You’d have to be crazy to be expecting a 3rd party character in today’s direct. Realistically we should have been expecting Isaac, Incineroar, Decidueye, Skull Kid, Hades, or ug... Isabelle and she got in over the others. We might see one of the others in an October reveal, but I wouldn’t expect a new rep from Konami, Square Enix, or Capcom until November. Also no to Raider and Sephiroth. Gimme Geno, Crono, Phoenix Wright, or Dante. I also low key want Doom Guy.
also Sora, Sephiroth, and Raider are not “Sony reps.” That would be someone like Nathan Drake, Ratchet and Clank, or Sly Cooper.
My most wanted characters are Isaac and Incineroar. Isaac would has been continuously shafted ever since brawl and he is too awesome of a character to get the short end so often. He is also unique and IS A NINTENDO OWNED CHARACTER. And putting him in would help promote his series, Golden Sun, the same way smash gave good publicity to Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and Xenoblade.
Incineroar makes more sense for a variety of reasons.
1. When smash goes into development they decide on the roster first then make the game. The roster was decided on shortly after releasing Bayonetta and Corrin as DLC. So when Sakurai contacted the Pokémon company about the gen 7 rep we will enevitably get, they most likely sent him sketches of Incineroar.
2. Popularity of Decidueye and Lycanroc Dusk doesn’t matter at all. Incineroar would have been chosen during the time we were still waiting for ORAS to come out.
3. The rep seems to be based on who is the most important Pokémon in the anime.
pikachu because duh.
jigglypuff because in early season 1, she was a reoccurring character. She was also easy to do because she is built on Kirby assets.
Mewtwo is really popular in general and had the strokes back movie building hype for him.
Pichu was pushed because the big gimmick of gen 2 that gamefreak was pushing at the time was breeding.
Lucario was a huge character for gen 4 and still has a ton of popularity today.
pokemon Trainer is the actual protagonist of the games.
Greninja was Ash’s mvp of Kalos. And when smash 4 came out Charizard was his own character and Charizard X was a big deal in gen 6.
and Incineroar is Ash’s potential mvp as well as kukui’s mvp.
4. You guys might mention Lycanroc dusk, but the thing is, Lycanroc dusk was a gimmick for Usumo and wasn’t a thing yet when smash 5 went into development. You guys might also mention that he is a rock type, but uh... that’s what Isaac does. He controls Earth and Plant life... he does what Lycanroc does and more.
5. Incineroar would be more interesting in my opinion. Decidueye is an archer and we have 5 already. We don’t have any wrestlers not prominent grappler characters. Incineroar would essentially be smaller Donkey Kong and Decidueye would be Pit 3: Revengence or Link 4: Plant Bugaloo. And if Decidueye was more bow and arrow focused, then he would just get put into the “does what Megaman, Robin, Inkling, Ness, Lucas, Villager, Zelda, Palutena, or Isabelle does but better or worse.” While Inciniroar would be put into the “does what DK, Bowser, Ike, Ganon, or Ridley does but better or worse.”