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Everything posted by Godot

  1. 1. The image literally says “fuck Nintendo lol” in French and ...
  2. To be honest the PS4 has the strongest jrpgs this generation so far.
  3. I feel like Ganon won’t be much better then his 4 appearance. also I HATED Brawl’s DI. It made the game horrible in higher levels of play. also in one of the Dark Samus footage things, someone DI’s her screw attack and gets out of it early. And Vanilla Samus’s doesn’t do that. and Donkey Kong can indeed Ding Dong. Or as DK mains call it DKO. DK is also stronger because he has new landing options and 3 frame jump squats. i can also see Mewtwo getting better due to directional air dodges. He turns invisible when he air dodges. That’s crazy. also idk about Inkling being amazing yet. Inkling is like Cloud, Lucario, or Little Mac but backwards. They get weaker as they keep fighting. And in all high level Inkling play I have seen, they struggle when they run out of ink and never have the time to refill. Splat Bomb set ups are sick though. They also struggle with killing. i also plan to lab the hell out of Ridley. He is a character none of us truely understand yet. Goes for K Rool. Wtf are they supposed to be besides heavyweights? I also think it’s silly to place him over DK.
  4. All these thoughts running through my head, I’m on fire, my veins burning red, Frustration, is getting bigger, bang bang bang, pull my devil trigger!~
  5. He leaked stuff prior to being a smash leaker. He leaked major info in Dragon Ball Fighterz, Injustice, and Soul Calibur 6. Such as the DLC characters in DBFZ, the fact that TMNT were in Injustice, and that the newcomer in SC6 was named Groh. also I thought about and theory crafted a moveset for the three Pokémon potential reps. conclusion; Inciniroar would be Fox and DK hybrid. Decidueye would be a Pit and Falco hybrid. Lycanroc would be a buff Pikachu.
  6. What's less important is the box, but the fact that nintendo officially published the pattern that appeared on the box. Yes the box will definitely will be edited, but that doesn't change the fact that the pattern was officially shown.
  7. You got 2-3 years before it comes out. I don't really have any specific wants or needs, it does it's job fine. I would rather be pleasantly surprised. The Crossplay thing isn't a console issue though, that is a company issue.
  8. I typed this from my phone, I know who raiden is. Just now when I typed his name again it was autocorrected to raided. And no, I’m not being unfair to Decidueye. I know exactly what kind of moveset he would have. I’ve played Pokken, MvC, and Injustice. And I messed around with Decidueye, Hawkeye, Groot, Poison Ivy, Swampthing, and mained Green Arrow. Honestly if Decidueye got in I would potentially main him. My problem is that he would be too similar playstyle wise to either Zelda and Palutena or Robin and Megaman. Smash 4 gave us plenty of spacing characters, we don’t need another. If you hate Incineroar, that’s fine. Just don’t make angry unrealistic claims due to your disappointment. It’s going to attract negative reactions.
  9. F-tilt looks nothing like Villager’s. And down B is more like Snake’s old down smash on steroids then anything. Down smash is also completely different besides animating the same. All she shares with Villager, that we know of, is Pocket, Balloons, Final smash, and grab
  10. You’d have to be crazy to be expecting a 3rd party character in today’s direct. Realistically we should have been expecting Isaac, Incineroar, Decidueye, Skull Kid, Hades, or ug... Isabelle and she got in over the others. We might see one of the others in an October reveal, but I wouldn’t expect a new rep from Konami, Square Enix, or Capcom until November. Also no to Raider and Sephiroth. Gimme Geno, Crono, Phoenix Wright, or Dante. I also low key want Doom Guy. also Sora, Sephiroth, and Raider are not “Sony reps.” That would be someone like Nathan Drake, Ratchet and Clank, or Sly Cooper. My most wanted characters are Isaac and Incineroar. Isaac would has been continuously shafted ever since brawl and he is too awesome of a character to get the short end so often. He is also unique and IS A NINTENDO OWNED CHARACTER. And putting him in would help promote his series, Golden Sun, the same way smash gave good publicity to Earthbound, Fire Emblem, and Xenoblade. Incineroar makes more sense for a variety of reasons. 