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About NLSparky

  • Birthday July 20

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    A Very Dusty Attic

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Just started playing Paper Mario and I like it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anvilicious


      Yay! If you like the first one, you'll love The Thousand Year Door.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Thousand Year Door is the best and is my favorite game ever, but it does have its flaws.

  3. Got a new better pc. Only problem is that its gonna take me 4 hours downloading and transferring my old stuff :/

  4. My Arms are half sleeping -.-

    1. ShadowStar


      *uses wake-up slap* :D

    2. SkyRunner


      The wild Arms used Sleep Talk! The wild Arms used Double-slap!

  5. My dog had to go outside to pee, so I unlocked and opened the door to let him outside while its raining. My dog looked 5 seconds at the rain and then looked at me like: you're not seriusly thinking im going outside with this weather, do you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon


      I was always amused when my dog did that. He just looked at me as if I could stop the weather and then walks back to his bed.

    3. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Been there n done that.

    4. dead account

      dead account

      I have the opposite problem with my dog. He loves water, so it takes forever to get him back in.

  6. Hello Reborn Community! I have returned from my 1 month slack off, and am back to introduce myself, which I never did. My name is Sparky, and yes thats a dogs name and not my real name but I prefer to be called this way. I live in The Netherlands, so my English wont be perfect but ill try my best My most favorite hobby is of course gaming and I love all types of games, except, you know.. horror and stuff. My last 2 years I played a lot of League of Legends, and since 1 year I picked up playing Pokemon again. My favorite games yet are: Pokemon Emerald, League of Legends, Sonic Adventure 2, Super Mario Sunshine, GTA 5 & San Andreas and a good game off Call of Duty Zombies will do too I love gaming and games overall and that being said hope to make my own game one day (Maybe a Pokemon game). My favorite thing to do in games has to be glitching and bugging, and completing/100% a fun and good game. I love glitching and breaking games and also trying to fix them, so thats the forum you will find me the most in. And completing games is also a hard and fun quest, and that's why I made my own list off games to complete, and games that I have already completed. My favorite Pokemon's are Manectric and Ludicolo, and if youre up against me in Showdown Im probably using my Rain Squad. To end off this introduction I would like to say that its good to be back again
  7. I wish i could draw anime characters QQ

    1. Juniper


      buy a pencil, you can draw on walls 0.0

    2. Simon


      I wish I could draw in general.

      All I got is stick-figures :T

  8. NLSparky

    Destiny Knot

    I just finished the episode and wanted to do some breeding for better poke's, so i need the destiny knot. Does someone know where it is or is it not in the game yet?
  9. How do you do the spoiler thing?

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      That works in the topics, not in statuses, btw.

    3. NLSparky
  10. Sooo... where not playing hints anymore?
  11. I would go for the Electric Pokemon because its my favorite type (together with fire) and has my favorite Pokemon. This would be my team: Manectric (Mega) Lanturn Magnezone Pikachu-Libre Luxray Rotom-Heat
  12. The Whole Netherland is burning right now. This heat isnt healthy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Azeria


      We've had 35C so far and apparantly there are hotter days to come. FUCK THIS HEATWAVE!

    3. Redo.


      Want to come to Argentina? Like 3°C, lovely weather.

    4. Zumi


      oh god i feel your pain, i'm in the south of the netherlands and it's like hell over here

  13. I went to the ice cream machine in the candy store, and saw vanille was very expansive. I thought this was a bug but when i bought it, I got a Vanillite xD

    1. Red_Chaos


      ya, its worth the price

  14. How do i get to his house? Like what entrance to the woods do i use?
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