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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. imo there were a few gen v mons that I liked. the starters were just awful statwise, but honestly you can pick up others so its ok. Scrafty was pretty rad, along with Seismetoad's line, Darmanitan, Ferrothorn, Zoroark, Hydreigon, EXCADRILL...I used to hate Klingklang for being a Magnezone ripoff, but once I discovered its niche with its themed boosting moves and moves, I started to like it more. I just wish that it had gotten a stronger version of Gear Grind later on. A couple of Gen V mons were straight up unnecessary. Basculin was just another lame water type, but Durant and Heatmor were just so dumb. They're terrible single-evo mons that are well past their prime by the time you encounter them, and they feel like a big letdown when you're supposed to be in the final area of the main game (victory road). Honestly, the main thing I hate Gen V for was that whole "USE THE DAMN MONKEYS" debacle. They're really just...ewww. honestly I used to not care abt woobat/swoobat but simple CM bat is really freaking strong.
  2. thought I'd add a counterpoint to the Meganium hatefest. Who's your best and first friend? My choices: Blaziken, for looking cool and kicking hard. Empoleon, for being the only steel Chesnaught, for being a bulky bro among the eevees: Umbreon, for being spooky and improbably bulky Jolteon, for being one of like 3 decent non-legendary electrics and out of the new three, that kit is lit!
  3. YES OH MY GOD same here also monochrome Chimecho's pronunciation (and a few others) threw me for a loop
  4. Meganium and the chu, for about the same reasons as discussed. also, in its gen, meganium was "not very effective" vs 5 gyms and took SE damage from a sixth. At least pikachu has a decent offensive type. funny thing about gen 2: feraligatr only learned water gun and hydro pump for stab, and was programmed to: 1. always have a stab move 2. use SE moves over other moves most of the time so typhlosion was far and away the best starter because by about level 30 water gun really just doesn't cut it for stab and ty can just punch through with a normal attack I also disliked delphox for its design, and sceptile for letting me down. man, I was totally expecting a kickass leaf ninja bro, but then it evolved and then it just...started sucking. I don't know what else to say. it had an awful gen 3 learnset (all physical moves on a special mon) and pretty bad stats (speed and spatk and thats it) I kinda wish that GF had made Sceptile physical in gen 4, just so it could use Leaf Blade again. furthermore, I have never kept a gen V starter after I find something I like more. generally that's gym 1 or 2 (Seismetoad/Azumarill for Samurott, Darmanitan for Emboar, Leavanny/literally any other grass type for Serperior) although one otter did make it to undella town before I found a wailord (pretty much my favorite water)
  5. that is literally the first thing I thought of god dammit naruto
  6. I love Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova, but Sinnoh's Mon selection early on is literal---actually, the WHOLE DAMN GAME has terrible mons, there's like 3 mons that I like before the 3rd gym Hoenn has really good starters, but Unova has a desert pretty much full of strong mons and also Excadrill hmmm ...remembering crucial facts... HOENN HAS METAGROSS NEVERMIND Let's See... Starting with Torchic, no ifs, ands, or buts. I love soloing half the game with double kick. pick up a Marill because I mean I don't like its design but when I needed the rabbit the rabbit pulled through Sableye for status shenanigans and being immune to brawly Elektrike for lighting doge (also nostalgia) Skarmory for Iron Birb Trapinch and Lileep on the way back...oh no. I LOVE SO MANY MONS FROM THIS GEN Full team: Blaziken (Hoenn Fried Chicken) Metagross (the best pokemon. ever.) Flygon (Pretty wierd, pretty cool) Wailord (its huge I love it) Cradily (sup Rini) (also half of Emerald is water types Magneton (sup Viri) (see cradily) from there i'd probably travel to sinnoh-->unova-->gen 7 and collect up more cool mons
  7. Finally exams are over and my computer is fixed, good to see you guys aga--- HOLY SHIT THAT LOOKS KICKASS welp, guess I'm starting a run by picking up a pooch! as for the next mega, I've gotta go with Luxray. Him and Empoleon carried my preteen behind through Diamond, back when I had just started playing, poor stats be damned! Love this lightning cat to death, and I can't wait to see what you'll do with him!
  8. welp, new installation, new me, I guess

  9. well, I'm sad to say, this run is dead as a doorknob. while I didn't have time to play during the weeks of the IB tests, the real problem comes from my computer slowly shuddering itself apart--it'll work for 30 minutes the first time I use it after a while, then 15, then 10.... as I can't find my save file (and I'm not honestly sure I trust my roms anymore) I won't be able to continue this run after I restore the computer to factory defaults. My humblest apologies.
  10. BB also changes a lot of pokemon. mostly it makes the early bugs incredibly strong
  11. yeah. that, some pressure stall, and maybe a Healing Wish user to just soak up every single pp on the enemy team
  12. that combining robot Metagross sequence was quite frankly astonishing.
  13. I'm getting moon and litten b/c 1. fire for offense and 2. this kit is LIT also literally every1 I know is getting rowlet and poplio or whatever looks like a clown so NOPE. unless maybe on another save file I can name it gamzee
  14. some ideas: electric: a mad scientist in his lair, ace is an intelligent electavire named Winston dark: teen hearthrob, ace is absol, you fight through a gauntlet of fangirls steel: an airport or a factory or something, you have to fix the walkways to progress, leader is a mechanic kinda like winry from fma
  15. I only used the monkey in gen 5 because I had to. I used pansear in reborn on this one run and he was an alright early fire type. along with ponyta, I used him on florina and shelly to great effect. would've taken literally any other non-flareon fire type over him, tho.
  16. If this is a mega designed for mirror b, I'd give it Drizzle over regenerator for the doubles synergy. also: exactly what is ludiculo supposed to sweep with? Water/Grass has plenty of weaknesses, especially to top-tier mons like talonflame
  17. I would so use this mon but there are already tons that I want+I'm still waiting on a good steel type to serve as my ace betcha the evolution definently involves psilamb somehow
  18. well the first 4 mons were all girls guess this is a femlocke now

  19. wait...why are you fighting juan here? wouldn't it make more sense to fight winnoa here? or is the modder just swapping her and J so that you aren't fighting two of the same type at once? also, big thanks for introducing me to this hack. It's excellent! although the early bugs might be a bit OP. (jfc butterfree 4 moves 50+BP each)
  20. sadly, scyther already has the market cornered on "scythe-wielding praying mantis" I'm still open to a new interpretation of such, and that may not be the truth anyhow. as for Thomas's latest comment... ....scythes? useful for humies? maybe....harvest, and some way to enable one of those boost-while-low-berries? getting consistent boosts at the end of every turn could be p strong. @ Red neato! I like that idea! a insectoid combine would be both new and commonplace in Graterras's irl counterpart!
  21. yeah. and the quote at the beginning... I've never managed to get past the first gym leader. chlorophyll ivysaur with sleep powder+solarbeam...ugh. I really badly want to get further, tho, I really want to try out a team based around the new shadow weather they introduced with Mega Delta Charizard and Delta Roserade Also I'm pretty sure that we've got them to thank for introducing Delta Mons to fangames
  22. *extended guitar riff* ONE DEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *more guitar* no but seriously this game is so cool and does so many new things (reputation, credits, NON-STANDARD STARTERS) that it's honestly my favorite reborn kid. Thank you so much for making it!
  23. yeah. think of single-evo mons that got evolutions later, E.G. Scyther, Magmar, Electabuzz, Magneton, etc. also yeah broken in LC think of this on a bulky mon like timburr or chichou...just awful.
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