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Everything posted by doombotmecha

  1. I almost always nickname my pokemon, unless i'm planning to box or get rid of them right away. The exception is new pokemons (like recently in pokemon se7en) where it's like an introductory run. I typically pick a name scheme, but i don't stick with it a lot of the time. Right now in plat I'm naming mons based on their users, only "Taka" is a staravia (because chatot doesn't measure up to the Bird God), I'm not sure that T3RR4 has a torterra, and Ghastly!Corey is a girl (why are all my ghastly girls?)
  2. Mega Ludiculo for maximum party Mega Ditto because i want to see what gamefreak does with it Mega Ninjask because it was one of my favorite mons in emerald Mega Crobat with 8 wings idk, the 'mons I really wanted to have megas mostly have megas already
  3. hey, thanks! didn't realize that talking to the elder would trigger prof's event, oh well! loving this game so far, but it's possible that starly should be removed the jungle. the only thing keeping me from bird-nuking my way though the whole game so far is the level cap...he's beak and feathers above any other 'mon i've found at this point.
  4. ok, question: I've finished the kuiki saga and i'm waiting to face off against connor. I talked to him, said to talk to the elder. talked to the elder, forgot what he said. what do i do now? I've also opened up the cave and tried the puzzle, if that changes anything; think i need rock smash to proceed with it.
  5. just started, paras ate my last pokeball, i'm about to just go back to an older version to find the mart. why isn't right inside the lab? why is gearen city completely different? sorry. turns the woman behind the boxes was the pokemart saleswoman.
  6. if i dont get stormy weather next week im restarting

    1. Cobalt996


      Could always just shift your computer's clock around.

  7. some food for thought: Pros of living in Bybyxion Wasteland: it's a place to go and be alone Cons of living in Bybyxion Wasteland: You Aren't Alone Cons of living in Lapis Ward: nightly crime Pros of living in Lapis Ward: you're the perp
  8. I know that a secret base feature is unlikely to be implemented in Reborn, but since Reborn City is getting, well, born again in e16, I wanted to ask: If you could make a base for your character, where would it be? I haven't been beyond Reborn City yet (save issues) but i'd put my base in one of the area's factories
  9. \(0_0)/ I honestly would be fine if we didn't get gen 7 pokemon until postgame. like, this game has 6 generations of pokemon altogether, giving it a bigger "catch 'em all" quotient (a serious scientific term) than several mainline games combined. it'd be interesting if we had swarms ala gen IV (watch tv, every so often x pokemon would appear on x route) in the postgame. could keep people guessing.
  10. Out of the last 3 non-legends that I want to see, the first two (Skarmory, Scizor) are meta powerhouses, and the third (aegislash) is banned to ubers
  11. the impossibility of this feature's appearance aside, where would you put your secret base? personally idk ive never made that far into the game
  12. Exploud (BOOMBURST) Blaziken (fast, strong, best chicken NA) Metagross (favorite pokemon ever, only psuedo available, no-brainer
  13. damnit i did it again

  14. pokemon mystery dungeon

  15. thanks! I've been leading w/ vulpix/growlithe, but my issue is that anorith uses rockslide on its first turn out and both my fire types die instantly. klink should help with anorith, but grinding that thing is such a pain...and busting the field effect gives our steely friend 4 turns to live. I'm thinking I'll grind flaffy up to 34 before evolving it, seeing as it gets power gem then, then evolve to amphy. thanks for the tips on my normal-types. I'll probably end up grinding loudred up later (boomburst ftw) but oh well.
  16. [anorith] jk [shelly] my team (its basically turned into take a train to sunnytown) vulpix lvl 31-drought flame burst wow hex extrasensory growlithe lvl 31/32--justified flame burst morning sun take down agility combusken lvl 32--speed boost (but a -attack nature ughhhh) double kick ember flame charge bulk up Noctowl lvl 30--Insomnia uproar peck reflect confusion Loudred lvl 28--Soundproof uproar bite stomp screech Doduo lvl 26--Early Bird pluck double hit rage pursuit [in box] flaffy lvl 21--Static thundershock thunder wave charge electric terrain Roselia lvl 34--Leaf Guard giga drain nature power cut stun spore Klink lvl 28--Minus gear grind charge beam vicegrip charge Pumpkaboo lvl 30--Frisk Bullet Seed Razor Leaf Shadow Sneak Leech Seed Buizel lvl 26--swift swim Aqua Jet Pursuit Swift Fury Cutter and some other friends. I've got almost all of the event mons bar the hide-and-seek ones, gulpin, and the ones that appear when it rains. My question is: how do I get anorith to not use Rock Slide? should I grind up Sollux Raptor (Doduo) so he can Rage sweep+kill anorith first? I might try that. My Priority here is not getting Rock Slid. Her Goose is Cooked (heh) if that annoying stony insect goes down.
  17. personally I feel comfortable with the difficulty of the mainline games because I mean it is designed for 10 year olds. Reborn fills the "harder, more mature" niche just fine. also, thanks for making this thread. the last gym leader I got stuck on in my previous run (restarted for e15)
  18. if pokemon has taught me anything, it's that everyone has their own road to victory. It might be slower, they might suffer setbacks, they might waste time staring at a fossil, but they'll pull through eventually.
  19. I used to be an atheist, but then the whole amazing atheist debacle came up. so now I'm agnostic. for me, religion is flawed because even if a given god and their heralds are Perfect, the people who pass down The Word of that god are not, and will inevitably pervert The Word to reflect their own previous biases. As a result, I have my own set of ideals that I try to live up to, that contain the same essential points as most other religions, namely "don't be a jerk" in all of its various forms and formulations. my attitude towards other religions is the same as Etesian's. I don't hate people for things that don't affect me.
  20. 1st run: chespin (bulletproof TANK) 2nd run: the all-time fave torchic (I know its op. I don't care.) If I ever start the again, I might try twerkterra, prokie, or swampert
  21. 1. always check for hidden items. then come back and check again after a gym battle. and when the weather changes. and at night. 2. save before event pokemon so you don't get a klink with a minus-attack nature (good god) 3. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! abuse a gym's own field mechanic against them. If a pokemon or gym gimmick wrecks you, you might want to try it for yourself! 4. there are no problems, only solutions. find a gym's counter to your strategy and then find a counter to that
  22. I'd meant for my ace to be exploud this run, but roselia is just so much fun. I can send her in vs. p much anything and stab modest giga drain will get me out of whatever hole i'm in. plus i've got nature power for coverage. also trubbish for mvp. he'll generally go down to whatever he faces, but the drops from acid spray mean whatever I send in next (usually roselia or loudred) ohkos and goes on to sweep. say goodbye to your breloom, flo!
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