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Everything posted by Hexagoen

  1. hmm. i like this. professionally speaking, try using the command: the text here[/url.] (remove the period) it would make it look a little bit better as it looks like...nvm just use the command up there. forum being stupid. hope this helps fam.
  2. ...how much reborn rupees equal a USD? or is it literally just 50 rupees >.> Ah thanks Tacos. either way im kinda iffy on this. ill edit this again if im in, but if not then no. its cause i barely play league :x
  3. Swiss cause it got cool holes that look cool, plus i put it on every sandwich i can :/
  4. I dont see pic, but whatever >.>- NVM thing took a while to load lmao looks nice bro! --- I could have posted this on Sunday but too lazy. Soo i visited NYC on Sunday and i decided to take some pics of my disgusting copreal form that loosely resembles a human. Spoiler: im fucking ugly as all hell :C Merry New years or something.
  5. You know what i hate? Posts that say 'Title says it all." like if your gonna do that just put it in the topic itself and not the title. Hot damn.

  6. Keckleon? More like KEKleon~

  7. (i know im late to the whole theory thing that happens with each passing episode >.>) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OMFL. BRO. this episode. I could almost forgive them for not pushing the storyline ahead (in the present spectrum of it.) but hot damn. alot of things we have learned from this. We saw the power of the so-called 'guardian' (who in retrospect is very, very powerful. flying and lightning and rainbows. i like it.) And we saw how cinder requited her lapdogs? sidekicks? grunts? idk their level of importance. and that this must have taken place a couple of years before seeing is they look more younger and there is a noticable hair difference. Also, we now know how they took down the power of these 'guardians' by doing some voodoo bug magic glove thingy. it appears that cinder absorbed some of that power, indicated by the mark that appeared on her back. speaking of the guardian power, y'know how the chick that had her power stolen, used said power moments before and had her eyes glowing from it? well i noticed that in the season two intro, cinder is appearing to have her eyes glowing in the part she appears. was this meant to be a plot point that could have been introduced back then, but scrapped just in time for them unable to edit it? what do you think? either way this episode clears up alot of things and lets us know more about the power of the guardians. 10/10 this series just keeps getting better and better.
  8. Hi there 8Bit Moonside! welcome to the reborn forums have a good time here, and have fun~ see you around
  9. Hi Namiju! I also like naps (as many of my friends here would say) lets have fun here welcome to reborn~ See you around
  10. Welcome to reborn friendly smiles!
  11. So long long ago in the realm of 2013 ish i watched this series (sometime around season 1) exactly how much has the series changed since then?
  12. I named my Diggersby, DiggersbyTho. thank y'all for your time.
  13. Welcome to reborn Lord Garchomp!
  14. i see two flaws with this: 1. this requires us to animate reborn. which, even though we have some talented artists here, they are probably not willing to do it. 2. imo we would probably quit the project halfway. --- though if you propose doing something like what team 4 star did with machinabridged FF7 we could do that to an extent. (basically what TFS did was abridge the ff7 series with the script and the ingame images) so im kinda on the fence with this.
  15. Because im bored. Can one of y'all give me a save with a Dratini in it? I wanna do a Mono Dragon. (its okay if you cannot for various reasons :/) thanks in advance
  16. ...doesnt reborn already work with the mac OS? albeit there are some limitation, but tacos already made a guide for it. unless there is gonna be an actual version of reborn that has the same features as its windows counterpart? i really dont know, it is a good concept though.
  17. Me being here for about a year has really surprised me. never in my life have i met a forum so dedicated to what it does. to the nice people i meet, to the jokes i share here, this is really an amazing place!
  18. Accidentally made this, clicked delete instead of edit... WHYYYY anyways nope didnt fufill my resolution if losing weight. still a fat fuck.
  19. I'd rather be bored then have a pile of chores on my ass.

  20. Well as it is my first time listing to these alt remixes it is a nice pleasent tone! imo it sounds too much like a christmas carol tbh js
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