1. When smash goes into development they decide on the roster first then make the game. The roster was decided on shortly after releasing Bayonetta and Corrin as DLC. So when Sakurai contacted the Pokémon company about the gen 7 rep we will enevitably get, they most likely sent him sketches of Incineroar. 2. Popularity of Decidueye and Lycanroc Dusk doesn’t matter at all. Incineroar would have been chosen during the time we were still waiting for ORAS to come out. 3. The rep seems to be based on who is the most important Pokémon in the anime. pikachu because duh. jigglypuff because in early season 1, she was a reoccurring character. She was also easy to do because she is built on Kirby assets. Mewtwo is really popular in general and had the strokes back movie building hype for him. Pichu was pushed because the big gimmick of gen 2 that gamefreak was pushing at the time was breeding. Lucario was a huge character for gen 4 and still has a ton of popularity today. pokemon Trainer is the actual protagonist of the games. Greninja was Ash’s mvp of Kalos. And when smash 4 came out Charizard was his own character and Charizard X was a big deal in gen 6. and Incineroar is Ash’s potential mvp as well as kukui’s mvp. 4. You guys might mention Lycanroc dusk, but the thing is, Lycanroc dusk was a gimmick for Usumo and wasn’t a thing yet when smash 5 went into development. You guys might also mention that he is a rock type, but uh... that’s what Isaac does. He controls Earth and Plant life... he does what Lycanroc does and more. 5. Incineroar would be more interesting in my opinion. Decidueye is an archer and we have 5 already. We don’t have any wrestlers not prominent grappler characters. Incineroar would essentially be smaller Donkey Kong and Decidueye would be Pit 3: Revengence or Link 4: Plant Bugaloo. And if Decidueye was more bow and arrow focused, then he would just get put into the “does what Megaman, Robin, Inkling, Ness, Lucas, Villager, Zelda, Palutena, or Isabelle does but better or worse.” While Inciniroar would be put into the “does what DK, Bowser, Ike, Ganon, or Ridley does but better or worse.”
  11. Are you mad? Did you read the topic title or actually go through my thread? Her f-tilt, f-smash, down smash, up tilt, up smash, side B, and down b are entirely different. Richter’s only difference to Simon are up b size and color of holy water. I am not happy about Isabelle being her own character, but I honestly prefer her over Dry Bowser, Golisopod, and Slylux. Dry Bowser isn’t a character and I would rather have a Dark Bowser Echo. Inciniroar and Decidueye would be more interesting then golisopod. and We have Ridley and Dark Samus, Slylux and Rundus aren’t entirely needed despite the fact that Rundus would probably play somewhat like Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat and that would be pretty rad.
  12. I am on the boat of being upset to see her... but I should prob do the obligatory "what's Isabelle's moveset" thing.... siiiiigh let's go... Neutral Special: Pocket, Identical to the villager's. She grabs an item or projectile and puts it in her pocket, and can either keep it away from her rivals, or use it at double power. Isabelle's Side Special is a Fishing Pole instead of a Llyod Rocket. She is shown throwing it off stage and using it to grab people and launching them upwards. Looks like an off stage tool. I can see this move functioning as a tether recovery. Down Special: Unlike the vilager who plants a tree, Isabelle plants a Llyod rocket that launches upwards and explodes. Up Special or Recovery: Similar to Villagers, but instead of referencing balloon fight, she sits in a swing. Forward Tilt: Isabelle smacks her foe with a piko piko hammer. Forward Smash: Pulls out a party Popper and causes an explosion in front of herself. Down Smash: Pulls out a water bucket and splashes it from side to side. Up Tilt: Swings a Broomstick above her head in an arc. Up Smash: Blows a Whistle and calls up a stop Sign. Looks like a weaker version of what Palutena and Bayonetta have. Dash Attack: Instead of a potted Plant, Isabelle trips over and drops a pot. Probably has similar physics to Villager's where he can throw it off stage or platforms to use as a poke tool. Neutral Air or Nair: Does a spin attack with Pom-Poms. Can't tell if the attack functions like Villager's or Peach's. Neither the less it's pretty simple. Grab: We only see her perform her back throw I wouldn't be surprised if all of her throws were identical to the villager's. Final Smash: Similar to villager's minus one difference. She has Tom Nook build the town hall. I apologize for the cynicism, I am not happy to see her being a unique character.... w/e hopefully the october reveal is someone more interesting. We don't see her perform Jab, Down Tilt, Up Air, Dair, Fair, or Bair. If she doesn't have Villager's Fair or Bair, she will be lesser then him in my opinion. Fair, Bair, and Pocket are what makes the Villager a good character in my opinion. Time will tell... so far I am just going to have to just get over the salt.
