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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Godot

  1. I'll update that list when I get home and am not dying.
  2. 1. I remember Pikablu. 2. Pikablu>Pikachu 3. I always forget that Skarmory was gen 2. I thought he was gen 3 for a good while. 4. I sometimes forget that Weavile and Mismagius are gen 4 and not 2. 5. Gastrodon was originally designed for gen 3 and yet he was held back for gen 4... that confuses me sometimes.
  3. Flooding is akin to that of double posting. We auth decided on a solid 15 to keep a happy middle ground. This rule is put into place to penalize flooding or discourage rambling. A "line" by our definition is a sent message. If you are typing like this or talking like I don't know this lol this can be seen as flooding. even if you lol don't have a... >> << lot to say and drag it out like this this is poor uh... whats the word etiquette. instead of telling your story like this and keeping context together. Granted we don't expect you guys to keep words all together like this all the time and enjoy your ranting and story telling. But 15 lines is hella lenient. If you have so much to say to where it would flood the chat. Then take it to the forum. That is one of the big things it is designed for. And fyi this is server side only.
  4. I personally suggest 6, 7, 9, or 10. Do not play 12, 13, or 15 first.
  5. Going to be in Dallas this weekend! Gonna be at an anime con called A-Kon!

  6. I am mostly looking forward to God of War, Insomniac's Spider-man, and Marvel vs. Capcom: infinite.
  7. Because I'm King.

  8. Reaper has a Dance and Victory Pose.
  9. Favorite Action Hero: Dante from Devil May Cry. Favorite RPG Hero: Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4. Favorite Fighting Game Character: King from Tekken. Favorite Platforming Hero: Sly from Sly Cooper. Favorite FPS Hero: Zer0 fr0m 8ord3l4nds 2 Favorite Villian: Bowser from Super Mario. Favorite NPC: Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2.
  10. The world could always use more Gyros.

  11. I deleted the other thread you accidentally made. Also, this thread exists for this such purpose.
  12. Streaming some injustice 2 if anyone is interested. https://www.twitch.tv/zagangodot

  13. Streaming PaRappa the Rapper, one of the orignal Rhythm Games! https://www.twitch.tv/zagangodot

  14. Thanks guys! Also Felix, I love Morgana, but fuck you cat, you tell me how to live my life!
  15. How many more until I am a Death Scythe?

    1. Felicity


      the letter Z

    2. Maelstrom


      Just remember, the very last one has to be witch skin Mercy.

    3. dead account

      dead account

      Eleven billion.

  16. So you commment a month later? Which gave you plenty of time to climb.
  17. Aaaaaaah MvC:Infinite release date and info! Squeeeeee

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Godot


      Do you Discord?


    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      I do discord, although I'm not on the Reborn server. Ravioli#6553 hit me up. 

    4. Godot


      Cool, sent.  Godojira.

  18. So this isn't about general gaming then?
  19. Depends on what kind of game you are looking for. If it is another fangame then this thread belongs in the fan game expose. If something else on steam, eShop, XBLA, or PSN, then Maybe try a persona/Shin Megami Tensei game. Or a Classic Final Fantasy?
  20. Board games are hit or miss for me. I have some friends who play some super obscure stuff. Settlers and CaH are fun.
  21. Playing Yooka Laylee atm, feel free to watch.

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