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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. Reborn's difficulty is both why it pushes me away and why I keep coming back. Shelly in particular is an interesting fight to me because she uses pokemon that are, by the standards of most games, too weak to pose any threat, and then makes them terrifying. Also, it's possible to just get lucky here (or it was in e15). I've gotten my fire spam past illumise because it simply failed to use Rain Dance.
  2. whoa whoa what? Logged in just to ask: Why is Magnezone so bad? I've used it in a lot of mainline pokemon games and it's worked out great. Is it the speed plus the ground weakness?
  3. yooooooooo I thought this game was on hiatus! Now I've really go go back and re-finish it on my new computer! althought really like whenever this updates is cool with me like take your time your work is lovely and well worth a wait!
  4. reborn au where Absols are freaking everywhere because disaster is never not about to happen

    1. dead account

      dead account

      I'd like to think that one Absol we've seen in the game is the only one of its kind in the entire region(in general, not just the only catchable one). It's probably going apeshit and running all over the place between all the times we see it because there's always something bad either currently happening or about to happen.

    2. doombotmecha


      makes me wanna make a dark-mono with this theme...

      one exhausted absol trying desparately to make it in time for the next disaster, and the pokemon it's attracted to help it along

  5. aughhhhh......it's like the sun/moon pokedex is full of so many incredible pokemon...I want to do a new run, but, WITH WHO????

  6. I originally thought you meant the rival trio so Mega Hariyama/Nidoking/Roserade but this is good too
  7. Nah. The starters are all so slow, and they don't get access to the Z-moves that made them unique. Like having them would be nice for mono-runs and whatnot because there's no fairy or ghost starters rn, but personally, I'd stick with Blaziken. Or, rather, I will stick with Blaziken, when I find the motivation to try this game again. Speaking of which, I don't think we're going to see Z-moves in reborn, like, ever. Massive, flashy animations, for a mechanic that most trainers don't have but that the player does, and that could make crucial fights much easier, is pretty opposite to the whole concept of reborn, imho. EDIT: actually, it's possible that we could find them at the circus as a set; we have a Clown, a Wrestler, and an Archer of Improbable Skill.
  8. ok I realize this is double posting a bit but!

    UPDATE: I beat the champion! I kinda had who it was spoiled for me, but it didn't matter! He nearly kicked my butt anyway! I mean, I didn't use any revival items in that fight, and he used more healing items than I did, but! I won with one pokemon remaining! Know who it was? Pyralspite, the Salamence I'd spent five hours looking for as a bagon! LOVE! THIS! GAME!

    END TEAM: 

    Dirkagull, a Drizzle Pelipper, the air support


    Spades Slick, an Alolan Muk, the tank


    ZEL, a Magnezone, the nuker


    Nirnroot, a Shiinotic, the underdog


    Pyralspite, a Salamence, the ace


    Calliope, the pokemon, the myth, the Lunala

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doombotmecha
    3. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Is this the bacon in its final form you were lamenting about thundershocking to a crisp before?

    4. doombotmecha


      oh yes! this is the revenge of the Bacon! I grilled it for 40 long levels, but it was so worth it! (plus I love shelgon) The only thing faster than it before the end of the game was Kukui's Lycanroc!


      However, this is not Bacon's final form! I still need Baconite from the Bacon tree for MAXIMUM BACON. It has the physical bulk of skarmory! Oh I can't wait! 


      Gonna have to take care of some X-files business beforehand, though.


  9. just beat the alola elite 4. gonna fight the champion after dinner. Loved every fight.

    1. Maelstrom


      Ah. I just got to Poni island myself.

    2. doombotmecha


      ooh, Poni Island is GOOD. like vast poni canyon is such an incredibly well-done zone, even if it is swarming with alolan dugtrio. also exegutor island is the meme island, it's lovely. The Kahuna fight and the Last Trial are incredibly challenging fights also.




