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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. Mfw heavy ass snow falling, yet still a full day of school. Gg.

  2. Welcome to reborn kortz! Hope to see you around here! Have fun
  3. So yep. our favorite wendalf has been granted another year to live Lets all say Happy birthday and partyyyyyyyyyy --- Seriously though, wendel is an amazing person to hang out with, and is such a cool dude! Happy birthday bb~
  4. Some people can be pricks. All i do is just wait till karma comes in and destroys their souls. No need to bring justice to their actions

  5. I have no chill.

  6. We need a physical Hidden Power, and a special Huge/Pure power.

    1. ShadowStar


      Scizor would just loove that/ Breloom to a lesser extent. These would be interesting to say the least.

    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      There needs to be a status that halves Special Attack.

  7. Welcome to reborn feral! Hope you have a mighty fine time here
  8. Yo DJ! Happy birthday bro! I always see you on showdown, we should like talk and stuff Also be safe while partying ok? The world is a dangerous place with memes and dreams! Dont let them get to you~
  9. Fine bros done fucked up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Isa-Chu


      that's a fact.

    3. SnowGlaceon


      What happened?

    4. CURIE


      Long story short, they tried to own the word "react".

  10. Welcome back to reborn wish! Hope you continue to play the game! See you around
  11. Lmao ark the eyes. Im laughing so hard rn.
  12. Oh yeah. Another thing that i forgot, was the whole order 66 thing that torchwick did. Like the people itself were kinda suspicious if the new robot army. Well, i kinda had my suspicions that those robot soldiers are going to be tampered with. It was just the perfect moment, especially with torchwick already hacked into atlas's security shit. What im guessing is that Ironwood will not die. We even saw in this episode what he is capable of. Breaking hard concrete with just his hands, i couple of lazers wouldn't scratch him up. Also im willing to bet that Ironwood knew this was gonna happen, especially with the way he reacted to penny's demise, as he wasnt that suprised.
  13. A fantasy, no matter how realistic, is not a reality, unless it has happened, in reality.

    1. Sutoratosu


      This entire statement is about as ground breakingly brilliant as "people die if they are killed!"

    2. Hiss13


      Shall I destroy that fantasy of yours, first?

  14. Holy shit. Its out. I should really get back into this game! Nice work Jan
  15. ^that. Anyways RECAP! Ruby goes leader mode. Fighting starting, badass photoshoots, AND A MOTHERFUCKING DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!1 (im tired, i might edit this later, but this is the basic gist of it.)

  17. well then. Sapphira is going to be a pain to beat, especially if her ace has no weakness. I am looking forawrd to playing e16
  18. Im one of the cool kids in your book right? Ey another detailed intro thread/ama! Anyways, out of all the music communities out there, why here? Was it because of our mighty lawd and savior Shofu, or because you wanted to share your dank moosic w/ us? :3 also night see you in the morning~
  19. Yo maelstrom! Happy birthday bro hope you have a good one, and be safe~
  20. Interesting video :o

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