Nothing says that you cannot use the word trap to describe actual traps. The following examples are fine.
”I was playing Pokémon Reborn and I fell for the Nuzleaf trap. How do I escape it?”
”My favorite character in Smash is Snake! I enjoy using his traps!”
”I am having issues in my life and I feel trapped and scared.”
That is using the word like how it was originally intended and that’s fine. Whats not ok is something like;
”I was talking to this cute girl, and I was going to ask her out, but I found out that she was a trap!”
”I used to think Naoto in Persona was a cool guy, but then I found out that it was a trap! lol”
Those statements aren’t using the word in an innocent way but are instead using it as a slur to insult those who went through a transgender process in their life. Being a constant target for bullying and oppression is going beyond someone simply being “sensitive”.
It’s also worth noting that saying that you aren’t offended by identifying as a White Male Hetro Human doesn’t prove any points. If anything it states that you aren’t a target of any popular derogatory slurs. It’s not nearly as a scary world for a Straight White Guy as it is for for some who is, let’s say, a Gay Black Furry, a transgender Latino/a, or a mentally handicap Native American.
Just because a person doesn’t find something offensive, doesn’t mean it’s not. In our community we value the importance of the concept of respect. That is why it is and will forever be, Rule 1.