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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. I'm beginnign to get to the part of warframe that requiers real skill. kinda fun, kinda makes me hate the corpus with their gotdamn tiny fliers and anti-space-ninja tech

    1. Anstane


      The drones and mechs are really annoying, yeah. Rather fight some Grineer, they don't have those annoyances.

  2. woops wait its actually the WF blueprint but whatever I'm still so happy

  3. VAULTED. NYX. PRIME. CHASSIS. holy fuck i'd like to thank rngesus and the dude who opened the relic that contained it

  4. hey what does everyone think of the aether foundation? they look good, and I guess they could be nice as a "big good", but they're also seem a little generic... in addition, I like the version differences as far as bosses go.
  5. iirc the team that works on the anime isn't the same as the team that works on the games, even if they are in the same company.
  6. tfw you've played like 10 games since coming back and none of them haven't been complete stomps one way or the other
  7. and here I thought this was about the plot... night has never been a problem for me, ever. idk why.
  8. i'd thought that reborn had been hit, something like 2 or 3 years ago I tried to access the forum and I just found a "this page was taken down because of a takedown notice from nintendo" or something message. I was a lil broken up, but everything's still here and it's like nothing happened...
  9. well, I'd be in a bot game and *nails a lasthit on red passive* yes! *tries again on a slightly lower health minion with yellow passive* nope, shit. I cannot accurately predict what damage I'm going to do. if I had to play thresh (not that I own him) I'd prolly just go coin, maybe some extra bulk idk
  10. I don't play competitive much, and when I do, I do the random mons mode to exploit the fact that I know too much about pokemon. In game I like to use everything I can to stack the decks in my favor, be it status, stat drops, or field effects. once I i've set the field/boosted, I use a power mon like blaziken to smash everything up until the ace, which warrants a switch, status, and -stats to anything I can hit because in reborn it's cheese or get cheesed.
  11. tfw you know that league is bad for your emotional state b/c you take it way too seriously but you play it anyways b/c yoricks rework is coming out soon and hes your homeboy
  12. most of the good ones have already been stated but I think that Volcarona would be great for shelly if she ever decides that she has HAD ENOUGH.
  13. iirc, if you grab a fresh, +def nature yamask from shade's gym (or catch one for later), then take it to the mountain, the wild macargo there give tons of xp and defensive evs, and aren't very threatening. I once heard of someone straight-up tanking the first hit from garchomp (as long as its SE or fire fang) with intimidate spam you might weaken it enough to legitimately fight it with burn+curse stall
  14. well, I guess it's *balanced* with the slow changes but honestly I am never going to like her. her passive is raw mobility creep, and honestly I'm not going to enjoy the game that kalista represents--at the end of the day, riot wants mobile, flashy champs for lcs showdowns, so who cares if unique but less flashy concepts (hey nasus) get left in the dust. I've got a couple of nitpicks with your list, but honeslty I'm not a game design expert, so I'm not gonna pretend my opinion is the be-all end-all...just a simple dislike of a passive. full disclaimer: I cannot, for the life of me, spear-hop consistently on kalista. same for last-hitting with relic on thresh.
  15. yes but many, many more champions have ms slows than as slows, and only tanks build FH and randy. also, riot is phasing point-and-click cc out of the game. what is left? taric's is gone, sion's is LONG gone, she's immune to janna's, p much only nasus as I recall, since skarner has to get close before he can stun. I am completely fine with a non-viable kalista, I don't believe that a character should be outright immune to champions, particularly delay-based ones.
  16. abt frozenforce--ah. good ol' trinity tank man, the team i like always loses. it's getting depressing. also please no kalista return kalista was a mistake--shoot let's release a character who's functionally immune to slows, that's balanced!
  17. what's frozenforce frozen heart and then...? anyway, the reason he's busted is that the bugfix code gives him an extra auto-attack after his ult but before it wears off and i am not rejoicing because despite yasuo's impending disable, he will return and no one will ban him because there's so much other bull in league these days
  18. my two faves are chespin and torchic, both for their broken hidden abilities sboost has been discussed. come in on the right mon, boost, and bruce lee everyone bproof iirc makes you immune to acid spray and flo's field boosts pin missle, letting you gain a nice advantage there, along with resisting Sand Tomb and being immune to brelloom's Spore and of course a bulky grass is excellent vs. julia, esp. with rollout. however, you pay for it in the next 2 gyms, (poison and bug), but by then you have a wide range of choices
  19. posting the link because your image posting powers are beyond me: http://imgur.com/pzOaaNe anyway this game featured: >splitpush j4 that grouped like 5 times >invisible murdergod kha'zix who grouped even LESS >kled being kled >rengar trying to jump a low-health jax while low; gets a lamp to the face, dies instantly >kha dives me >I'm low >I flash, then hit zhonya's >he walks up to me >LIFEFORM DISINTEGRATION BEAM B*TCHES > I live, somehow >I never aimed but somehow still hit nearly every shot >what >kog'maw got executed >WHAT
  20. honestly it reminds me of dark souls, with that choir to give just that perfect taste of "this is the part where you die"
  21. he prolly thought he was posting in a different thread. every time I play reborn I try and grab that klink in the obsidia railnet but I can never remember if its in the random encounters or the shadow swoopy things and either way it just never shows up
  22. tfw you have the only hard cc on your team and you f it up edit: when its hexakill and by 5 mins you're team has died 7 times 2x edit: jesus hexa is stompy
  23. ok I don't have screenshots due to laptop updates and lolking being down but I do have vivid memories and a popular meme style so here we go >tfw your team is top draven, mid teemo, bot sivir, and jungle nidalee >leaving you, support taric, as the only fronliner >tfw their team has no tank either but a kha'zix jungle and an ezreal/mf (support) botlane >tfw draven gets fb and a few kills early >tfw draven and the enemy garen are yelling in allchat >tfw you're trying to learn the game and not get your adc killt so you can't pay attention to it >tfw the kha asks draven if he's a follower of tyler1 >draven says hes never heard of him >game goes on >you die a few times; sometimes its worth, sometimes ahri landed her charm, you go do supporty things, place pink wards >TFW NOBODY EVER CLEARS YOUR FIRST PINK WARD >tfw its 50/25 and draven keeps trying to solo baron and its not working >but the enemy team keeps goading him on >we FINALLY get him to help us end >kind of > we mostly just farm to the point where draven can just push in and spawnkill (basically) while we actually end the game > the draven, in all chat: >SUPRISE! I AM TYLER1! AHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA pretty much the most draven a draven game has ever dravened
  24. in other news, I am playing league again, this time with a tiny chatbox, icons, and cursor.

    1. doombotmecha


      and I may or may not have played with a tyler1 smurf

  25. Radomus IMO uses sherlock's theme from the rdj movies
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