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Reborn Development Blog
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Everything posted by VerinESC
Thank you I shall try and sort all of those by stats instead of locations
Hello, I am thinking about training my Pokemon properly with the right EVs, my question to the forum is where are the best places to train each stat and at what level? I shall edit the post to add in answers to make a database people can use. Thank you in advance for any help. Health: Attack: Defense: Sp. Attack: Sp. Defense: Speed:
I have defeated all the trainers in the area so I can not get the boosted exp from those battles. I am currently training in Pyrous Mountain and Apophyll Cave however the Pokemon found there are slightly too strong for Woobat and not good for Flying types to train on. I have to keep switching out to higher level Pokemon which is what I do not want to be doing.
I am trying to beat Kiki and need to train the following Pokemon: Snubbull lvl30 Meditite lvl30 Drifblim lvl37 Woobat lvl20 Maybe also a Pidgeotto lvl30 as well Where is the best place to train each one individually? I have been trying to do all of them at Apophyll Mountain but that is not working at all.
Is that the pinned thread in Reborn City? Does that just show 5th gen or are there links to other generations? Congrats to them as the 2 I've found do look quite slick, I can't wait to evolve the Pidgeotto into a Pidgeot. The team of devs prisoners and contributors have done a good job then I think I'll be leaving that so I can see the hard work put in to the custom sprites I haven't noticed a difference in the non shiny sprites to the original sprites, can you name any for me to look for? I like that look to be honest, original shinys have about the same amount of change but with brighter colours from what I can remember. I'll have to look at that list to refresh my memories I figured they were grey and purple from the pollution, can't wait to get more than just 2
I am just wondering why shiny Pokemon found in Reborn are not the same colour as shiny Pokemon from other regions? I have found a Pidgey and Numel so far and each are a gray/silver colour with a swapped colour palette for the rest. It makes for signatures and trainer cards not being quite right :/ Edit: Numel is a more grey/purple my bad
I'll look on the forums to find them thanks I only knew about Machamp and Gallade, those 2 tore through my party in a few moves -.-
Yeah I found Pangoro to be pants in the Gym battle but very helpful up until this point, I only switched out Pidgeotto for the low level. What is the benefit of having a Flygon instead of a Vibrava? I don't have Play Rough yet but I will after some training. I'll get a good Psychic type as I haven't leveled one of those up yet. I was looking for something like that, I posted about ability capsules so I can swap them but I can't get those till a bit later so I'll have to try a few times. Where did you get a Seedot or Nuzleaf? I can not remember seeing one so far but I could be forgetting somewhere.
The team in my signature is not very effective. The levels from left to right are 41, 30, 42, 30, 44, 37. I have replaced Pidgeotto with a level 38 Luxray for the power and HP. Any changes I should make or a good order to put them in?
Thanks again I shall have a look out, I'm collecting as many as I can as well. I joined Team Magma by accident, just strolled in, "Hi guys!" got attacked and then invited to rob some old lady. Reborn City is a crazy place.
I agree, very basic but can become more complex if you put more work in. I haven't used it before this and the forums weren't that accurate for what the keys were labeled as but in the end it was painfully obvious -.- I suppose if you figure out the odds and times between encountering pokemon you could make a script to auto fight but it wouldn't be able to run as long without supervision.
Oh I know that I was wondering about it to get more shards and such.
Thank you, I'll look out for it Thank you, I already have the Meditite, I saw the Darumaka trade, where can I get a Luvdisc?
There is a program called Autoit, google it when you open it copy the script into it, save, find it, right click and run I thought of that but I'm not sure if that counts, as you are in one spot. Also couldn't find anything heavy but small enough for my arrow keys. Thinking back a rubber band would work as I'm using xpadder to play with a 360 control
Nice, I'll get back to there soon then so I can get those rocks on my way through the story
My thought exactly, I wasn't expecting that much but I guess it'll be useful at later levels with the learning curve. Gets a bit of the training out of the way so I can enjoy the story.
I have not beaten her yet, I am still in the mountain. I am planning to use Drifblim against her, the accuracy drop for flying attacks are getting old though so any others I should take in. I don't know what her party consists of.
It all began a couple of nights ago, it was 2am and I was stuck on Shade. I came to the forums for help and they suggested the Scraggy. I went over there and after several tries beat the Pangoros, my team's strongest member was Drifblim at level 37. I caught Pancham on my way out, lvl24. I was really not in the mood to train these new additions to my team, now being 3am or when I wake up, so I took to Google to find something to help. I came across autoit which can automate button presses, after another hour of fiddling, forum searching and error boxes I had written a script to run me in a 3x3 square that would be canceled when I press ESC. I set the script up while standing in a Pokecenter, wrote a note to my fiance to let her know how to turn it off when she wakes up, put on some music and went to sleep. I woke up, went in to the Daycare next door "Hello, your pokemon are doing very well, Scraggy is lvl53 and Pancham is lvl 57." Say again? I can only control >lvl40 Pokemon! It cost about 10,000 monies to bail them out and a further 9,000 for enough Ritalin to make them listen. Moral of the story: If I do this again, maybe I should turn off auto-run and stick a nice 8 hour stroll instead. The script for anyone who is interested
Thank you, I do not have one of those. I'll get a Slugma and level it for the EVs and stuff
Which area is 7th street in? I am currently in Apophyll at the moment. And don't worry I have quite a few shards Also I've heard of a Miner's Kit, what is that for? I was assuming shards or Evo stones.
I am in Apophyll at the moment but I am looking for pokemon that fit the following: Good Ability/Hidden ability combinations. Will be useful for a long time (next few gyms.) Good moveset and stats. Are available to me now or soonish (I have yet to get the HM Strength.) Any suggestions are welcome and I will let you know if I already have any that you suggest. Thank you in advance for your help.
I have found 2 on my travels, they are very useful and I'd like some more Thanks in advance
She did? I did not see that bit and thank you.
I have just beaten shade and visited Victoria under the bridge. She says to go across the lake which I guess is through the factory but it is locked. Where do I go now to progress and any Pokemon/Items you can suggest for the journey?
I'm wondering that