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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. jesus christ. simple tail glow for turn one special belly drum is a one-way ticket to sweepville.
  2. Meteor Mash. Come on, Isn't that just the coolest name ever? also it's my favorite type and the signature move of my favorite mon for a more common move, i'd say earthquake.
  3. hmmm...I might've outsped, but mostly I was just using revive/soda on manetric. (neutral nature+15 spd EVs) who also outsped and oneshot hawlucha, though I can't say for certain because staravia's ace took it to half. also, a lot of aderyn's 'mons use air slash, even though they're physical in nature. wouldn't it be better for Hawlucha (for example) to have aerial ace, given that it's the gym's TM? I suppose you could be right, seeing as it's based off of starter choice. taking marshtomp in Julia or combusken into Florina makes either fight trivial, for example. but, seriously, my manetric came in there lvl 30 and left lvl 34! there was literally nobody in the whole gym who could stop me also I've now taken 2 gyms by cheesing with 1 or 2 mons (combusken+staravia for first, dog for second)
  4. what ppl don't realize is that aurelion sol is a simple champion IN GENERAL. basically, you have his outer orbit as the key range indicator for everything about him--the q detonation distance, the w's damage radius, and the r's pushback range. however, because his q radius extends with distance, his outer orbit isn't always his safe radius, and the orbiting passive gives counterplay to his damage. he's the first simple champion riot's made in a long time.
  5. update: Manetric is actually really, really broken. swept aderyn with just a lvl 31 dog w/ the expert belt you get from beating up JOHN CENA (do do doo). only challenging mon (aka the only one i didn't oneshot) was emolga, but emolga could only 4ko me and since I had the drinks from the vending machine, I could beat it with bite. Hawlucha beat my Staravia in a few speed ties but if i'd bothered to grind it could've won, mostly used it to rezz the dog and heal it. Instead of axing The Dog (though you still might need to), have you considered giving her a gligar/gliscor? Emolga does basically nothing to manetric, but a ground-move equipped glig might.
  6. field effects! they add so much depth to gym leader battles, rather than them simply having them being a level-appropriate 4-mon monotypes
  7. I play pokemon mostly because I like the 'mons themselves, but also because I love the storylines and new mons/megas that the community puts out in fangames.
  8. oh, sweet! I was already going to restart (running 1 save w/ manetric and one w/ aron) but this'll make it even better!
  9. finally got numel yay

  10. then mine is definitely bugged. It doesn't react at all. i've got the quest and i've talked to the right dude, but no dice.
  11. I've found the vending machine in celeste city, but it seems to be non-functional. whenever I interact with it, nothing happens, i don't even get a text response. do I have to trigger something else first?
  12. so it still has a ditto's base health stat? also, on the subject of "boss battle" pokemon: I love these guys specifically because they're so exploitable, it's like a puzzle boss. also may be revenge for every weaker mon that ever wrecked me with status in the main games case in point: the lvl 35 klinklang in the subrailnet sent in pachirisu, paralyzed it with nuzzle, rip pachy, sent out a simple numel and used amnesia. he could only hit for about a quarter of my health after that, while I just Lava-Plumed him to death. Like, what other game requires in-depth strategy like that?
  13. totally agree. also 2x aftermath is just rude. though i guess it adds to julia's "your bulk doesn't matter" shtick. the only problem is that might lead to it being replaced by supersonic magnemite....and imo having an early gym leader who doesn't confuse is really, really great. and having one whose party isn't wattson's with some bells and whistles
  14. yeah, ran into that issue a couple of times on like 10 different playthroughs. thought my save was corrupted/lost my save, restarted so many times...but honestly it's alright.
  15. who would it be? bonus points if it isn't their ace. I'd personnally take Shelly's anorinth away, because it is, by itself, a make-or-break moment for the fight. could you kill it before it flinchaxed/ohkoed your 2 active mons with rockslide, or couldn't you? if you couldn't deal with it without hemorraging team mates, then Yanmega and/or Volbeat get a free set-up and then it's game over.
  16. adding to bobold's point, the main characters (anybody with a mono-type team) of Reborn are based off of the real-life Reborn League, which used to function like the Redemption League currently does. So, all the characters are gym leaders because they all started as gym leaders. I have only 2 gripes: one is a pretty unoriginal complaint about the grind , especially right before a gym leader when you're 5 levels below the leader and 10 above the local wildlife. but oh well, such is the life of a pokemon trainer.
  17. so I started this fangame a week ago, picked elektrike, and i have one thing to say: STOP KILLING MY DOG! its like 6 levels behind my team because it faints any time i send it out, whether it be to a mon it's trying to para-hax, eating a hit so i can heal another 'mon, or just getting one-shotted by stab Bubblebeam in the rain. currently saving up credits to buy magnemite because he is my second-favorite 'mon ever and my favorite out of the 'mons i commonly get (fave is metagross, but you can count his pre-e4 appearances on a single finger named "reborn"[thanks ame]). When I to the name rater I'm going to change my Staravia's name to Bird-Bomb because that's essentially what it is early on, a fast fragile tactical nuclear bird.
  18. HOLY DETAILED MAP BATMAN saving that to desktop. Perhaps the only gripe I have with this game is the grind. just, you get to a gym leader and then suddently you're 2 or 3 levels down and you have next to no shot at victory. but i guess that's present in every game, and unlike gen 5 I have early options other than "your starter and this monkey"
  19. honestly the 'mon variety is one of my favorite parts of the game. Being able to use strong early-game 'mons without having to bank on using them later is great, as is discovering new combos to use on my team e.g. simple CM Swoobat for 2x special stats, or Flame Burst Growlith to manipulate fields, or Prankster/Perish Murkrow to take on threats far stronger that itself. Honestly my biggest gripe about the game is the early reliance on weather, but hey, watcha gonna do? I can always use time-wimey clock-changey...stuff to reroll if i need to. Also there SO MANY EARLY GRASS TYPES OH MY GOD WHY. Could you maybe...idk....save some for later? I feel like the lack of dragons is totally fair, given that this is supposed to be a difficult game and making every gym leader carry a steel/fairy would be absurd....but I might be biased, seeing as my all-time favorite (Metagross) is available by midgame.
  20. I love both of these. Volcanion's design looks so cool and I am definently in favor of unusual typings. Margiana looks cool too and its a steel type so instafave. There are no steel types that i do not love.
  21. oh i haven't gotten there yet... but i'd imagine she'll be the "final boss" of team meteor. so you'd fight her after either the last or the second-to-last gym battle, on some field of her own design looked her up, found out she has a hydreigon. wonder what the rest of her team is? is it a monotype like cain or fern, or does she win with her favorites like solaris?
  22. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love him celestial/cosmic characters are so cool and playable dragons get me every time.
  23. huh. guess the tvtropes page was misinformed. not that that's a surprise, given the state it's in. also @Lord Drakyle who is this Lin and why would you be interested in them finding out about me?
  24. I got into this game pretty late--episode 14 or so. Before gen 6 was released and aegislash became available, what was Titania's ace?
  25. a lombre, in emerald. I have never caught a shiny i could actually use . my first shiny in reborn was an oddish iirc
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