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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Godot

  1. Regarding Decidueye and Incineroar, I personally feel Incineroar would add to the roster. Even though I wouldn't mind seeing both, I feel like a lot of what Decidueye does will be done by Link or Pit. Where a new heavyweight/ cruiserweight grappler type would be a lot more welcome in my opinion.
  2. Raiden was in PlayStation all stars. also it was stated that the ballot was being used for future titles. So voting again would be kinda pointless. Unless everyone that voted Bayo wants to revote.
  3. Wow, this is going to take a while to read. I’ll keep it simple, I love the avatar idea, I don’t like permadeath and always found it to be a inconvenience, and I hate shipping my units. if they keep the child mechanic it would be cool if they reworked it in a Phanasy Star 3 kind of way.
  4. Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks, and yes Vegeta.
  5. Dragon Ball’s issue isn’t the predictability but the fact that it sets up great and incredibly likable characters and doesn’t give them proper Pay Off.
  6. Illinois is pretty far, but best of luck man!
  7. The problem with Budokai, Tenkaichi, and Xenoverse is that those 150+ Characters are not well crafted and everyone fights the same with minor differences. That is why FighterZ is so damn hype. The characters look a bajillion Times deeper and well crafted. They all have unique move sets and animations, and it is literally one of the best looking fighting game visually, period.
  8. I couldn’t get into Xenoverse when I tried it. It had too many flaws and too much repetitiveness to keep my interest. Dragonball FighterZ though... that is hella hype.
  9. There is a limit to the number of people you can share with. I think the limit is 3, it used to be 5. You also can share anything that isn’t a microtransaction or closed beta. So digitally bought games, dlc, season passes, Preorder bonuses, themes, avatars, ect. The problem is that the people you share with will have access to certain other things too... like personal information, the ability to delete and change things, and access to your credit/debit card. Which I am not comfortable sharing with people I don’t know. To gameshare you need their Email and Password.
  10. @Maelstrom WOAH! No mention of Crash Bandicoot?!? WOAH
  11. General, if it was Reborn it wouldn’t belong in this section of the forums. characters I like people a lot of people hate; Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) Tidus (Final Fantasy X) Snow (Final Fantasy XIII) Tails (Sonic) Demyx (Kingdom Hearts 2) Nagito (Danganronpa 2) Ryuichi (Persona 5) Characters I really don’t like that people Love; Aeris (Final Fantasy VII) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII) Shadow (Sonic) Xion (Kingdom Hearts 358/2) Groose (Zelda Skyward Sword) Mercy (Overwatch) Roy, Jigglypuff, and Pichu being in Super Smash Bros. this all I can think of from the top of my head.
  12. 3 more days of meh.


  13. We’ll probably post more this upcoming weekend.
  14. I forgot to mention Bloodborne and Nioh. Also if you don’t mind holding off for a bit, Final Fantasy Dissidia NT, Monster Hunter World, and Dragon Ball FighterZ launch next month.
  15. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Open World) Persona 5 (JRPG) Crash N-Sane Trilogy (Platformer) Ratchet and Clank (3rd Person Shooter/Platformer) Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection (Third Person Shooter/Action Game) Borderlands the Handsome Jack Collection (First Person Shooter/ Western RPG) Bioshock Collection (First Person Shooter/ Western RPG) The Last of Us Remasterd (Third Person Shooter/Action) Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (JRPG) South Park: Fractured But Whole (JRPG made in america?)
  16. Injustice 2 is better for it's single player content. The multiplayer content tends to frustrate me when I go online and do ranked. Netherealm games Always looks gritty and pretty, but they are shallow in terms of depth. I am not going to tell you that MvC Infinite is the best game ever, the single player is garbage. However the actual game mechanics are tough to get down, but insanely fun when you do. Personally I have more fun playing Marvel then I do playing Injustice. The problem is that the game could look WAAAAAY better and has shit review scores because when it comes to fighting games most critics like IGN and Gamespot don't know how to review a multiplayer game. They tend to review games as a whole package and in that Injustice 2 was scored better because of it's single player content. Despite what review scores say MvC:I is a better fighting game... but only if you plan on getting good at it or playing it with friends. If you plan to play one of these games for a few hours and then shelf it after beating story mode and arcade once or twice, then go with Injustice.
  17. Mael and I are getting ready for next week’s anime con.
  18. Godot


    Kamina I mean Kaito. He is a type of person I would want to hang out with irl. Second favorite is Angie, but I wouldn’t want to be around her irl, she creeps me out. She’s a cute little nut job that you admire from a distance.
  19. Unicorns and Rainbows.  That is all.

  20. Metroid Prime Federation Force is an FPS, pokemon tcg has an online thing, and the Nintendo RTS died with the DS, it was called Lost Magic. And a MOBA is going to the Switch, idk what’s it called.
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