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Hexagoen last won the day on October 26 2016

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27 Developing


About Hexagoen

  • Birthday March 20

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  1. Hexagoen


  2. I want to nominate a certain @ARandomName for king, a @cicada (nicki) and @Cad for queen!
  3. THE BNHA SLANDER I WONT STAND FOR IT That being said, am excite over this!! Cant wait, this is definetly something you dont want to miss!
  4. oh das alotta questions 1. M&M's 2. Spur of the moment, but also Hexagons are the bestagons 3. Taste for sure, alot of positive things in life come from eating good food! 4. Well, I think im a musician, not really a writer or an artist at all, but im always down to try new things, provided I have the motivation. 5. Glad you asked, I am indeed trilingual! I know English, British, and even Canadian :D 1. My procrastination/lack of motivation 2. Well, for like an actual enemy, I guess just the potential to learn alot if/when I overcome that hurdle 3. 4. Hydrangeas 5. Ampharos 1. INTJ (like a year ago, but I dont really feel like taking the test atm, but its probably not changed) 2. Loved monopoly as a kid 3. I had to look up the ten commandments LOL Probably a mix of 3 and 10 4. idk a nimbus cloud so I can get around easier? 5. Spear. putting distance and being able to get good jabs in at an opponent seems wise. Cant go wrong with a sword and shield aswell. IF we're talking modern weapons, probably a flamethrower, fire is cool. 6. Mammoths, like they went extinct at the dawn of human civilization, iirc they were still around in like early egypt empire times, but like itd be so cool if we saw like idk, Vikings or something riding on Mammoths, like how cartaginians/indians rode on elephants in war 7. Hidden leaf village, I want a good bowl of ramen :p 8. Prismarines probably, anything that shines bright and rainbowy
  5. 1. I am hexagon, I used to go by Sinikuro, people call me both so idk anymore 2. I know Seal through Nicki who Ive known for the better part of 6 months now 3. no lol 4.probably
  6. Some nerd named seals like: go do dis so im here idk what to expect
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  8. Hexagoen


    Somebody please animate that Madame X weasel scene oml
  9. [img]https://gyazo.com/4227c1815c500f227d108fbfd6d616ce[/img] Best mod y/y Looking forward to more from this content creator PoggersChamp.
  10. PoggersChamp


  11. So uhh most people I wanted to nom are already nom so thats why there isnt alot :p If you aren't here, you're most likely nommed on something else, just didn't wanna make this more of a headache for Azzie ;-; The Carmen Sandiego Award Rosesong ;-; ik you pop in once in a while, still miss ya The K-K-K-Kawaii Award Nicki :3 The Pointedest Poindexter Award Mercury (cause shes like one of maybe 3 people here who shares a similar passion for history :D) Most Likely to Win the Reborn Hunger Games Kyle Proven warrior. Nuff said. Chxxo I swear this man has plot armor or something smH Most Likely to Be Impostor Fezz that one game Member Most Likely to Never Give You Up Nicki NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN, NEVER GONNA TU- *shot*
  12. real oarenting hours


  13. okokokok wow. I just gotta say, as a person whos been here a while, wow. I didn't know how much damn work went into making Reborn the way it is. Before I came back here in may, I always thought that e19 not being out yet was a product of the project as a whole being dead and discontinued. I stand corrected, and although I have no coding experience whatsoever, and probably very little in the way of saying something meaningful here, I know effort and dedication when I see it. I believe in Reborn, I believe in this community, and I believe in you, Cass. Don't let any naysayers bring you down, take all the time you need to make e19 something truely unforgettable. I'll be there every step of the way! (all this code jargon still makes me go 👁👁 lmao)
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