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  1. Jellicent and Malamar were just on whim mons to use but man did they come in handy a few times especially with my mvp Heliolisk T-waving anything it could to help the two setup with Hex(jellicent) or Superpower(contrary Mal)
  2. tynamo

    1. Solarance


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  3. Best mons I used for Terra was Ludicolo, Granbul, and Diggersby. Diggersby EQed that nido and granbul had thief to steal the chomps assault vest which allowed ludicolo to just ko it with a rain dance powered surf. With rain still up none of Terra's mons stood a chance against Ludicolo and his surfing ways.
  4. 3 words: timid eruption Typhlosion Used this on my first playthrough to just beat noel a new one but that Cinccino rock blast took him down. Aron are found in the underground railnet but you have to switch the tracks around to open up the other entrance and then travel downward to some steel pillars which you can then headbutt to get arons to battle.
  5. If you want a cute bug type try Vivillon. Bred one a few days ago and now its on par with the rest of my lvl 60 team. Just wish my opponents would stop waking up on the second turn so i can get a hurricane off.
  6. Finished my first playthrough of reborn and have to say Typhlosion was mvp thru a lot of trainers and gym battles. Flash fire eruptions against Cal and Charollette just reckted their faces with them unable to touch him with their own fire moves.
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