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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. still on clay #fifth try's the charm

  2. just lost to clay T-T time to engage in my time-honored tradition of buying tons of shit so I don't have to pay out as much

  3. honestly, her anorith is the main doom to a fire/flying type, it just outspeeds and rock slides you to death, or if it doesn't outspeed it uses aqua jet
  4. about to face clay, wish me luck

    1. Maelstrom


      I don't wish you luck- I wish you SENSE!!! ... Good luck, kiddo. - Borris the goose

  5. I'd like a mega of Ninjask, like I know there isn't much you can do with it, but it really got its thunder stolen by Blaziken and Scolipede in what was supposed to be its niche. basically better attack, Maybe simple, to make it a better baton passer, but idk that might be op. Mega Yanmega for the name pun Primal Reversions for Dialga and Palkia (Gira-O gets a move-based mega ala ray-ray)
  6. why does so much outspeed magnemite

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Oh, ok. Then why does it get Electro Ball anyway? Same with the Mareep family.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Just cause it's an Electric Type move really.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh and it always deals base 60, that the lowest it goes so it's like... powerful as Shock Wave or if you had HP: Electric. Not... completely bad, but as a Stab... very lacklustre outside of an In-game team and the early levels ((since it's not consistent enough.))

  7. who had the genius idea to give watchog hypnosis and confuse ray

  8. emolga. that is all.

    1. Spineblade


      Emolga's cute, I think.

  9. *is playing a steel mono* "you know what'd be gr8? if I dropped it for a poison mono" mostly just somebody once told me clay is gonna roll me, I don't have any counter ye-et

