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Everything posted by Hellsoul0

  1. I have a level 36 Samaurwott, level 35 Meowsitc male, a Growlithe, and a murkrow both level 30, im just wondering what would be some good pokemons for me to fill my two free spot at this point in the game when i just beat shelly, im thinking either a grass type, electric type, or something else
  2. Hellsoul0


    huh... well damn what the fudge is that pokemon o-o, but i still cant get it till 8th gym time D:, and here i am grinding for shellly
  3. Hellsoul0


    oh i see then im too early =-= and looking through the locator im wondering if this super rare pokemon is just an abra
  4. this puzzle is broken?

  5. Hellsoul0


    -searches every ward for 7th street- is it in lapis.... is it in north obsidia ward? do i have to wait to beat shelly first before continue this side quest for a freaking magikarp .-. ?
  6. Hellsoul0


    PogChamp oh shit thankS Thankkkk ya
  7. Hellsoul0


    Alright thanks , got one of my favorite pokemon, now just to wait till rainy night weather to get murkrow ;_; i never get rainy weatheerrr
  8. Hellsoul0


    Is it possible to aquire a firestone as early as before fighting shelly the third gym?
  9. Hellsoul0

    Dull Key

    its cool o: no worries
  10. Hellsoul0

    Dull Key

    yeah lol i beat pulse tangrowth easily i try to get that scraggy for that op ass Cradlilly but no Scraggy :< ah well... and booo castforrrrm you suck
  11. Hellsoul0

    Dull Key

    well alright thank you.
  12. Hellsoul0

    Dull Key

    awh so i gotta wait till after i beat the gym to get the scrappy? weak *was watching shofu play through it* mean while trying to get a sentrent from the park for that one "white morph" pokemon
  13. Hellsoul0

    Dull Key

    can you get rock smash at the point in the game where fern locks you out of the second gym and make you fight all his goonies?
  14. Hellsoul0

    Dull Key

    Just started the game yesterday and i saw that a fighting type would be good against the second gym and i want that scrafty i've been hearing about but i cannot find the dull key for the life of me, i checked both side of the railnet but i cannot find it .-.
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