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Posts posted by doombotmecha

  1. I always loved the Fancy Pants Adventure series of platformers. More polished than many AAA games. The dev even has an official, paid 4th game on steam for like $10.


    Raze was also a nice 2d shooter.

  2. I just rolled it with my normal Arena team, full SI Ephraim, Anna, Tharja, Olivia, swapped everyone around at the start, then moved so that I had Ephraim JUST in range of the archer cavalry (remember that he has DC and QR), and I moved Tharja to just below the mountains, with Olivia behind her and Anna beside her and behind Ephraim. Eph ORKO'd the horse archer with QR, next player phase I ko the flier with Tharja and moved Ephraim behind Anna, then Danced Ephraim so he and then Anna could move back one. this created an AI loop where Lloyd would move in front of the lance cav, be in range of Tharja, and then the lance cav would repo him back. I then moved Tharja and Olivia back, which broke the loop, sending the lance cav to his redheaded demise, while Lloyd and the blue mage were left behind. Last Turn, Anna could reach and kill the blue mage, so she did, and Lloyd survived the double from Tharja by like 4 hp, so I danced her and he died, ending the map.


    TL;DR Git Gud a fully SI'd team with two five-stars on it.

  3. Oh, also, I feel like I should mention RE: Felicia, that honestly is the fate of any Alm or Celica I pull, I don't care about shadow dragon at all, since I already have Marth and Chrom for Falchions, as well as Tharja who is IMO still the best red mage. As f2p, I can't possibly SI everything, so my affections are (mostly) limited to Sacred Stones and Nohr.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Chase said:



    I think right now, Waifu always wins. Lucina was just the perfect storm of name recognition, crossover presence, story value, and being a girl.

    that's what I meant to say. Lucina and Elise were the only 3ds gals, and of them only one was the main character of Awakening.

  5. @Chase I'm actually working on my own Felicia build, eventually it's gonna have Distant Defense, Poison Strike or Windsweep, and Savage Blow as her passive skills. The idea is to be a dancer-partenered debuffer/chip damage machine that, every other turn, deletes somebody from the game. Windsweep actually works wonders with her incredible speed, so that she can debuff stuff like Hector without taking damage, and since it doesn't go off on enemy phase, enemy mages that attack her (through Distant Def) will still get doubled. 


    RE: voting gauntlet: the hot one ALWAYS wins.

  6. Tanks, Bruisers (bulky guys who still deal damage), Summoners (especially summoner bruisers like Yorick), and long-range dps, but specifically long-range aoe "artillery" mages like Viktor, Vel'koz, and Li Ming.


    I either want to be tough enough to hang around in melee, or I want to have no excuse to be in sight range. 


    For my melee characters, I need a cc spell to really enjoy a character, even if that cc can be difficult to hit, I want that lockdown potential. I also love global skills, like Dehaka's brushstalker or Rek'sai's Ult, as well as very long-ranged skillshots like Azmodan's q and Viktor's e.


    While I will play support if I have to, those supports tend to be tanky supports, just because I hate being so squishy and yet being dragged around on a leash by suicidal team-mates. having cc at least lets me shut down cocky melee carries. I have fond memories of a Master Yi running up to my team (I was Taric), me stunning him, and then the Yi getting delyited.


    For my artilery mages, I just like them because I love big numbers, and I don't like sticking around nearby enemies. it's especially fun in HotS, because abilities can damage structures in that game (well, mostly), so I can slowly blast down towers from out of range like an actual artillery piece. 


    I would also like to note that I love Azmodan from HotS because, barring CC (at base), he's the perfect storm--he's a bulky summoner who also has an artillery element. I love it when I get the chance to just shove down a fort or keep, and the Dunks let me keep pressure without having to stick around nearby, say, illidan.


    I actually don't play that many MMOs, and the one I do play, GW2, doesn't use a role system, but I love the Engineer and Guardian classes in that game, engie because I have summons and tons of different ways to attack at range, and guardian because your basic combo is making a rune on the ground and then smashing it with a hammer so it explodes.

  7. I've been levelling a three-core for the next two seasons, consisting on M!Robin, Nino, and Olivia, standard builds for all of them. for right now Xander is my bonus unit, since I've inherited Hone Cav onto him, I think I'll have him learn up to rank 2 so I can boost Nino's Attack (since Olivia only knows Hone Speed rn)


    RE: this gauntlet nonsense: literally all the 3x point bonus does is make it so that people who play constantly (therefore getting better use out of the 3x periods) will greatly outrank those who don't (aka those who have work in the morning). It has still yet to decide any matchup, just make it seem closer. it's boring, honestly, and I find myself with the same attitude as the last gauntlet: I just. don't. care. Also I didn't even get Leo from the banner. I did get 2 Lon'qus, but no other good skill fodder.


    that said, I do  need feathers. I joined Tharja's side so I could get the win bonus...and also 'cause she's my arena ace.

