Normal Ability: Gluttony/Rock Head Crunch Pluck Headbutt Double Kick Adult, Older, Cantankerous Does Normal Ability: Thick Fat/Rock Head Crunch Rock Climb Double Kick Head Smash Bucks: Normal Ability: Rock Head/Rivalry/Stench (Distinctly unhidden ability) Attract Head Smash Pluck Make Everything They Touch Smell Like Them I also used to have four cats, though now I only have one: Tippy, The Scaredy Cat Pokemon Normal/Ghost (Deceased) Bite Scratch Play Nice Astonish (what the heck my cat is back from the dead!?) Spotticus, The Fat Cat pokemon Normal/Ghost (Deceased) Ability: Thick Fat/Cute Charm Play Nice Scratch Bite Rest Carmen, the Totally Awful Cat pokemon Dark Ability: Contempt-this pokemon hates literally every living thing. Bite Slash Stockpile Spit Up Igor, The Only One Doing Work Around Here Pokemon Dark/Ghost Ability: Stakeout Bite Pursuit Fake Out Rest
  25. About the whole Victory Road thing, I'm pretty sure the "victory road" for this game is Vast Poni Canyon. There's a huge difficulty spike, the trainers are mostly veterans and black belts, and it's one of the few caves in the game, while being longer than both story-essential caves put together! Having a break between VPC and the League was nice imo and a novel idea. It was great to have a justification for why we had to go through cave hell to get where we were going. The postgame after the Looker questline is pretty lackluster, though. The battle royale and battle tower derive most of their difficulty from having an omniscient AI, and the only good grinding spot is Poni Gauntlet. I'm also kinda miffed about the new focus on getting to level 100. Like, back in the day, level 100 was for your absolute favorites, the very best of your partners. Now there's guides on "grind to l66. get two each of this and that shop, then buy two rare candies from the battle tree" and it makes the whole process seem a bit less special. Also, I know it's been this way for a while now, but I wish I could replay it, like I could Skyrim or Reborn. For a game with such a great story and so many ways to complete it, the game is pretty adamant about you not repeating it. SOS battles are immersive but pretty annoying, and they make it more of a pain to grind on wild pokemon beacause the battle can literally last forever.
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