  10. Hey, I'm doombot, and steel is pretty much my favorite type ever. I love each and every steel type ever made (except durant. f that guy.). So, a few days ago I picked up a mono-steel run i'd been doing of white 2, and I just now remembered that y'all like to hear about these kinds of things. I've already defeated the first 4 gyms, so I'll summarize them here: Cheren: actually kinda tough if you hate grinding. you basically have to ko lillipup before it sets up. Righteous the Riolu took that one. Roxie: my favorite gym leader ("GET READY, I'M GONNA KNOCK SOME SENSE OUTTA YA!"), but not really much of a challenge due to the theme of the run. Steelheart the Magnemite took that one handily. Burgh: Actually a difficult fight if you don't just exploit his weaknesses. Leavanny's razor leaf hurts even through resistance. Riolu tried to take down swadloon but ate a crit, so Steelheart finished it. Resolve the Drilbur metal-clawed the dwebble to death, and after a bunch of healing and several sonicbooms (ty pokestar studios and your infinite lemonades) I managed to KO it. Colress 1: Resolve Used Dig! It's Super Effective! Elesa: I like her a lot more now that she doesn't just spam emolga-volt switch. Resolve proved her worth by Rock Tombing Emolga and digging Flaffy. Zebstrika nearly KO'd me with a critical pursuit, but a critical Dig got him in one shot. The PC: Dusk, who thinks she's a Paladin The Rival: Hi Noon, a strange combination of Sasuke and Naruto at the same time The Team as of Elesa Righteous the Lucario (male) Steelheart the Magnemite (agender) Resolve the Drilbur (female) Next up: Clay (aka A Bad Time)(aka why isn't Ferrothorn available yet)(aka i might actually have to grind for this one)
  11. so many fast, offensive gyms... My camerupt and gloom can't wait. also my beta run has moxie sandile as starter so...... so basically what i'm saying is that emily's team had better be 6 lanturn or else I'm gonna end up cheesing the leader again. also can she please not have an emolga please I am so sick of that mon its already on julia's, ciel's, and aderyn's teams
  12. try saying it five times slow as heck siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii same as with Idlethoughts, this is my first update to wait for (e15 just kinda showed up one day) and either way I'm not even halfway through the game yet. also HS has started updating again so... whatever updates, updates i say. I trust you'll knock it out of the park again!
  13. a lot of people have said what i wanted to say already, but i'll say my part anyways: 1. early mon quality and gym typing lets me use mons that normally i couldn't e.g. numel (which i love but there are almost always better options) 2. many psuedo legendaries are axed. mine is not. MWAHAHAHAHA! 3. massive variety early, in contrast to "here's a monkey. fight the gym with it or grind for 3 hours" 4. THE BOSS BATTLES. seriously, before reborn there weren't any other games that had just one big pokemon, and honestly all of those (that i've played) are insanely fun. 5. these forums are better than those belonging to several AAA games (lookin @ u smite) 6. Field effects. honestly, I'm sad these aren't in the main games, these things add so much strategy to the gym/boss fights (read: reward me when I smash the gym leader's stuff/shamelessly cheese the boss)
  14. Ferrothorn says hi. steel is the best type, for they alone are truly invincible.
  15. I try to stick with a theme for a given run, but i don't always suceed. In my current Platinum run, my mons are reborn-themed, being named after forum memes i heard here (twerkterra) or in-game npc nicknames (Rawrchomp, Kori the female Ghastly, Taka the staravia [chatot is the worst lategame]). My White 2 mono-steel run has the theme "grandiose": if it doesn't sound like something a paladin would pick, the name doesn't stick. when I don't stick to a theme, I draw on various pop-culture references that stay consistent to a given pokemon; prior to my plat run, my previous 2 garchomps both were named Ryouko, mostly because they share a color scheme and mega garchomp looks similar to spiky senketsu (idk what else to call it). Homestuck is a pretty consistent theme as well.
  16. iirc, there's this ice move Frost Breath that always crits, so maybe with sniper and stone edge... nah, not happening. just idle speculation. I'm figuring that the theme here is "things that would be broken on weavile" because that looks like it would share the same MO, but has better typing.
  17. I love customization in pokemon games, and honestly barring x and y reborn kids have more customization than any of the main games. however, if you want to put me someone else's shoes, I guess I'm alright with it. Fourth wall breaking is one of my favorite things in video games. Games like Undertale/OFF essentially don't have one (the judge, the first character you meet, greets both the batter and the player, and you input your own name and not the batter's) and they're awesome. Also fourth wall/meta humor is great imo, see deadpool/early RedvsBlue/Nui from Kill la Kill/Disgaea
  18. I...haven't played any of these other than pokemon and wow out of the first pair, I guess I like wh40k better, i mean Rogue Trader is cool but i've honestly never played 40k media I just really hate wow's graphics. favorite mmo is Guild Wars 2. probably the most aesthetic game i've ever played, the races are all well-thought-out and I love that I can play as an engineer. I don't like any of the shooters, honestly I'm not that great at them. Favorite shooter i've actually player was loadout but that game's basically dead now so maybe overwatch will be nice. Pokemon ofc or I wouldn't be here rn. also one title is regularly in the news, one isn't. played a little tekken at a friend's house, but i don't have enough experience with fighting games to really judge them. Pokken involves pokemon so i'm interested.
  19. since we're talking about ranks: I don't have one. I honestly don't have the time to really get good at league, so i mainly just play aram, the rotating modes and dominion rip. when I do actually play league, I main mostly support or top, with taric, tahm, rumble, and ad malz don't judge me being my favorites. yeah, not exactly the most meta of picks. ad malz is honestly really interesting because of how he interacts with other mages--you go from "who bursts first" to "i have hexdrinker and cc-ing me doesn't stop my damage I win" you're a squishy jungler who for some reason nobody gets close to after six; you're an incredible pusher with epic 1v1 potential, but only once every ult cooldown. and while your first clear is slow and dangerous, at level 3 he can solo dragon. taric is my support main mostly because he has a really funky power-curve. early in the game, you're mostly just a stunbot, with a little burst for skirmishes. when midgame hits, though, iceborn gauntlet you actually get a decent rotation, along with some decent self-sustain. being 3 levels down hurts, though.
  20. heck yeah another steel type! I patiently await the episode when I can add it to my party (no matter the game, my team slowly fills up with steel types. I should probably stop...but they're all so cool)
  21. yeah, the lag can be a problem. don't let it get you down too much, the devs are working on it. also, the first time you pop open reborn every week, when you enter a new cell, the game stops and recalculates the weather. just wait. it'll pass.
  22. it's still fun to imagine though another concept: hustle+hone claws to cure accuracy issues, have high damage, and be unexpected.
  23. Honestly manetric's speed is almost more of a problem than it's SpA. 4 levels down from xatu, but with a few EV's and a fast nature that's no problem. Everything in the gym pauses for Manetric, so nothing gives manetric paws...i mean pause. as long as he outspeeds the whole gym, he'll still be a massive threat. by replacing somebody like honchkrow or chatot, you make the gym easier for every other team just so that manetric doesn't sweep, which he might still anyways. maybe if the dog got replaced by something slower, like amphy or elekid? or if aderyn's gym got some faster mons, like staraptor or crobat? just thinking out loud.
  24. Could I make a suggestion: Sburbmon is a romhack of Firered replacing the cast with characters from Homestuck, somewhat like tohoumon. Pokemon become main characters like Rose and Dave, Gym leaders are carapacians cosplaying Denizens, and your professor is Doc Scratch. Since this is homestuck's kid, expect loads and loads of metahumor, poking fun at the archetypal elements of a pokemon game. Features: 151 new fakemon! (eventually) 8 gyms! (2 in current release; note that because the leaders are grouping mons by homestuck aspect and not typing, the 2nd gym has more varied types) Horses! Troll Cosplay New maps and music up to cerulean city! More Horses! Link to Thread: http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?54217-Sburbmon-Indev-Thread-2-Current-Build-0-0-2-8-5
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