hmmm history lesson?
I heard the name Dominus in a history class, it means Lord or God... despite my personal ego complex... it sounded cool and i stuck with it for about 8 or 9 years? ha ha...
and a little bit of interesting tidbit... I got into drawing anime and videogame things hard core like in 8th grade and created a ton of my own characters... some i still draw... some lost the the history of my artbooks and school notes... in 11th grade a friend of mine introduced me to a game some of you may know called maplestory... i created a character... it looked like a character named Wolf i created... so i named in DominusWolf... people often called me Wolf or Wolfy cause it was easier to spell than Dominus ha ha it stuck with me and i grew to like it, as i noticed that it fit me...
irl, i am kinda quite... but can be loud when i want to be... i am also a bit daring... my anime-ish persona is more of a wandering traveler who observes in things... and often finds himself in trouble or caught up in other peoples problems and is sometimes hired as an assassin or bounty hunter ha ha
Gibson is named after the guitar brand Gibson Les Paul... and his character is based off of a mix between Slash from Gun's 'n' Roses, and Legendary Guitarist Zack Wylde
my Lucario's Name Shiranui is a Japanese name for "one who has great spiritual energy"
Sableye's name is Decrescendo, which is a term in Music for a slow declining sound... kinda fits in a creepy way... eh?
Haxorus is Yamatano... which is from Yammatano-Orochi from Japanese folklore... a demonic Reptile dragon thing ha ha
Typhlosion's name Zagan is based off of a Self Proclaimed leader from Demonology named... well Zagan... he is the self proclaimed lord of the the underworld and is often portrayed as a beastly or Lionish creature...
alot of my pokemon names are based off of something... and if you wanna know... jus ask ha ha