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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. we, as americans, have failed. we have failed ourselves, our country, and our world.

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    2. HughJ


      No policies have changed. The campaigns of either candidate were at best insecure at and worst wholly contradictory in their policy decisions.

      Tonight the American people decided to vote for who they best felt would lead the country. This defeatist attitude is disgusting and the very fuel Trump ran on in his campaign.

    3. Bearadactyl


      The policies have not changed yet. And, with a Republican majority, they will.

      Tonight, the American people have fucked up; and they've fucked up hard. At the end of the day, we've failed so many people who are currently scared if not only for their livelihood but for their lives themselves.

      Until things can be overturned in 2018, we have lost. There is no getting around it. I don't see a happy ending to this, and if I'm wrong, I honestly hope I am.

    4. HughJ


      Yeah, I hope you are too bud

  2. I'd play warframe to get away from this but it's ruined. it's tainted. I can't.

  3. so I just ran 2 sorties with a couple dudes. we had great time, we did pretty well. we go do a nitain alert. at the end, the election comes up. they're all trump supporters....I feel shaken.

    1. Arkhi


      "Small loan of ten thousand platinum"

    2. Bearadactyl


      You play on PC or console?

    3. doombotmecha
  4. hey I accidentally stayed up till like 4 in the morning and I don't wan tto be late to my 9:00 class so guess who's pulling an all-nighter for literally no reason

  5. so mara detron on mag is actually pretty nice. a little hard to tell though 'cause bladestorm ashs keep ruining my test runs

  6. freaking. incredible. ironic edginess is my favorite thing, and you pull it off gloriously. I think i'm bleeding from the edge, well done.
  7. nah, for the champion, the field changes every time the champion changes pokemon. FINAL EXAM TIME!!! yeah this field is gonna be insane. haze or other stat-NO moves are 100% necessary for Titania now. also ground types. chesnaught should be pretty strong too.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      You can only wait in Fallout 4 if you're sitting down.

  9. I spammed left click to exit a conversation to get it over with and I accidentally hit the dude I was talking to. why. who gains from this. why is it a fucking ordeal to actually put my weapons away. wtf, fallout.

  10. what's fun is when a kavat bugs out in tac 4 and stops moving entirely. At least I was valkyr and could revive my fellow cat over and over. until we had to extract
  11. i did not fail the calc test. because there wasn't one.

  12. boutta fail that calc test

  13. Saryn Prime is so pretty

    1. Arkhi


      I can get behind this.

    2. 5hift


      Really dig the tentacles.

  14. ughhh homestuck and rwby were SOOO COOL and now they're gone and I need a new wierd shit/improbably badass/low romance or fanservice show/media and there's NOTHING

    1. Bearadactyl


      I know that feel, at least there's an epilogue coming to Homestuck. Eventually.

    2. Maelstrom


      There's a giant library of past anime to go through for all of that.

    3. Skeleton


      im not over homestuck so im just constantly messing with my fantrolls

  15. first Prime Warframe is in the crafter! Nova Prime, here we come!

  16. Nekros and Soma are cooking rn; I'm running out fo credits and endo, but that's nothing a little duplicate mod dissolving can't fix

  17. Baro came, I can access his node, mr 6. story of my life.

  18. just got every nekros part, now I have to wait 86 hours for my frame to finish

  19. yeah, there's this mechanic of marking camps and then backing to return the health you lost, before coming back to consume your marks. I get a feeling that him v. kindred jungle would be funny, as a life vs. death thing, with kindy becoming increasingly frustrated as Ivern keeps subverting mortality.
  20. if girls get an exclusive trench coat in SM im playing a girl my loyalty to gender is superseded by my loyalty to trench coats. also Oranguru looks cool, and I mean cool as in chill. probably excellent in double battles, esp. with a mega like sally to just double up on your best mon.
  21. yeah kubrows aren't that great what i'm really after is Kavats. Adarza gives a sweet damage boost, and Smeeta gives More Loot which is all anybody cares about.
  22. I suppose I'm necroing, but I didn't want to make two threads for one purpose I just got done with juptier! the last corpus defense in the New Strange questline is hellish when alone, you need to be in constant motion or the objective gets burned down super quick. thankfully Nyx and Hek Pulled me through. so far fpr warframes I have Mag, Nyx, and Valkyr; Frost and Rhino are crafting as we speak. For weapons I have Hek (shotgun), Boltor(an automatic spike-launcher), Dread (edgy bow), Paris Prime (golden bow), Cestra (auto-pistol), Kraken (accurate pistol), Cronos (sword), Fragor Brokk, (hammer) and Atterax (whip) most fun has got to be grineer extermination with Valkyr, Hek, and Atterax. shotgun everything down until you hit a bombard, then ult, butcher it, and recover health off of anyone in reach. also love riplining around the map. Next steps are probably going to be finishing saturn and maybe Howl of the Kubrow (ive been companionless all this time). next weps are gonna be Kulstar, a pistol-rocket launcher, and Lex Prime, to actually have a decent pistol for once.
  23. just wanted to pop in to say that the variety of mon quality among gym leaders is one of the reasons I hold this fangame above others. You aren't just pulling a dark souls where you get trash while your opponents are titans, both sides have interesting and varied compositions that aren't seen in other games. as said above, if you want hard, check out the hardcore mod.
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