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Hexagoen last won the day on October 26 2016

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About Hexagoen

  • Birthday March 20

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  1. Not gonna lie, McJuggernuggets is a really good actor.

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    2. Hexagoen


      Its a youtuber wh made a series about a psycho family for over a couple of years. It fooled many people (mainly 12 year olds because its the main demographic of people who watch this series. i mean anyone who has common sense could tell this was fake.) So recently this series ended and it revealed thart this was a lie, and tbh he was really good at keeping it a secret. Also he milked the fuck out of this series, im pretty sure he made well over a million

    3. AeroWraith


      Yeah, and besides, even though it was fake, the series was entertaining for me to watch. His acting along with other people in the show were good.

    4. Hexagoen


      ^ tbh unle larry wasnt that good of an actor, he was kinda bland for me. Y'know like the mediator or somehting. didnt really appeal to me since it was a show about a crazy white family.

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