  10. oh hey I'm posting here 'cause I have a friend code and I like oversharing steam username: ur_dragon 3ds friend code: 1049-3202-0779 my main mutliplayer steam games are duelyst, starbound, and warframe. pretty much my only 3ds game is moon.
  11. "Bet you weren't expecting that, were ya!?" ~~Skyrim Bandit #267 did I ninja Lugruf?
  12. so, about a week ago, I would've voted 4, because it invented the physical/special split and that was so great for so many mons. but now that I've played sun and moon, I can't reccomend any other game over it. I love every character*, I love every line, everything feels so good and so clean, the game uses tropes insead of being ruled by them, the affection mechanic feels so anime--heck, the whole damn game feels like an anime, and a better one than most pokeani seasons, to boot! Hau and Gladion are excellent foils and rivals, with each having their own moment to shine. Honestly, I expected to dislike Hau because he was gonna just be dopy and cheerful all the time. but instead he's serious when he needs to be, and he even manages to get in a few good hits of his own--even on you, if you didn't bring a dark-type to the aether paradise. Even the memes are on point! I mean let's be honest here: Alolan Exeggutor is a forced encounter on an island specifically named for it, there's no way Gamefreak didn't specifically design that pokemon to be a meme. frankly I could gush about this game for longer but...then I wouldn't be playing it! Like my god! I've never, ever loved a pokemon game this much. personal favorite scenes: Lusamine's kids going :/D (no. bad emoji.) at Z-Move poses and Faba Gets Owned by Hau *except alolan dugtrio. f that. its old form was ugly, its new form is uglier, it doesn't deserve to be a steel type.
  13. guess who has a salamence

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dead account
    3. dead account

      dead account

      Also Zinnia, Iris, Lance and Riley. :P

    4. doombotmecha



      He's soooo good, moon is balanced around you having slow mons or else complete glass cannons and sally is neither of those things.

  14. why does Hapu hate grass types so much?


    first two members of her team are neutral to grass, and her Mudsdale has Heavy Slam to Skoosh my Morelull. If any of them had rock coverage for my Pelipper I would have lost.


    1. doombotmecha
    2. BIGJRA


      and Psychic Fangs now too like ??

  16. arghhhhh I have a beldum but nothing I want to sub him out for I'm gonna have to just make a whole new team aren't I


    and then just have a second full team

    idk what i'd do with it tho

  17. man I stalled the heck out of lurantis.

    the trumbeak is by far the inferior partner, just poisoned the two of them, stole lura's white herb, and then swapped in drizzle pelipper to keep it from synthesizing (or using solar blade ever) 

  18. why am I so bad at paying attention to literally anything?


    I clicked mirror shot against a kangaskhan even when I knew it would kill and i was trying to catch it. why? I have no idea

  19. there should really be an item you can use to stop pokemon from calling for help.
  20. the next big grinding push--finding a Thick Club for my cubone

  21. So, following last night's bagon-fueled breakdown, I wanted to hear your incredible stories in the pursuit of rare pokemon. For those who go to bed at a reasonable hour: I spent like 4 or 5 hours last night at around 10 to 3 in the morning in that one spot on alola route 3. about two hours in, I found a bagon. It called another bagon. I killed the first bagon on purpose with Magnet Bomb, Bombed the the second one once and then thought, "hey, dragon resists electric, right? thundershock (from my Magnemite) will totally do less damage, right? It did not. I KO'd it. I lost my shit. For some reason, though, I just kept going, just kept on running around in the same patch of grass until like 3 in the morning when another one finally appeared. The second time went perfectly. I swapped from Wingull to Magnemite, I used magnet bomb, it hit him for exactly half, he burned me so I could knock him lower, I did, I paralyzed him, I caught the Bagon in one ball. I could have died happy right then.



  23. I found a bagon. I killed it by accident.


    fuck me.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. doombotmecha


      is that still a thing that's available?

    3. Maelstrom
    4. doombotmecha


      thanks! I'm probably not going to use it much (Snor is a friend's favorite, so I tend to stay away from the mon) I should probably pick it up while it's out

  24. I've decided to catch a bagon. I'm on encounter like 12 and the chance for him to appear is 1% LETS GOOOO

    1. KingRyan


      try going for a salamence. Bagon has a 5% chance to SOS call a salamence. 

    2. doombotmecha


      update: I'm at 50 encounters, I have only 5 pokeballs, a Heal Ball, and 14 great balls, and the story advances if I go back to town

  25. rotomdex calls illimia a "dreamboat" I'M DEAD

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