  8. Having burned through almost all of the new free orbs, with only a handful more from the def missions and lunatic chapters 9 and 10, I got:


    1 4* Henry (no....)

    1 5* Henry (NOOOOOOOO)

    1 3* Lon'qu (immediately brought to 4* and then sacrificed to the skill gods, will get back to this)

    1 3* A!Tiki (ok bonfire fodder)

    1 3* F!Corrin (ok D. aura/Hone Attack fodder)

    1 4* Sakura, pulled colorless because I was miffed (it's ok 'cause she's cute)


    notice what these units are NOT: Hinata or Leo! This could be two whole banners that my favorite black mage is MIA! plus I need more fury for my Azura, Ursula, and Xander.


    Also, I created a new team, to be titled Team Minerva. It consists of:




    Minerva (duh, also physical Rein and endgame cleaner) "The Queen"


    Reposition (eventually)

    Draconic Aura

    Life and Death 3

    Drag Back

    Savage Blow (eventually)


    Adult Tiki (Physical Tank, archer killer, surprise vantage cleaner), "Her Mount"

    Lightning Breath

    Swap (WIP)


    Defiant Atk 

    Vantage 2 (you only really want vantage once you have Defiant up, otherwise you're prematurely charging enemy specials)

    Spur Res (to be replaced, idk with what tho


    Felicia (mage/dragon killer, aoe scratcher, secondary cleaner), "Her Maid"

    Silver Dagger (might go to Rogue eventually, if only for more res to power Glacies)

    Draw Back (?)

    Glacies (28 damage at 4 stars)


    Poison Strike (eventually)

    Savage Blow


    Azura (Singer, red killer, buffer), "Her Girlfriend"

    Sapphic Sapphire Lance+


    Moonbow (WIP)


    honestly IDK 

    Hone Atk



    Basic Idea is that the whole rest of the team baits and kills Minerva's counters, while she does a great reinhardt impression, esp.with Azura's help. What really gets the team rn is forest maps, and being split up, so that my tanks can't bait and Savage Blow does nothing. Kagero is probably gonna be a pain in the but too, come to think of it. I'll have to dance Minerva at her, then with drag back get out of range of the others. Also after 50% HP and Felicia aoe-ing everything down, Tiki can Vantage-kill a lot of low-res units.


    edit: just checked, Minerva is +hp -spd. WHY.

  9. bah, I'm still working my way through the Defense missions. Idk whether to try again for Leo, or just say "to heck with it" and go for a Tharja to +1 my current one.


    There are exactly four things that I want: 


    1. badges to reroll IVs.


    2. either A) more daily 1/2-star maps or B/) a friend-point summon for 1-2-stars, with a larger pool


    3. more 3-star base units!


    4. more 4* full-tree SI fodder units!


    edit: oh hey, has anyone messed around with the new arena maps yet?

  10. @Fabled Asian yeah I've actually never seen an enemy Tharja in all my arena runs. weird, right? Although I did see a lot of Sophia while she was a bonus unit, she actually threw me for a loop because I couldn't OHKO her with my low-hp tharja


    Also I just lost a streak to this team's only weakness: two or more colorless attackers, this time with a dancer. tfw Kagero ORKOs your physical tank.......


    edit: as chase said, I love love LOVE fury/desperation on my squishy fast attackers, so they can hit the Desper threshold without being hurt that badly. My Anna has Fury and with it I can survive any non-red, non-buffed mage, then KO on the next turn!

  11. speed lets you double more stuff, and doubles means double blade buffs aka Things Die. imo +spd is best.


    to clarify my earlier comment, I mean Drag Back the B skill....and I realized it doesn't stack with WF. -//_//- d'oh


    Yeah, I'll stick to Anna, She's a really sweet anti-mage for most of the meta (since nobody uses red mages), and having a 16 mt weapon will make her much stronger.


    I also finally inherited Distant Counter onto Ephraim. So. Yeah he murders the first thing that attacks into him, no matter what. totally insane burst, esp. with moonbow.



    Also got the last last rank of Desperation on Anna, and ruby sword on olivia.

  12. @Chase I don't yet, but I will. I've got a Hector waiting on the bench, but I'm figuring that while I farm sp he might as well stay there, maybe to do the armor quest later...


