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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Godot

  1. I finally got the game today and gave it a shot. Holy shit. This game is absolutely not joke. When I usually go running or lift weights I rarely sweat.... When I finished my first session of this game I was drenched in sweat and was fucking exhausted.
  2. Most of the cinematic Smash Bros Trailers. Most of the initial trailers for Infamous 2 and Second Son. Borderland 2 and 3 trailers. The Crash Bandicoot trailer that launched today.
  3. It's hard to host a smash tournament when we only have one participant. And Nonary games are a lot of work for effort that doesn't always pay off.
  4. Yo! I've been trying new things to keep the "Slammin' Jams" good and wholesome! This year I am going to do this recommendation thread thing. So if you got a song you would like to hear share it here. However keep the following in mind. Please keep your song in spoilers Be sure to know that a song may not be played right away or be given priority. The playlists are organized in a particular way and song recommendations will be organized into the play list in a very nitpick-y way. I would like people to put what part of the world they are in when they request songs. I am going to be making several playlists that will play throughout the party. It would be good to have certain songs play when the request-ee is present. Your song may not make the cut, this thread is for recommendations, not demands. The version of the song you request may also not be chosen for the playlist. A song may not make the cut if it is a bit off. If a request seems like something that would make someone uncomfortable it may not make the pick. There is also the possibility that multiple people will request their favorite version or remix of the same song. Unfortunately, I may only have room for one or two of them. We don't have room for 30 remixes of Megalovania. I know you think your version is the best, but we can't be playing them all. Also my favorite remix of Megalovania is clearly the best. Try to keep the music you share "Party focused". I'm sure that there are songs you heard in a game or anime that gave you the feels, but that is probably for a different thread or a different time. Slammin' Jams playlists are for happy times, not sad times. You are responsible for what you share. If a song has rule breaking content such as derogatory language or disrespectful content, your song will absolutely not only be rejected, but you may receive a warning point as well.
  5. Streaming some more final fantasy 7 remake. 


  6. Streaming some more final fantasy 7 remake.


  7. Streaming Final Fantasy 7 Remake stream in description


  8. Gonna try finishing up RE3R tonight. here's the steam link.


  9. steaming more Persona 5 Royal



  10. streaming more Persona 5 Royal


  11. Streaming Persona 5 Royal.



  12. “If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.” try to avoid making posts if it is going to be nothing but unwarranted negativity or baseless conjecture. Topics like these aren’t for people to come whine and complain. They are for civil discussions.
  13. Streaming Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo


  14. If it allows me I might stream some Final Fantasy 7 Remake in an hour.  I’ll drop a link if the option is available.

  15. The next entry of the EPIC Reborn Moderation Saga continues! After the climax of the last film where the clash of the Almighty Goddess Ame-Terasu and the Lovecraft Elder God Inkaruga left the world shaken, Reborn is in need... In their travels they meet a Sickle Bearing Rogue and a Gallant Knight to join the post! Introducing the two newest members to the team, Hellscythe and Posty!!! Join us as the Epic Space Opera Romantic Comedy Suspense Action CONTINUES! "GUARANTEED FRESH!" -Rotten Applins "This movie had me laughing and crying at the same time!" - Weekly Podcast, Featuring Gossip Gardevoir "4/5 STARS" - IMPD This film is rated A for awesome by the Reborn Film Society. May contain comic violence, gore, reference to alcohol, and a confused contrived plot.
  16. This topic is starting to break rules 1 and 5. Try to be civil and not make broad biased claims that’s soul purpose is to antagonize.
  17. Godot


    The in fight models look great, but idk what to make of the designs. overworld sprites look ugly... but I saw some golden sun influences and was like OH HI.
  18. Gotta love it when people alter evidence to make their argument more convincing.
  19. That’s what I expect. Most people we ban here do similar things. “They banned me for having different Opinions! And my opinion is that this game IS FUCKING TRASH.” uh... that ain’t constructive criticism.
  20. That won’t fix the elements that seem intentional.
  21. Toxic isn’t always being an asshat. Toxic can also come from being nice. The concept of “being toxic” is that you are encouraging negative or detrimental behavior. If you tell someone “YOU FUCKING SUCK” it hurts that person’s feelings and demotivates them. However if you tell someone “you are doing a great job” when they are either not performing the best or doing something fundamentally wrong, you can be seen as encouraging them to never seek improvement. Therefore they are having their minds poisoned to think nothing is wrong. I’m guessing what he meant by toxic is that they only allow positive feedback? Idk if the banning people for constructive criticism thing has any grounds... but tbf who wants people in your community that does nothing but complain or shit talk? I’ve been lurking the Temtem server for a long while and I’ve never seen or heard anything about it being toxic. It does however attract certain types of people. Lastly I haven’t put a ton of time into the game yet, from what I’ve played I’m incredibly mixed. You welcome bUUUUUUUUDDY
  22. Gonna be streaming some Kingdom Hearts Re:Mind, I don't have a capture card so I am doing it straight from console, so hopefully things go well.



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