  13. 1. Pokken is more of a Pokémon general topic but since that game doesn’t really appeal to the Pokémon general crowd I’ll let it slide for now. 2. This topic is kinda last minute and schedualed for the middle of the week. If I have free time around that time I might go a round or two with you if you like. 3. You mentioned “around 1 or 2 pm”. There is an inherent flaw with that. You didn’t stamp time zones. So 1 or 2 to me might be 3 to 4 for you or 1 to 2 am for some of the people in this community from the opposite side of the world.
  14. I'm a DK fan and I want to see more FE reps that aren't Marth Clones. also K Rool having a counter makes sense considering the entire premise of his character is that he is a dirty fighter who’s entire gameplan is based around baiting your opponent frustrating them and getting them to make mistakes. And then punishing their mistakes.
  15. zzzzz There is more to a character then what their B specials are.
  16. 1. Link, Zelda, and Ganon are really the only real options for a new zelda rep. The next most important character is Impa, but we already have Shiek and Impa would be a Shiek echo. A lot of people go OMG WUT ABOUT HYRULE WARRIORS!?! and well... that's not canon nor nintendo. And regarding actual Zelda canon, it wouldn't make sense for impa to fight like Cloud or use a Naginata. 2. Zelda fans never really make up their minds as to who they want. In the melee days people wanted Skullkid, in the Brawl days it was Midna and Vaati, and in the smash 4 days everyone was saying "Give us Ghirahim and Groose, and boot Ganon for Dhelmise! Ganon isn't even an important zelda character!" Now with smash Ultimate people have gone back to wanting Skullkid.... funny how things work. Except for the times I see Ravali and Mipha... 3. Skullkid comes from a beloved Zelda entry that people never really get tired of. People forgot Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, and soon Breath of the Wild... (trust me they will) 4. People are claiming that there are a lot of hints and teases when realistically they weren't. People read into certain things and overthink or assume things that are clearly not actually hints. Only real character hints we got were Chrom, Dark Samus, Isabelle, and Shadow. 5. If Skullkid did get in, he'd be a tricky dodger aerial character. Think a mix of Shiek, Pacman, and Jigglypuff... if that makes sense.
  17. Imma be spiderman, anyone wanna watch me swing into walls and stuff? click my twitch below!



    1. CodeCass


      Wasn't able to tune in this time, but curious what your thoughts on the game are? Been looking into grabbing it myself sooner or later. I've heard nothing but good things so far, but have yet to hear from anyone who's personally played it. 

    2. Godot


      Took me a bit to get used to, but it’s pretty cool so far, the game is kinda fast and reflex heavy.  Spideys animations are fantastic though the cutscenes feel a bit last gen in my opinion.  I feel it’s too soon to get too critical on the game.  It’s filled with pleasant surprises and fun writing.  And the game encourages you to keep moving and be thoughtful about how and when you press buttons.  I got deaded a few times because I am playing on the hard difficulty and get 2 or 3 shotted.

      i also don’t think comparing it to Arkham is entirely fair.

  18. Playing some more Dragon Quest 11, feel free to watch.


  19. Streaming some Dragon Quest 11 if anyone is interested.


  20. Cass is holy and good, she is the Holy Spirit after all, also known as the Holy Spoop
  21. Streaming some Guacamelee 2, come check this game out, it is the sequel to one of my all time favorite indie series! https://www.twitch.tv/zagangodot

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