    I also need to inherit Fortify Defense onto him, so I can have every buff on Tharja at once.


    oh, since you asked about tharja, here's whatcha do:


    get a team, preferably involving Ephraim or Eirika, give them a Hone/Fortify, as well as a dancer with another Hone/ Fortify, and a third infantry with a buff. Speed is the only Hone you need, the Restoration unique weapon gets attack. You *can* use a Rally skill on one of these guys instead, but I'd prefer not to, I just love movement specials too much. I used Eph/Tharj/Olivia/Anna, because Tharja doesn't have much in the way of Res, so Anna can pick up the slack and take out blue mages. She also keeps Reinhardt at bay. The key, imo, is to have a tank for both physical and magical attacks--somebody who can take a hit to distract the enemy from Tharja. (Anna also deals really well with Ephraim's counters)


    Using any blade mage is a team effort. You're trying to set up the exact conditions so that Tharja can KO enemies without ever being attacked on enemy phase, besides maybe a few low-powered green mages and archers. 


    Best SI for Tharja, IMHO:


    -keep the blade tome


    -Reposition/Draw Back as the special (I prefer Repo, but YMMV)


    -Moonbow is the best special, but honestly Tharj doesn't need one


    -A skill should be Fury, to trigger Desperation. I don't have it rn, though--I'm currently using Darting Blow


    -B skill should 100% always be Desperation. take 1 big hit and you can begin to rip through the enemy team. Even if they technically can counter you, they'll be dead before then because blade tomes are silly.


    -C skill is situational, I inherited Threaten Speed 2 off of Selena when I grabbed Repo for MAX POWER SPEED. However, another skill might be better, since really standing 2 squares away from something at the start of your turn is really not Tharja's cup of tea.




    Gah, what to spend feathers on....


    Barst for Frederick's weapon+Reposition?


    Donnel for Effie's weapon+Drag Back?


    Odin for Ursula's Weapon?


    Anna, for my Tharja team?


    Xander, for Horse Emblem?



  13. Man everyone loves QR on this guy, I've just got Bonfire/Vantage/Hone Cav and I'm waiting on pulling fury. I really don't want to just make another Ephraim.


    Speaking of which, I've realized that I really need Fortify Defense on this guy, for maximum support-tank potential. not totally sure yet, though; Threaten Def gets me a lot of extra damage vs. armored foes.

  14. Tharja and Ephraim can duo this map. will write more when I come back.


    also, that battle banner is trash.



    first of all, gratz chase on getting Azura!


    second, my team for Xander was Ephraim with Swap/QR 2/Threaten Def, Tharja w/ reposition/darting/desperation/threaten speed 2, Olivia with Hone Speed 2 (shoulda been attack), and literally any unit with fortify res+reposition. Tharja killed the sword with Olivia's help, Niles Repo'd Olivia back to safety, Green Horse suicided onto Tharja, moved Ephraim into the chokepoint, QR murderized Xander and the lance, Tharja helped kill the lance and then the cleric.


    For me, personally, this was the easiest GHB yet!


    I'm also having uncharacteristic success in arena: 3 matches on Adv, no deaths so far. Team is Ephraim/Tharja/Olivia/Anna, basic idea is to buff Tharj to high heaven and then go ham, I've prolly told you about it before. I'm really glad that Anna looks to be a regular in the rotation; my investment in her will be well rewarded.


    My Xan build's gonna be Repo/Fury/Vantage/Hone Cav, so excited!


    but now I really have no idea what to spend feathers on. get Xander to 5*? 5* a Barst to make Frederick into a killing machine? Get Ursula to five stars? Get Anna to five stars for Noatun and more SP?


    god, I love this game.

  15. RE: Wings of Mercy: I meant Frederick. Xander's getting Vantage to exploit Distant Counter.


    Oh yeah, and because this is a 5* exclusive sword, it's probably gonna be 16 mt. 


    RE: Ardent Sacrifice: I'm not a fan. I'd rather use Fury to lower his hp, and frankly as the frontline tank he needs healing more than the mages. I don't think a cav healer is too bad with Hone Cavalry, since you can get picks on low-res targets and keep the tank you're attatched too healthy. Be really funny IMO if you gave both WoM, so they could zoom across the map to 1. tank and 2. heal up the injured unit. I also feel like AS is too little healing to really make a difference. So, yeah, Reposition is my favorite for this. Just run up, snipe somebody with a horse mage, and the Reposition to get the mage to safety. I might also put Repo on Ursula and Leo, just so Xan/Fred can run up, sniper a mage or flier, and then retreat from the dragon/mage behind them, 'specially on leo since I'm giving him CC.


    oh yeah, and the last bonus arena unit is gonna be Felicia. I actually have her at about level 33, despite what everyone says I love her for her ability to kill mages, +glacies is silly on her, +breath of life is so much fun to play with.


