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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Godot

  1. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CmwsrT0cY[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPZ7B_cB6LU[/media]
  2. wow... i feel like i have completely different tastes in music than you guys... uh... this is the kind of stuff i would play... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYKRtJbRpeo[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLhpHjmxNw8[/media]
  3. this reminds me that i need to start on my comic >.>
  4. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1304251657' post='13263'] Mael-Surge, I kinda got bored and recolored Lt. Surge according to Wolf's colors Mael-Surge v2, edited the original Mael-Surge [/quote] dude... i didn't recolor surge, i put stuff on top of surge i edited skin tone, neck chain, pants, and hair... i don't recolor i transform... BIG DIFFERENCE ha ha [img]http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g405/DominsWolf/MaelstromTrainerSprite.png[/img] This is a recolor... [img]http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g405/DominsWolf/JakesSharpedo.jpg[/img]
  5. Godot

    Your Face When?

    mfw i come up with an evil idea [img]http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldwx2hWASc1qfg4z5o1_400.jpg[/img]
  6. catchin up on manga

  7. Godot


    Banned for stealing Shades sprite
  8. dammit mael! then again... imitation is the greatest compliment
  9. has lost all faith in humanity...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonz996


      Wolf, Lucario can't hold onto its Focus Sash if it received half-HP damage twice/thrice...

    3. Godot


      ... dude that did happen...

      it wasnt sashed

  10. Mael, why the hell would you spike punch and hog it to yourself? its not as fun unless you can trick minors into drinking it... wait... i won't be a minor anymore at this point in time... hmmm nah... sounds fun saya i'll be there... i think, i will be there but kinda late, wont get home til 11pm mountain time >.> on the bright side, I will bring Cake =P [color="#4B0082"][s]Thecakeisalie[/s][/color]
  11. Godot


    banned for not acknolaging that he isn't in X-league or have an X-Leauge themed team...
  12. Godot


    Banned for me agreeing with you
  13. jus Got Blazblue~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Godot
    3. Maelstrom


      I can only take so many 2D fighting games at one time. I need moar FPS's and action adventure.

    4. Godot


      Infamous2 in June~

  14. Godot


    Banned for having a profile pic of yourself... honestly who uses a pic of themselves?
  15. Well i met mael, a year later after me knowing him, he was like PLAY PO! and i was like, nah im good a few months later mael was Play PO, and again i was like nah i'm good then finally i was like "ok i'll give it a shot" i asked what server to use and he told me go to the reborn server and gave me a link to the forums... after all that i met all you lame peoples, and somehow i keep comming back... leh sigh...
  16. hmm fancy pictures >> i am kinda ol' skool, i like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_yKJeSlVbu5w/TMeZGIpX6wI/AAAAAAAAApk/cqZZLUR_srk/s1600/CowboyBebop1280x1024.jpg[/img] Bebop is about a group of bounty hunters who somehow get by with bounties they carry out, alot of episodes are based off of classic rock n roll and jazz. it takes place in a futuristic 70s/80s enviornment. Bebop is sometimes considered one of the best animes of all time! [img]http://www.mrkwang.com/catalog/OST-SamuraiChamploo.jpg[/img] Champloo is about 3 very different people who are traveling together to find the girl in the picture's father, it takes place in historical japan and has some themes of hip hop and classical music one of my fav anime/mangas (which is good in both!!!) is History's Stongest Deciple Kenichi! [img]http://alxjm.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/historys-strongest-disciple.jpg[/img] its got EVERYTHING you could want in a anime/manga, Comedy, Great artwork, Action, Good Writing, Amazing Story, Lovable and Unique Characters, and ECHI!!! Kenichi is about a young highschool student who gets involved in martial arts to become stronger to protect himself and others (and potentially get closer to the blonde chick in the picture), its a little cliche but really damn good also another series i love ( and is currently only available in Manga) is Gimmick! (not to be conused with Hot Gimmick!) [img]http://www.popcultureshock.com/manga/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/gimmick6.jpg[/img] Its not the Best manga in the world, but it is one of my favs of all time!!! its not to popular cause it is based off of american culture. Its about a guy who is a proffessional Special Effects artist who is intellegent but loves getting into trouble, the chapters in the series reference off of classic american films such as the God Father, The Sound of Music, and Friday the 13th ha ha interesting batch to chose from aint it
  17. Godot


    banned for having moving pokespites... where do i get some >> <<
  18. Godot


    Banned for using Ttar >> only lame people use him
  19. Godot


  20. why is homework so damn boring

    1. Amethyst


      It comes with he job

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