    Lastly, please please please let Titania be a 4* base after her banner ends, she would be excellent to replace Frederick on my Horse Emblem team, for a great res tank for Nowi/F!Corrin/Rein/Linde.

  16. RE: Reposition: Yeah that's what barst is for. Pretty much my favorite movement assist, nearly as powerful as Dance.


    Armored Blow looks to be his default, so yeah I could stick with that. I'm already using fury (though I'm wary of combining it with QR), and if I pull death blow fodder I'll need it for Brave Frederick, who's gonna be my other physical horse, or my +atk -spd Reinhardt for defense wins. Still waffling on QR or default Wings of Mercy, however--Since he's gonna carry Reposition too, I'll need him as much to save my over-extended mages as anything else. Plus, Two of my team is gonna have Fury, so they'll be in range to save often. 


    Full team is (hopefully) Xander/Ursula (or Rein)/Freddy/Leo, with Close Counter/QR on Leo to serve as a third tank, as well as a Hector-buster. Sometimes I wish that QR functioned like a brave weapon, so Leo could outspeed and quad Hector on the counter....


    edit: new arena season (tomorrow) is gonna be the Ike banner+Zephiel, Barst, Clarine, Anna, and somebody else...


    also, just had a hair-raising match, was taking an underleveled (abt lvl 20-22) team into arena of 4* Navarre/Michalis/Donnel/Fae, ran into merged Ryoma, Takumi, and Hector, supported by a Sakura who nearly cost me the match. Thank god Takumi didn't have close counter....Ryoma also cleanly OHKO'd Navarre :(


    ended up with just Sakura and Hector, kited Hector around to get at Sakura, killed her, then just kited around the map, letting Fae get hit and then retreating to trigger Renewal. My god.


    Other teams: level 15-ish Takumi/5* Fae/5* Selena/4* Effie (aka Team Threatening, stupid tough on defense), level 29-30 Azura/4*Zephiel/4* Nino/4* A!Tiki (loves archers, hates cavalry), level 30 Minerva/5* Chrom/4* Kagero/4* Lissa (Lissa is literally only there to tank mages, but her healing does work for the others), and lastly my classic Tharja/Ephraim/Olivia/Anna blade mage team.


  17. Yeah @Chase The deal with Sheena v. Hector is this: Hector may have better attack and defense, but Sheena has better speed and MUCH better res, so she's much tankier overall. With the given setup, you can do what Hector does, not only to melee units and archers (who tend to have higher defense) but also to mages! She can wall pretty much anything! Also IMO Sheena's unique A skill is pretty useless, because nobody runs anti-armor weapons except the AI.


    RE: Xander: I am so psyched! He's gonna be the lynchpin of my Horse Emblem team. Probably going to inherit Bonfire/Moonbow, Reposition, Fury, Vantage, and Hone Cavalry onto him, I've had a Lon'qu and Barst saved for him since forever ago. Still gonna need either Hinata or 20k feathers for Bartre, along with 42k to get him to 5*+1. So, between 44k and 66k feathers for full build, nbd lol


    Also, now is a good time to remind everyone that you can learn skills on copies and then fuse them to get the skill for "free", allowing you to double-dip on level-up sp. Probably gonna do that for Luna/Moonbow at least, might also pass on QR and a different A skill so I can have two Xander builds. Maybe Deathblow?



  18. Sheena can actually be really good with investment. You'll need distant counter (Hector), Quick Riposte (Klein), Bonfire/Ignis (A!Tiki, Henry), and Pivot (Cherche iirc).


    final product: A better wall than the current POTUS will ever build.


    I've concluded that I'll sac Hector, but I want his HM first. 


    Also, from now until the mages gauntlet I'm gonna save so I can pull red for Leo. with Takumi's Close Counter he could make a great tank, plus it makes sense--Dark Knights can equip swords too, after all.

  19. I pulled Hector!


    and...uh....I have a problem now.


    See, I said that I would SI Hector onto Ephraim for DC. but 1. I don't have the SP for that rn, and 2. This guy is +hp -spd. Like really good ivs. woof.


    edit: also I've been using Swap and Threaten Def on Ephraim and they're both great, TDef was actually what let me beat Hector way back in the day. Swap is also amazing when paired with a dancer so you can move other characters so they can get danced again.


    edit 2: I also have more 5* than level 40, and have for a while. I'm kinda of terrible at finishing things. rip...

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